Semiconductors and semiconductor devices Flashcards
What can carry charge? (2)
electrons in most solids
ions can also carry mostly in liquid solutions
Why don’t the negatively charged electron bump into the +ve charged Cu ions?
Because the electrons are waves travelling in a periodic arrangement of Cu ions - the electron wave avoids the ions – that’s partly the reason we
have an energy gap – the energy gap is related to the electron waves that can’t propagate because they are reflected by the planes of atoms – like Bragg reflection of X-rays
What happens in a microscopic model of conduction using Ohm’s law?
There will be defects which include dislocations, impurities, surfaces so the electrons accelerate for bit collide with a defect, stop or go off in a different direction and start again – this constant colliding is called scattering – the defect is called a scattering centre
• Even in a perfect crystal if T>0 the temperature induced motion moves the Cu ions from their usual position the crystal is not longer periodic and the electron is scattered
What is the defect called scattering centre
the electrons accelerate for bit collide with a defect, stop or go off in a different direction and start again – this constant colliding is called scattering
What is drift velocity?
the constant stop-go motion of the charge carrier (the electron) with an averaged velocity
How is conductivity determined in a metal?
determined by the concentration of electrons in the conduction band and the mobility of the electrons
How is mobility determined in a metal?
the mobility is determined by the number of scattering centres and the “effective mass” of the electron in the conduction band
In a metal, as As the temperature goes up……..scattering and mobility…
scattering goes up and the mobility drops.
If a metal has lots of dislocations the conductivity will be….
What are the charge carriers in semiconductors?
the charge carriers are both electrons in the conduction band and holes in the valence band – the mobility the electrons and holes is usually different in a given semiconductor and also varies between semiconductors.
Conductivity in semiconductors increases when… temperature…..
The conductivity of semiconductors increases with temperature
Why does conductivity increase in semiconductors when temperature increases?
because although their mobility is reduced the concentration of electrons and holes increases and that dominates
When will charge carriers not scatter?
If we had a perfect crystal at T=0 then the charges carriers would not scatter and material would not obey Ohm’s law
What effects the mass of the charge carriers?
effected by moving through a period array of ions that make up the crystal lattice and to take account of that we say that the charge carrier has “an effective mass” in a solid. Electrons behave as if they had a different mass from free space when they are in a solid.
Apart from effective mass, what happens when you increase the number of defects and impurities in a solid?
increasing the number of defects and impurities in the solid reduces the mobility of the carriers and so reduces the conductivity.
Does the Presence of imperfections increase or decrease resistivity?
increases resistivity
What are examples of imperfections? (4)
grain boundaries dislocations
impurity atoms vacancies
Why do imperfections increase resistivity?
As they act to scatter electrons so that they take a less direct path
Resistivity increases with…..
- impurity
- -deformation
What is the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic conduction (number of electrons and holes)?
- The number of electrons = number of holes in intrinsic
- the number of electrons does not equal the number of holes in extrinsic
How do extrinsic conduction occur?
when impurities are added with a different number of valence electrons than the host
When the electri- semiconductor
cal characteristics are dictated by impurity atoms,
In an n-type extrinsic is n greater or less than p?
n is greater than p
In an p-type extrinsic is n greater or less than p?
p is greater than n
Why does conductivity increase doping?
Imperfection sites lower the activation energy to
produce mobile electrons.
How does intrinsic conduction occur?
those in which the electrical extrinsic behavior is based on the electronic structure inherent in the pure material
When temperature of an extrinsic increases to the point it becomes intrinsic. for T»_space; 450 K: “intrinsic
What are the three stages in a semiconductor?
freeze-out extrinsic intrinsic - for T < 100 K: "freeze-out, thermal energy insufficient to excite electrons. - for 150 K < T < 450 K: "extrinsic" - for T >> 450 K: "intrinsic
For intrinsic semiconductors conductivity increases with….
temperature, it is the opposite to metals.
What does MOSFET stand for?
Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor
Why are MOSFET called field effect?
because the electric field in the channel controls the
number of charge carriers in the channel –the voltage on the gate determines
the field in the channel.
What parts are there in a MOSFET? (6)
- Three metal pieces, the first one is the source, second is the gate and third is the drain
- SiO2 insulating layer
- p-type channel; two sections of p-Type Si
- n-type Si substrate
How do you turn the MOSFET on and off?
- The voltage on the gate controls (switches on and off) the current between the source and drain
What happens during MOSFET operation?
A positive voltage on the gate drives the holes out of the p channel, remember in a p-type material (σ = p e μh) a positive gate voltage makes p go to zero in the channel and so the conductivity goes to zero and the MOSFET switches off. The electric field at the gate drives the carriers out of the channel. When the carriers are removed the channel is said to be depleted.
What are dielectrics on the MOSFET?
What are dielectrics?
Insulators do not conduct electricity at least not Direct
Current (DC) electricity
How are dielectric properties measured?
Their dielectric properties are measured by their relative permittivity (or
dielectric constant), εr
Why is SiO2 used in a MOSFET?
he SiO2 on the MOSFET is used because it’s a dielectric – easily
made on the Si by just exposing the surface of the Si crystal to hot O2 -
it has good dielectric properties. For SiO2, εr~3
What is going on inside the dielectric in a MOSFET?
In a dielectric the charges are bound and cannot move – the electrons are in the valence band. Electric dipoles form in the material when a voltage is applied
The total amount of charge stored relates to all the sum of all the……
The total amount of charge stored relates to all the sum of all these dipoles in the material.
What happens when you apple a very large voltage to the dielectric?
if we apply a very large voltage we can give the bound charges enough energy to cross the energy gap and the dielectric will be come conducting – when this happens it’s called dielectric breakdown – lightning is an example of dielectric breakdown.
The element P is a substitutional impurity in Si crystal. What type of dopant is it called?
Donor dopant, as P is a non-metal that receives electrons
What type of elements are used for p-type doping?
Elements with 3 valence electrons are used for p-type doping
What type of elements are used for n-type doping?
elements with 5 valence electrons for n-doping.
What happens during p-type doping?
The 3-valent dopants can catch an additional outer electron, thus leaving a hole in the valence band of silicon atoms. Therefore the electrons in the valence band become mobile. The holes move in the opposite direction to the movement of the electrons.
Why is p-type doping called p-type?
With the inclusion of an electron, the dopant is negatively charged, such dopants are called acceptors (acceptare, lat. = to add). Again, the dopant is fixed in the crystal lattice, only the positive charges can move. Due to positive holes these semiconductors are called p-conductive or p-doped. Analog to n-doped semiconductors, the holes are the majority charge carriers, free electrons are the minority charge carriers.
What happens in n-type doping?
Four outer electrons combine with ever one silicon atom, while the fifth electron is free to move and serves as charge carrier. This free electron requires much less energy to be lifted from the valence band into the conduction band, than the electrons which cause the intrinsic conductivity of silicon. The dopant, which emits an electron, is known as an electron donor
Why is n-type doping called n-type?
The dopants are positively charged by the loss of negative charge carriers and are built into the lattice, only the negative electrons can move. Doped semimetals whose conductivity is based on free (negative) electrons are n-type or n-doped. Due to the higher number of free electrons those are also named as majority charge carriers, while free mobile holes are named as the minority charge carriers.
When a positive voltage is applied to the gate the conductivity of the channel drops to zero - why?
p = 0, the number of holes in the channel drops to zero because the positive charge carriers - the holes are repelled by the positive voltage on the gate