Juniors-2021 Flashcards
What type of milking parlor has the cows set up on a platform with the stalls in a circle which rotates while the milker can stay in position?
Rotary Parlor
What is administration of medicine to the skin or to the mucous membranes of the eyes ears and nasal passages?
What are tiny sacs in the udder where milk Is produced?
What is an understanding of many different sciences related to the care of animals?
Animal Husbandry
What is a group of cattle with similar traits that are passed from generation to generation?
What is the area directly behind cattle?
Blind spot
What is an intact male of the bovine species?
What is a young dairy animal less than six months of age?
What are cattle with parents and/or ancestors of different breeds?
What is the mother of a calf?
What is a cow that is not lactating but has been through one lactation previously?
Dry cow
What is a solution of minerals that helps restore normal concentration of minerals in the body during dehydration?
What is an animal’s safety zone?
Flight zone
What does the term freshening mean?
Having a calf
What is a young female that has not given birth yet?
What is administration of medicine by injecting it into the muscle?
Intramuscular injection
What is the class of animals that give birth to live young and has the ability to produce milk from the mammary gland to feed the young?
What is administration of medicine in the mouth or in water?
How many ovaries do cattle have?
What term describes cattle that do not grow horns because of their genetic makeup?
What is an animal that has four stomach compartments?
What are forages that have gone through the anaerobic process of fermentation in a silo?
What is a heifer that is pregnant and is going to give birth soon?
Springing heifer
What are castrated male cattle called?
What is the father of a calf?
What organ is the site of growth and development of a calf during pregnancy?
What is the period of time that must pass before a product can be harvested after treatment with a medication?
Withdrawal time
If an embryo contains two x chromosomes what sex will the calf be?
If an embryo contains an x and y chromosome what sex will the calf be?
What feedstuff is a by-product from removing oil from soybeans?
Soybean Meal
What feedstuff is a by-product from removing cotton oil from cottonseeds?
Cottonseed Meal
What is another name for an umbilical infection?
Navel Ill
What is the name of the person who trims cows hooves?
Hoof trimmer
What is the name of the person who practices medical and surgical treatment of animals?
What is the name of the person who help dairy producers develop a balanced diet for their cows?
What type of milk prepared by removing about half the water from whole milk and adding at least 40 percent added sugar?
Sweetened Condensed Milk
What term describes cheese that is cured for over six months to give it a sharp flavor and firm texture?
What dairy product is made by adding a special bacterial culture to light cream?
Sour cream
How many cups of milk should those 9-18 years old eat daily?
What is the serving size of fluid milk?
1 cup
What is the female reproductive cell produced in the ovary?
Egg or Oocyte
What is the process of carrying young in the uterus?
Gestation, Pregnancy
When tying your dairy project animal what type of know should you use?
Quick release slip knot
What type of clippers do you use when clipping your cows ears, tail and to fine tune the topline?
Small Clippers
What type of clippers do you use when clipping your cows body?
Large Clippers
Where did the Jersey originate?
Isle of Jersey
Which breed generally produces milk with the highest fat and protein content?
Where did the Milking Shorthorn originate?
How much is dairy strength worth on the PDCA Dairy Cow Unified Scorecard?
How much is udder worth on the PDCA Dairy Cow Unified Scorecard?
What is the reference point to determine the height of the udder floor?
How many animals are in a class in a 4-H dairy judging contest?
When exhibiting a dairy animal in a circle, which direction should you move?
What is the initial milk secreted after calving by the mother called?
What is the structure called when a calf nurses and milk bypasses the rumen and reticulum and goes directly to the omasum and abomasum?
Esophageal Groove
What is an on-farm tool for estimating colostrum quality?
Brix refractometer, Colostrometer
What is the act of taking a young animal off of milk as the main source of nutrition?
What is the most important factor to consider in determining when to breed a heifer for the first time?
Body size
What are the leading causes of death in young calves?
Scours, Pneumonia
At what age should calves be dehorned?
Around 3 weeks
What is feed that a cow has regurgitated and is being re-chewed?
What is the tube that connects the mouth to the rumen?
What is any chemical substance that provides nourishment to the body?
What is a blend of all feeds (forages & concentrates) in one feed?
Total mixed ration
What is the vegetative portion of plants fed to livestock in the fresh, dried or ensiled state?
Hardware disease occurs in which stomach compartment?
