Seniors-2021 Flashcards
What type of vision do cattle have?
What part of the reproductive tract protects the uterus from infection?
What is it called when there is any deviation from the label directions of a drug under the direction of a veterinarian?
Extra Label Drug Use
What are substances or products that do not have a nutritional value, but may be helpful in growth, digestion or health of the animal?
Feed additive
What term describes the fertilized egg during the early part of pregnancy?
What are reproductive cells (egg & sperm), containing only half of the genetic material called?
What is a cell or organ that selectively removes materials from the blood, concentrates or alters them and secreted them for further use or elimination from the body?
What is when individuals have two different genes in a gene pair?
What is when individuals have the same genes in a gene pair?
What term is used when cows cannot eat enough to keep up with their nutritional needs for maintenance and milk production?
Negative energy balance
What is an organism that requires another organism to live?
What are drugs that producers can purchase and use in accordance to the label anytime they feel they are necessary?
Over the Counter drugs
What gland stimulates production of Luteinizing Hormone and Follicle Stimulating Hormone?
Pituitary gland
What are the membranes in which the calf develops and through which it receives nourishment?
What is a gene that is not dominant for a characteristic and it must receive one gene from each parent to be expressed?
Recessive gene
What is administration of medicine by injecting in just under the skin?
Subcutaneous injection
Where is sperm deposited in the female during natural mating?
What is a single-celled organism form when an egg and sperm unite?
Where is prostaglandin produced?
Uterus, Uterine body
Where is Gonadotrophin releasing hormone produced?
What is the site of temporary storage and maturation of sperm?
Where does milk exit the mammary gland?
Streak or teat canal
What has been removed from ultra-filtered milk in order to increase the natural calcium and protein and to decrease lactose?
What is the minimum percentage of milkfat in heavy cream?
What is a tart yogurt drink that is made from unique culture grains?
What are combination of alleles at different locations on a chromosome that are transmitted together as a group?
What is one component of the gene pair, which is located at a given locus, or position on the chromosome?
What is the region of the chromosome where a particular gene is located?
What are traits that are generally controlled by one pair of genes?
Qualitative traits
What are traits that are controlled by many genes?
Quantitative traits
What is the average claw vacuum levels?
10.5 to 12.5 Hg
What acts as a filter that destroy and remove bacteria from the udder?
Supramammary lymph glands, nodes
What part of the teat is located directly above the streak canal?
Furstenburg’s rosette
What is the muscular movement in the esophagus that pushes feed along?
In the abomasum, what enzyme is secreted and is important for digesting and breaking down proteins?
What enzyme secreted in the small intestines helps digest starch?
What enzyme secreted in the small intestines helps digest proteins?
What enzyme secreted in the small intestines helps digest lipids or fats?
Insulin and glucagon are secreted by which gland?
What is the process called when the liver synthesizes glucose?
In the abomasum, what enzyme is secreted in young animals to help thicken milk so that it can be digested?
In the rumen, what are cellulose and hemicellulose converted to?
Volatile Fatty Acids
What does the acronym CIDR stand for?
Controlled Internal Drug Release
What is a process where unfertilized eggs are collected from the cows ovary, are incubated for a day and sperm added so that fertilization will hopefully occur?
In Vitro Fertilization, IVF
What is the fluid filled, blister like structure that contain developing eggs?
Follicle Stimulating Hormones (FSH)
What is the period of time after calving during which we do not breed cows even if they show heat?
Voluntary waiting period
What heat detection tool measures that steps cows take throughout the day?
What organ in the dairy cow produces urine?
What organ stores and release bile in the cow?
Gall bladder
When a cow chews her cud what is produced that acts as a natural buffer in the rumen?
A deficiency of Hemoglobin, iron or red blood cells that prevents adequate transport of oxygen by blood to tissue is known as what?
Which month has been designated as cheese month?
What is the one word term given to the measure of a farm’s available assets which can be readily converted to cash?
Which mineral when severely deficient in the cow’s diet, often results in calves born with thin hair, hairless, stillborn or enlarged thyroids?
Which kind of bedding supports the least amount of bacteria?
The A2 beta-casein gene is more prominent in which breed of dairy cattle?
If the farm price received for milk is $14 per hundredweight, what is the price received per pound of milk
14 cents
The parotid, submaxillary, buccal and palatine are what type of glands?
Salivary glands
The kjedahl test can be used to indirectly determine the protein content in feed or milk. What element does it measure?
What is the scientific term for antibodies?
What is the primary simple sugar in semen?
What hormone secreted by the uterus inhibits FSH release?
If a cow has produced 3 bull calves, what is the chance that her next calf will be a heifer?
What is the term that means no oxygen is present?
What is the name of the national dairy processor education program?
What is the term for the condition when bacteria from a local infection enter the blood stream and have systemic effects?
