Seminar Essay Question Flashcards
Decision outcome Hollingshead & Mcgrath (1995)
Electronic brainstorming produced wider range of ideas and increased creativity.
Tuckman’s stages Face to Face
Storming - Time is spent planning, collecting information and bonding. The team forms.
Norming - The team starts to address the task suggesting ideas. Different ideas may compete for ascendancy and if badly managed this phase can be very destructive for the team.
Forming - This tends to be a move towards harmonious working practices with teams agreeing on the rules and values by which they operate. Contribution from each individual.
Video Chat
Was not highly rated, this may be due to everyone having to have a strong signal in order to participate, and signal
Dubrovsky et al (1991) Online discussion, the deliberation process may benefit from equality of participation
Suggested the equalization theory whereby status and level of expertise were manipulated during a group task. During F-t-F , the higher status participated dominated and was the first advocate.
However, during electronic discussions participation & first advocacy was shared between all statuses
Pizeon (2011) Online discussion, the deliberation process may benefit from equality of participation
Found no online social loafing supporting equal contribution compared to Face to Face.
Online discussion, the deliberation process may benefit from equality of participation Reflection
During the face to face discussion, participants who implied that they play video games contributed more to the discussions than others with a lower status to video games, particularly as most participants were female, the males seemed to dominate the discussion more if they expressed themselves as a ‘gamer’. However, it seemed when the geographical location was changed to online and done synchronous participation was equal and there was no social loafing.
However, Occurred the most in asynchronous (Reflection), contrastingly findings show that social loafing should occur most in face to face and video
Individual Differences Xie, Durrington (2011)
Found there was a link between student motivation and participation during online discussions.
Individual Differences Hammick and Lee (2013)
Found communication apprehension (anxiety) was reduced in an online setting, Furthermore, those was openly expressed themselves as gamers may have been intrinsically motivated to post more frequently and reply to questions in the asynchronous and synchronous discussions.
Dembling 2010 - Extrovert Online vs Introvert Offline,
Individual Differences Reflection
May explain the differences between contribution in face to face discussions and electronic discussion participation. Introverts may feel unable to contribute to a group face to face if there are extroverts who dominate the topic of conversation in this case video games. However, Introverts seemed to gain confidence in the electronic discussion.
The Phenomenon of group polarisation,
Whereby a group discussion concludes with a more extreme decision than is held by any one individual, this is usually due to too much cohesion.
Lee (2007) group polarisation,
Suggested de individualisation caused by anonymity during online communication, induced greater polarisation than during face to face communication.
Group Polarisation Reflection
Group Polarisation was not evident during our electronic discussions; individuals often shared opposing views, resulting in a holistic conclusion to a our video game article.
This may be due to having face to face communication before the electronic discussion and having a whatsapp chat which helped to reduce anonymity and allow everyone to be on a personal level rather than strangers.
Leadership Qiu & Mcdougall (2013
The role of leadership appears to influence group processes during electronic communication, Qiu & Mcdougall (2013) found participants had a prevalent ‘leader in face to face was less able to dominate through
Leadership Hollingshead (2011)
Suggests the role of leadership is lost in online communication. As the geographical difference may cause depolarisation, thus motivating more interest in the content of a message rather than the person providing it.
Similarly the individual who dominated the face to face discussions, was not so domineering in the asynchronous and synchronous electronic discussions this was due to turn taking in the online discussion.
Leadership Reflection
The leader was developed the fastest in Face to Face discussions/video chat allowed to emerge faster. Leaders developed naturally when delegations were being made, however the leader differed throughout each task.
This may be due to the final task, everyone was in a whatsapp chat, therefore everyone was on a friendly and sociable level, meaning introverts may of became more confident and felt comfortable
Dembling 2010 - Extrovert Online vs Introvert Offline, introducing is already done, and fear of awkward chat is not evident as much online rather than face to face.