What stomach compartment is known as the honeycomb?
What stomach compartment is known as the fermentation vat?
What stomach compartment is called the many plies?
What stomach compartment is called the true stomach?
What are the most concentrated energy source in a dairy cattle ration?
If a farmer said he was feeding a 16% dairy feed what is he referring to?
Crude protein amount
Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Sodium and Chloride are what types of minerals?
How many gallons of water does a cow drink each day?
30-50 gallons
Performance will be reduced the quickest through a lack of which nutrient?
Cobalt, Iodine, Manganese, Zinc, Copper, Iron and Selenium are what type of minerals?
What type of plants are alfalfa, clover, soybeans and lespedeza?
Cottonseed hulls, Cottonseed meal, distillers grains, soybean hulls, soybean meal and brewers grain are examples of what kid of feedstuff?
By-product feedstuffs
How many teeth does a mature cow have?
What is often added to dairy rations to improve taste and reduce dustiness?
What is the largest cost in milk production?
What stirs milk in the bulk tank to help with cooling and to provide a uniform product mixture for sampling?
What is the large storage tank for cooling and storing milk at a cold temperature until it is transported to a processing plant?
Bulk tank
What is the process by which the first few streams of milk are removed from the teat prior to milking to observe for abnormalities and to flush the teat canal?
What is the waxy substance produced by cells lining the teat canal that serves as a plug between milking and aids in reducing penetration by microorganisms?
What is the period of time when a cow is in milk?
What is the part of the milking system that causes the alternate vacuum pressure between the teat cup shell and liner?
What hormone causes milk letdown?
What is the most common type of milking parlor uses?
What is the most frequent cause of high bacterial counts in milk?
Dirty equipment
What hormone interferes with milk letdown?
Adrenaline, Epinephrine
How long should the pre-dip be left on the teat before it is wiped off?
20-30 seconds
What is the most costly disease in dairy cattle?
Where did the first cows arrive in America?
Jamestown Colony
What is the traditionally recommended length of the dry period for dairy cows?
45-60 days
When is the most effective time to treat mastitis infections?
Drying off
What is the process that turns cream into butter?
What is the primary protein found in milk?
What is the process that destroys any disease-producing bacteria that might be present in raw milk?
What is milk as it comes from the cow prior to processing?
Raw milk
What is the fluid by-product of cheese making?
What is the major solids component of milk?
What vitamin is added to milk a processing to prevent rickets?
Vitamin D
What is nature’s most nearly perfect food?
What is the process of dividing milk into skim milk and cream?
What is the process that assures that milk and dairy products will be uniform in protein and fat content?
Which two minerals found in milk are important in bone growth?
Calcium, Phosphorus
Milk is what percentage water?
How offer should the bulk tank be washed and sanitized?
Every time it is emptied
Where are off-flavors in milk most commonly found?
How many calories are in fat free milk?
How many calories are in whole milk?
How many pounds of whole milk does it take to make a pound of cheese?
10 pounds
What is classified according to consistency as soft, semi-soft, hard and very hard?
What is the most popular variety of cheese in the United States?
What is the second most popular variety of cheese in the United States?
What is the highest grade of butter sold in the United States?
US Grade AA
How many pounds of whole milk does it take to make a gallon of ice cream?
12 pounds
What grade of milk is milk produced under sanitary conditions that qualify it for fluid consumption?
Grade A
What is the document that established the standards for Grade A milk?
Pasteurized Milk Ordinance (PMO)
What month is observed as Dairy month?
What month is observed as National Grilled Cheese month?
What month is observed as National Ice Cream month?
What state ranks first for the number of organic cows?
What fast food chain uses the most milk in the US?
What is the victory drink of the Indianapolis 500?
What is the USDA illustration of the five food groups in a place setting called?
Which state ranks first for number of dairy cows?
Which state ranks first for total milk production?
How much does a gallon of milk weigh?
8.6 pounds
How much is in a hundredweight?
100 pounds
What does it mean if someone sees “3X” in a dairy animal’s production record?
The cow was milked 3 times a day
What is a firm that is owned by its farmer members, operated for their benefit and distributes earnings on the basis of patronage?
What is the main reason that dairy cows refuse to use free stalls?
Improper size
What is depositing of sperm into the reproductive tract of a female other than by natural mating?
Artificial Insemination
What is the process of removing a fertilized ovum from a donor cow and transferring it to another cow or heifer?