Conception rates are typically lowest for cows during which season?
What nutrient comprises approximately 75% of a cow by weight?
What is the term for different pathogenic types of bacteria?
How many cells are there in an embryo after 4 cell divisions?
What is the name of the technology which removes an undesirable section of DNA an replaces it with more desirable DNA?
What is the process called when Edward Jenner used the cowpox virus to prevent smallpox in humans?
What is the technical term for the eversion of the teat orifice?
What tissue is monitored for residual drug levels at slaughter?
What is the official breed magazine of the Jersey breed?
Jersey Journal
What is the official breed magazine of the Milking Shorthorn breed?
Milking Shorthorn Journal
What is the official breed magazine for the Red & White?
The Red Bloodlines
What accounts for 55-60 percent of the total cost of raising dairy replacement heifers?
Feed costs
What percentage of crude protein should a calf starter contain?
What is the main criterion used for deciding when to wean a calf?
Grain intake
What type of calf housing is when the environmental temperature is controlled?
Warm calf housing
What type of calf housing is when the temperature varies with the outside temperature?
Cold calf housing
At what age does a calf begin to chew its cud?
2-3 weeks
What is a substance that has a pH below 7.0?
What is a substance that has a pH above 7.0?
What is a system to evaluate the thinness or fatness of dairy cattle?
Body condition scoring
What is any substance that can reduce changes in pH when an acid or alkaline is added?
What is feed material found in the small intestine?
What are the tiny, finger-like projections that line the wall of the rumen?
What are small projections that line the small intestine?
What is the period of time from three weeks prior to calving to three weeks after calving?
Transition period
What secretes digestive enzymes into the small intestine?
What is the first organ to receive blood from the small intestines?
What are the three segments of the small intestine?
Duodenum, Jejunum, Ileum
What volatile fatty acid is the primary precursor for glucose?
Propionic acid
What volatile fatty acid is the primary source of energy and milkfat?
Acetic acid
Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen are the basic elements contained in what nutrient?
What is the mineral needed by the dairy cow in the largest quantity?
Carbon, Hydrogen Oxygen and Nitrogen are the basic elements contained in what nutrient?
What vitamin is known as ascorbic acid?
Vitamin C
What vitamin has a similar function as selenium?
Vitamin E
What acid is the most desirable acid produced during ensiling?
Lactic acid
What is the desired pH of properly fermented corn silage?
4.0 or less
What is considered the best material for covering a bunker silo?
What alters rumen fermentation by boosting the production of propionic acid and reducing the production of acetic acid?
What is the most reliable way of knowing the nutrient content of forages?
Forage testing
What does the Acronym DCAD stand for?
Dietary Cation-Anion Difference
What test shows how well nitrogen and fermentable carbohydrates are balanced in the ration?
MUN, Milk urea nitrogen
What is the process by which udder tissue goes back to a non-milk producing state after drying off?
What is mastitis that continues over a long period of time with progressive development of scar tissue and simultaneous reduction in milk yield?
Chronic mastitis
What are small electric currents that flow through the electrical grounded-neutral system and that pass through a cow’s body?
Stray voltage
What is mastitis with no detectable change in the udder itself and no observable abnormality of the milk?
Subclinical mastitis
What is the part of the milking system that prevents the vacuum level from exceeding a prescribed level?
Vacuum regulator, Vacuum controller
What hormone is critical in the initiation and maintenance of lactation?
What is the recommended temperature of water for washing the bulk tank, lines and other equipment?
160 degrees F
Where was the first dairy cooperative in the United States established?
Where was the first commercial cheese factory established?
New York
White blood cells and epithelial cells from milk producing tissues make up what?
Somatic cells
What does the acronym COOL stand for?
Country of Origin Labeling
What is the test that detects rancidity in milk?
Acid degree value
What enzyme is needed by humans to digest lactose?
What is the enzyme that breaks down butterfat?
What simple sugars make up lactose?
Glucose, Galactose
What method of pasteurization heats milk to 161 degrees F for 15 seconds?
High Temperature, Short Time
What method of pasteurization heats milk to 145 degrees F for not less than 30 minutes?
Batch or Holding method
What is often added to fat free milk to whiten it?
Titanium dioxide
How many tablespoons are in a stick of butter?
How much is deducted from every dairy producers check to pay for the dairy checkoff?
15 cents per hundredweight
How much is voluntarily deducted from farms who invest in the Cooperatives Working Together program?
4 cents per hundredweight
Where was the first AI cooperative in the United States established?
New Jersey
Where was the first commercial robotic milkier installed?
What hormone is released by the pineal gland in response to longer day length?
What initiative is a producer-led effort to build consumer trust and confidence in the dairy industry’s commitment to animal well-being?
The National Dairy Animal Well-Being Initiative
What program’s purpose is to show customers that the dairy industry is taking the very best care of cows and the environment, producing safe and wholesome milk and adhering to the highest standards of workforce development?
