Psychologists Flashcards
and their contributions to Psych
Charles Darwin
Theory of evolution, survival of the fittest-origin of the species
Gordon Allport
Three levels of traits: 1. Cardinal trait-it is the dominant trait that characterizes your life
2.Central trait-one common to all people
3. Secondary trait- it surfaces in some situations and not in others
Hans Eysenck
PEN Model- Superfactors>factors>habits>behaviours
William Sheldon
Linked personality to physique
Endomorphic (large), mesomorphic (average), ectomorphic (skinny)
Erik Erikson
8 stages of life; psychological crisis in life “who am I”
Jean Piaget
4 stages of cognitive development
Urie Bronfenbrenner
Bioecological model-
Development in set of systems: cultural, social, economic, political
Lev Vygostsky
Sociocultural Model
Lawrence Kohlberg
6 stages of moral development in children
3 levels of moral reasoning
John Watson
Founder of behaviourism
He conditioned fear of white rats and other furry objects in “Little Albert,” an orphaned 11-month-old boy.
Ivan Pavlov
Classical Conditioning
Clark Hull
Behviourist; drive reduction theory
BF Skinner
Operant Conditioning (reward-punishment); Skinner Box (rat, electric rods, food, signal)
Albert Bandura
Observational Learning
Bobo doll
Edward L. Thorndike
Primary area: Animal Intelligence
Theory of Connectionism
Law of Effect (behaviour-response)
Trace Decay Theory
George Armitage Miller
Short term memory contains seven, plus or minus two individual items (5 to 9 items)