Embryo transfer
What is the structure through which the fetus receives all of its nutrients?
On average, how many days are the between heat periods?
21 days
What is the most reliable sign of estrus?
Standing to be mounted
What is used to freeze and store semen?
Liquid nitrogen
What is used to determine pregnancy, embryonic losses, if twins are being carried and determine the sex of the embryo?
Which breed has the longest gestation period?
Brown Swiss
What is the average gestation length for a cow?
276-292 days
Which season is retained placenta incidence highest?
What is a sterile heifer that is born twin to a bull?
What is the basic unit of inheritance?
Who parent determines that sex of a calf?
How many pairs of chromosomes do dairy cattle have?
30 pairs
What is the technical term used to describe brothers and sisters?
What is a record of ancestry?
What accompanies a purebred animal and certifies its parentage?
Registration paper
What is the most important feature when selecting tags for identification?
What is the three number country code for the United States for animal identification?
The undesirable recessive traits known as weaver, spiderleg and spinal muscular atrophy affect which breed?
Brown Swiss
The undesirable recessive traits known as Bovine Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency, Haplotype for Cholesterol Deficiency, and Complex Vertebral Malformations affect which breed?
The undesirable recessive traits know as limber legs and rectovaginal constrictions affect which breed?
What are chemical agents given to animals that kill or stop growth of bacteria
If your vet says your cow has a DA what is wrong with her?
Displaced Abomasum, Twisted Stomach
What is an instrument used to give an animal a pill?
Balling Gun
What are diseases and infections that are transmitted between vertebrate animals and human beings?
What are management practices that protect the herd from the entry of new disease and minimize the spread and or adverse effects of disease in the herd?
What term describes any microorganism that causes disease?
What is the normal body temperature for a calf?
102.5 degrees F
What is the normal body temperature for an adult dairy cow?
101.5 degrees F
What is the normal pulse rate for a cow?
60-70 heart beats per minute
What is the normal respiratory rate for a cow?
30 breaths per minute
What causes BVD, IBR, PI-3 and Warts?
How many pounds of blood are pumped through the udder to produce one pound of milk?
400 pounds
What is a condition that occurs when a cow cannot belch?
What is the common name for the disease know as acetonemia?
What is the common name for the disease know as parturient paresis?
Milk fever
What is the common name for the disease know as pododermatitis?
Foot rot
What is the common name for the disease know as infections bovine keratoconjunctivitis?
Pink eye
What is the common name for the disease know as infections bovine rhinotraceitis?
Red nose
What is the common name for the disease know as listeriosis?
Circling disease
What is the common name for the disease know as traumatic gastritis?
Hardware disease
What is often given to an animal to prevent hardware disease?
What are copper sulfate, zinc sulfate and formalin used in?
What are lung worms, round worms, stomach worms, liver flukes and coccidia?
Internal parasites
What are flies, lice, mites, mosquitoes and ticks?
External parasites
What is the most effective management tool to control flies on a dairy farm?
What causes ringworm?
What is a disease in calves characterized by diarrhea, dehydration, and unthriftiness?
What does the acronym FDA stand for?
Food and Drug Administration
What does the acronym DHIA stand for?
Dairy Herd Information Association
What does the acronym PDCA stand for?
Purebred Dairy Cattle Association
What does the acronym USDA stand for?
United States Department of Agriculture
What is the national dairy farm magazine?
Hoard’s Dairyman
Who is considered the first person to discover that bacteria caused food spoilage and disease?
Louis Pasteur
Who invented the milk bottle?
Dr. Harvey Thatcher
What is the most common type of manure storage on dairy farms?
What is a plan for land application of manure and fertilizer to meet crop needs?
Nutrient management plan
Who is the largest dairy cooperative in the US?
Dairy Farmers of American (DFA)
Who is the largest processor and distributor of milk and dairy products in the US?
Nestle USA
Where is the World Dairy Expo held?
Madison, Wisconsin
Where is the All-American Dairy Show held?
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Where did the Ayrshire originate?
Where did the Brown Swiss originate?
Where did the Guernsey originate?
Isle of Guernsey
The milk of which breed is known for it’s golden color?
Where did the Holstein originate?
Netherlands/Holland and Germany
Which breed makes up about 90% of the US dairy cow population?
On average, which breed produces the most milk per cow?
What are the three colors found in registered Holstein cattle?
Black, red and white