Intermediates-2021 Flashcards
What type of milking parlor has the cows stationed at an angle to the milking alley?
Herringbone parlor
What is protection an animal receives when its immune system is working and manufacturing its own antibodies?
Active immunity
What term describes the general shape and structure of an animal?
What is the ability of a gene to mask or cover up the presence of another gene?
What is another term for eructation?
What occurs in crossbreeding when the offspring performs above the average of both parents?
Heterosis, hybrid vigor
What is production of offspring from parents more closely related than the average of a population?
What is administration of medicine by injecting it into a blood vein?
Intravenous injection
What is administration of medicine by directly infusing it into the udder?
Intramammary injection
What term describes protection that a calf receives from antibodies transferred from the mother to the calf in colostrum?
Passive immunity
What are drugs that can only be used under the direction of a veterinarian?
Prescription drugs
Where is sperm deposited during artificial insemination?
Uterus, Uterine body
What part of the female reproductive tract produces the eggs in small blister-like structures called follicles?
Where is the site of sperm production?
Testes, Testicles
What is another term for calving difficulty?
What feedstuff is a by-product from making beef from grains?
Brewers Grain
What feedstuff is a by-product from making alcohol for liquor or fuel?
Distillers Grain
What feedstuff is a by-product from removing starch, oil and germ from corn?
Corn Gluten Meal
What type of milking parlor has the cows situate next to each other at a 90 degree angle to the milker?
Parallel parlor
What temperature is milk when it first leaves a cow’s udder?
101.5 degrees F
What is the minimum percent milkfat in whole milk?
What temperature should milk and other dairy products in the refrigerator be stored below?
40 degrees F
What is a distinct portion of a cell’s DNA that determines a portion of an animals’ appearance, performance, behavior and other characteristics?
What is the smallest structural unit of an organism that is capable of independent function?
What is the part of the cell that contains an organism’s DNA?
What is a simple way to predict the possible genetic combinations from the mating of two individuals?
Punnett Square
What washing milking equipment, most cleaning chemicals exert the most power around what temperature?
160 degrees F
How often should milking hoses be changed?
At least every 6 months
What type of milking parlor milks each cow one at a time?
Side Opening parlor
What type of parlor is where the cows are angled at about 70 degrees and the unit is attached through the hid legs?
Swing parlor
What is the ringed shaped muscle at the lower end of a cow’s teat?
What are extra teats called?
Supernumerary teats
What metabolic disease is an accumulation of fat within the cow’s liver?
Fatty Liver
What metabolic disease is when the fetal membranes fail to expel within 24 hours after parturition?
Retained placenta
What vitamin helps with vision and maintains epithelial cells?
Vitamin A
What is the normal pH of the rumen?
What are chemicals release that circulate the body to bring about changes that affect organs?
What is the portion of the female estrous cycle known as heat?
What is a combination of sperm and fluid from the accessory sex glands?
Who received the first patent for condensed milk?
Gail Borden
Where is the American Jersey Cattle Association headquarters located?
Reynoldsburg, Ohio
Where is the American Milk Shorthorn Association headquarters located?
Beloit, Wisconsin
Where is the Red & White Dairy Cattle Association headquarters located?
Watertown, Wisconsin
How much is frame worth on the PDCA Dairy Cow Unified Scorecard?
How much is rear feet and legs worth on the PDCA Dairy Cow Unified Scorecard?
What two part’s of a cow may be twisted to one side and called wry?
Face & Tail
What is the major support of the under and divides it in half when viewed from the rear?
Median suspensory ligament
What was the first state to make tampering with show cows a crime?
What does the acronym ADG stand for?
Average daily gain
What is milk harvested from the second, third, and fourth milking after calving?
Transition milk
How can excess colostrum be stored?
Add preservative acid, fermented, frozen, refrigerated
What are the places where pathogens may gain entry into a newborn calf’s body?
Mouth, navel, Nose
What are the building blocks of true proteins?
Amino Acids
What is the total energy in a feedstuff minus the energy lost in feces?
Digestible energy
What is the portion of a feed that remains after water has been removed?
Dry matter
What are plants that are seeded each year and whose growth are completed in one crop year?
How many quarts of saliva do dairy cows produce in a day?
50-80 quarts
What are plants that have a life cycle of more than two years?
What are the four compartments of a ruminant’s stomach?
Rumen, Reticulum, Omasum, Abomasum
Which stomach compartment is located closest to the heart?
What are the gases produced in the rumen?
Carbon dioxide, Methane
What types of organisms live and digest feed in the rumen?
Bacteria, Fungi & Protozoa
What is the primary acid found in the abomasum?
Hydrochloric acid
What are the two main functions of the large intestine?
Water absorption, Storage of waste materials
What is most likely to be the limiting nutritional requirement for high producing dairy cows?
What is the unit of measure of energy in a feed?