The National Dairy Farmers Assuring Responsible Management (FARM) Program
What is the temporary gland that forms on the ovary after the ovum is released?
Corpus luteum, Yellow body
What is the process where the uterus returns to normal size after calving?
What is an infection of the uterus?
What describes an animal that is neither normally fertile nor totally sterile?
What is the act of giving birth?
What is a fertilized ovum?
What describes an animal that cannot reproduce?
What is the structure that holds the uterus and ovaries in their proper position?
Broad Ligament
What hormone stimulates the growth of follicles?
Follicle Stimulating Hormones (FSH)
What hormone causes the follicle to rupture and then cause the corpus luteum to replace the follicle?
Luteinizing Hormone (LH)
What hormone causes the regression of the corpus luteum?
What hormone is necessary for the maintenance of pregnancy?
What is the duration of standing heat?
2 to 12 hours
What hormone is release prior to calving that enables the cervix to soften and stretch in preparation for expelling the calf?
What hormone does the calf trigger in response to stress to initial parturition?
What is the temperature of liquid nitrogen?
Negative 320 degrees F
Where are mature sperm stored?
How long does it take for sperm to become capacitated?
6 hours
What type of cyst are thick-walled and secrete low levels of progesterone?
Luteal cysts
What type of cyst are thin-walled and secrete variable amounts of estrogen?
Follicular cysts
What is the number one reason for culling in US dairy herds?
Reproductive failure
How long does sperm live after being deposited in the cow’s reproductive tract?
24-30 hours
What is the study of changes in organisms caused by modification of gene expression?
What is the process of determining where genes are located on individual chromosomes?
Gene mapping
What is the study of genes or gene products in an organism?
What is the study of all of the proteins that genes create?
Who publishes the US dairy genetic evaluations?
Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding
How often are genomic evaluations released?
The genetic base for genetic evaluations is updated every how many years?
What is the name of the International Bull Evaluation Service?
What term is used to describe a bull’s tendency to sire calves that are born easily?
Service Sire Calving Ease
What does the Acronym VFD stand for?
Veterinary Feed Directive
What is a protein that acts as a catalyst in starting or speeding up specific chemical reactions?
What is the only type of cells that have no nucleus?
Red blood cells, Erythrocytes
What is the number of dead animals during a specified period of time?
Mortality rate
What is the number of sick animals during a specified period of time
Morbidity rate
What is the process by which white blood cells engulf microorganisms?
What hormone produced by the pancreas promotes cell growth and division?
What gland is responsible for mobilizing calcium from the bone?
What type of orgasm causes blackleg, overeating disease and tetanus?
Clostridial organisms
What is the major artery supplying blood to the udder?
External pudic artery
What is a retrovirus that infects lymphoid tissue in cattle?
Bovine Leukosis Virus
What is an acute, fever producing disease of cattle that is cause by the bacterium Clostridium chauvoeli?
What is a disease when a cow gains too much weight during late lactation or the dry period?
Fat Cow Syndrome
What is fed or administered to cows to treat ketosis?
Propylene glycol
What is used to intravenously treat milk fever?
Calcium glutamate
What are toxins produced by a fungus?
What disease causes abortions and occasionally causes birth of weak “dummy” calves?
What is the most economically detrimental parasite of cattle?
Brown stomach worm
What does the acronym EPA stand for?
Environmental Protection Agency
What is the movement of nutrients across the surface of soils to surface water?
What is the movement of nitrates through soils to groundwater?
What type of pollution originates from multiple and diffuse sources which are not readily identified?
Non-point Source pollution
What are practices that protect water quality while improving profitability of the farm?
Best management practices
What is a financial incentive from the state or federal government to the farmer to help pay for equipment or practices that reduce pollution?
The three numbers on a fertilizer label represent what three elements?
Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium
What are the four Dairy Records Processing Centers in the US
Agritech Analytics, AgSource, Amelicor, Dairy Records Management Systems
What are the three dairy commodities that are traded at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange daily?
Block and barrel cheese, Butter futures, Class III & Class IV milk futures
Who is the worlds largest private exporter of dairy products?
New Zealand Dairy Board
The American Dairy Association, National Dairy Council and US Dairy Export Council make up what nonprofit organization?
Dairy Management, Inc.
What organization oversees approval of dairy records system standards?
Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding
Who is the worlds largest yogurt maker?
The Journal of Dairy Science is published by what organization?
American Dairy Science Association
What is the official breed magazine of the Ayrshire breed?
Ayrshire Digest
What is the official breed magazine of the Brown Swiss breed?
Brown Swiss Bulletin
What is the official breed magazine of the Guernsey breed?
Guernsey Breeders Journal
What is the official breed magazine of the Holstein breed?
The Pulse