What are the main products of carbohydrate digestion by rumen microorganisms?
Volatile Fatty Acids
What are the most limiting amino acids in dairy cattle nutrition?
Lysine, Methionine
Vitamin A, D, E and K are what type of vitamins?
Fat-soluble vitamins
Vitamin B complex and Vitamin C are what type of vitamins?
Water-soluble vitamins
What vitamin plays a role in the coagulation of blood?
Vitamin K
What are Limestone, Sodium bentonite, Magnesium oxide and Sodium bicarbonate used in dairy cattle rations?
What is the most common reason that farm owners adopt grazing?
Cost reduction
What is a system for sanitizing teat cup liners between cow milkings?
What is the capability to clean and disinfect the milk-contact components of a milking system by circulating appropriate solutions through them without disassembly?
CIP, Clean in Place
What are spherical clusters of secretory cells in the mammary gland that are arranged in grape-like structures?
What is the cyclic opening and closing of a teat cup liner?
What is milk remaining in the mammary gland following completion of milking?
Residual milk
What is milk-mineral deposits on milk handling equipment?
Milk stone
What is a chemical solution used to kill bacteria on product contact surfaces?
What is the only part of the milking system that touches the cow?
Teat cup liner, Inflation
How often should the teat cup liners be replaced?
Every 1,000-1,200 cow milkings
What is the first line of defense against mastitis infection?
Teat canal
What is the second natural line of defense against a mastitis infection?
What is the legal limit for somatic cell counts in raw milk in the United States?
750,000 cells/ml
What is the legal limit for somatic cell counts in raw milk in the European Community?
400,000 cells/ml
What are high numbers of somatic cells in milk a general indicators of?
Step ag, Staph aureus and Mycoplasma are examples of which kind of mastitis pathogen?
E. coli, Enterbactor, Klebsiella, Strep uberis and Strep dysgalactiae are examples of which kind of mastitis pathogen?
What is the legal limit for bacteria counts in raw milk in the US?
100,000 cfu/ml
What is the process that removes solid impurities from milk prior to pasteurization?
What instrument is used to test the freezing point of milk to determine if water has been added?
What is the process by which vitamins are added to milk?
What is a condition when a person cannot break down milk sugar?
Lactose intolerance
What are dairy foods that have been fermented with lactic acid bacteria?
Cultured dairy products
What is the test used to determine if raw milk has mixed with pasteurized milk?
Phosphatase test
What is the test that measures bacterial content of raw milk to monitor milk quality?
Standard plate count
Milk is what percentage digestible?
Milk should be kept under what temperate to maintained the best quality?
Below 40 degrees F
How many pounds of whole milk does it take to make a pound of butter?
21.2 pounds
How many calories are in low-fat milk?
How many calories are in reduced fat milk?
Butter must contain a minimum of what percent fat?
Cream must contain a minimum of what percent fat?
How many grams of fat are in fat free milk?
How many pounds of milk does it take to make one pound of authentic Greek yogurt?
4 pounds
What class of dairy products are beverage milks?
Class I
What class of dairy products are fluid cream products, yogurt, and manufactured products?
Class II
What class of dairy products are cream cheese and hard manufactured cheese?
Class III
What class of dairy products are butter and milk in dried form?
Class IV
What is a dairy farmer-funded self-help program to address supply and demand imbalances that can depress milk prices?
Cooperatives Working Together (CWT)
Who regulates the standards for any farm or operation that wants to sell an agricultural product as organically produced?
How much does a bushel of corn weigh?
56 pounds
How much does a bushel of soybeans weigh?
60 pounds
A kilogram is equal to how many pounds?
2.2. pounds
What is the standard length of a DHIA record?
305 days
How often does the US Congress pass a bundle of legislation called the Farm Bill?
Every 5 years
Who is a person who believes that an animals life has the same value as a human life and has the goal of eliminating all systems that involve the use of animals by humans?
Animal rights activist
What is a condition in which animals experience good health, are able to effectively cope with their environment and are able to express a diversity of species typical behaviors?
Animal well being
What is the country that buys the most dairy products from the United States?
What is the country that sells the most dairy products to the United States?
What is a premature expulsion of a fetus?
What is the period of time from one calving to the next calving?
Calving interval
What is the percent of breedings that result in a pregnancy?
Conception rate
What is the condition when one or both testes fail to descend from the abdomen into the scotum?
When are most embryo transfers conducted?
Day 7 or 8 after breeding
What is the process of joining an ovum and a sperm?
Where does fertilization take place?
What is the process that involves treating a cow with FSH to increase the number of ova produced?
What is an animal called the received a fertilized ovum from a donor?
What percent of the ova in a mature cow’s ovaries are present at birth?
What are the two main functions of the ovary?
Produce ova, Secrete hormones
What hormone controls the secretion of pituitary hormones?
Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH)
What hormone is produced by the follicle and is necessary for behavioral estrus and peaks at the onset of standing estrus?
What temperature should you thaw frozen semen?
90-95 degrees F
How many hours after the onset of standing heat should a cow be artificially inseminated?
5-15 hours
What is the main function of the testes?
Produce sperm, Produce the male sex hormones
What hormones is responsible for the male sex drive?
What does the acronym DNA stand for?
Deoxyribonucleic Acid
What does the acronym BAA stand for?
Breed Age Average
What does the acronym GMO stand for?
Genetically Modified Organism
What does the acronym PTA stand for?
Predicted Transmitting Ability
What is a threadlike linear strand of DNA that carries the genes and functions in the transmission of hereditary information?
On an NAAB code for a sire if you see the letters 7JE1038, what does JE stand for?
Jersey Breed
On an NAAB code for a sire if you see the letters 7JE1038, what does the 7 stand for?
Stud, Select Sires
On an NAAB code for a sire if you see the letters 7JE1038, what does the 7 stand for?
Individual bull identification number
What is the genetic make-up of an individual?
What is the total genetic content of an organism?
What is the observed trait of an individual resulting from the effects of the genotype, the environment and their interaction?
What is the indicator of the accuracy of genetic evaluations?
What is the measure of the percent of phenotypic differences between animals for a single trait that can be transmitted to an offspring?
What is the current genetic method used for evaluating bulls and cows?
Animal Model
What calving ease score would be given for an extremely difficult birth?
What is an animal that is infected with a disease but has no clinical symptoms?
What are poisons produced by microorganisms that kill cells?
What are proteins synthesized by organs of the cow’s immune system that aid in the elimination of foreign substances?
What instrument is used to puncture the rumen in cases of bloat?
What connects one bone to another bone?
What connects a muscle to a bone?
What is known as the powerhouse of cell?
A displaced abomasum, ketosis, milk fever and retained placenta are all classified as what kind of diseases?
What is a metabolic disorder that often occurs when a dairy cow eats too much grain?
The milk ring test is used to identify what disease in cattle?
Which side do most displaced abomasum occur?
What metabolic disorder is associate with a magnesium deficiency?
Grass tetany
What is the ideal environmental temperature range for dairy cattle?
25 to 65 degrees F
What disease is caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium paratuberculosis?
Johne’s Disease
What is a condition when there is an accumulation of ketones in the body?
What is a fatal brain disease of cattle caused by a prion which affects the brain and spinal cord?
Mad Cow Disease, Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy
What disease is caused by a deficiency of blood calcium?
Milk Fever
What type of fly is associated with grubs or warbles?
Heel fly
What type of fly spreads pinkeye?
Face Fly
What class of chemicals are used to kill internal parasites?
What is used to control ringworm?
Tincture of Iodine
What is a condition that exists when an excessive amount of lymph accumulates between the skin and secretory tissue of the udder?
Udder edema
What disease is caused by a deficiency of Vitamin E and/or selenium?
White muscle disease
What is a respiratory disease the cattle often develop after being transported by truck or rail?
Shipping fever
What causes coccidia and Cryptosporidium?
What is the ideal location for most intravenous injections?
Jugular vein
Who developed the butterfat test that was the basis for DHIA testing?
SM Babcock
Who invented the centrifugal cream separator?
Dr. Gustaw Delaval
What does the acronym CAFO stand for?
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation
What does the acronym IPM stand for?
Integrated Pest Management
What is water in the soil?
Ground water
What is water in any exposed body of water including streams, rivers, ponds, lakes and oceans?
Surface water
What are areas of grassland installed between cropland or feedlots and waterways to take up nutrients and prevent nutrients form running off into water?
Buffer strips
How much does an animal unit weigh?
1,000 pounds
If you see 15-10-5 on a fertilizer label what does the 15 represent?
If you see 15-10-5 on a fertilizer label what does the 10 represent?
If you see 15-10-5 on a fertilizer label what does the 5 represent?
Potassium, Potash
What method of disposing of dead calves and cows requires air, moisture, nutrients and carbon?
What is the top dairy company in the world based on dairy sales?
Nestle of Switzerland
What is the international organization of educators, scientist and industry representatives who are committed to advancing the dairy industry?
American Dairy Science Association
Where is the National Dairy Shrine Museum located?
Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin
Where is the National 4-H Dairy Conference held?
Madison, Wisconsin
Where is the North American International Livestock Exposition held?
Louisville, Kentucky
Where is the US Ayrshire Breeders Association headquarters located?
Columbus, Ohio
Where is the Brown Swiss Cattle Breeders Association headquarters located?
Beloit, Wisconsin
Where is the American Guernsey Association headquarters located?
Columbus, Ohio
Where is the Holstein Association USA, Inc. headquarters located?
Brattleboro, Vermont