Semester Exam Flashcards
Behavioral Psychology
how we learn observable responses
Positive Correlation
most frequent
middle (50th percentile)
APA Guidelines
1) Informed Consent
2) Protection
3) Confidentiality
4) Debrief
Normal Distribution
bell curve
Hindsight Bias
believe, after learning the outcome, that one would have foreseen it. (i-knew-it-all-along phenomenon)
Cognitive Psychologists
study how we perceive, think, and solve problems
Standard Deviation
1) 68%
2) 95%
3) 99%
Independent Variable
factor that is being manipulated/studied
Experimental Studies
explore cause and effect
Placebo Effect
experimental results caused by expectation alone
Statistical Interference
Operational Definiton
statement of the procedures used to define research variables
nerve cell; basis of nervous system
Acetylcholine and Dopamine
A: muscle action, learning; depletes memory= Alzheimer’s
D: movement, attention, and emotion; increased amounts cause schizophrenia, decreased= Parkinson’s
sending neuron reabsorbs excess neurotransmitter
Parasympathetic/ Sympathetic Nervous System
S: Arouses body; increased heart rate, blood pressure; decreased digestion
P: calms body; increased digestion, decreased heart rate and blood pressure.
Divisions of Nervous System
Central(brain+spinal cord) and Peripheral(somatic and autonomic(symp/para))
Occipital Lobe
Endocrine System
secretes hormones
Spinal Cord
pain reception; hand jerks before brain receives info of pain
PET Scan
radioactive glucose
Sleep Apnea
temporarily stop breathing while sleeping
one person suggests to another that certain feelings, thoughts, or behaviors will spontaneously occur
Alcohol Effects
slowed thinking, memory disruption, decreased self-awareness, organ damage
Selective Attention
awareness focuses on one minute aspect (talking on the phone while driving)
Phenotypic Traits
physical, visible traits; ie. hair color, eye color
Social Learning Theory
learn social behavior by watching others
Erikson’s Stages
0-1: Trust VS mistrust; needs met= trust
1-3: Autonomy VS shame and doubt; do things by themselves or they will doubt themselves
3-6: Initiative VS guilt; initiate tasks or feel guilty about being independent
6-puberty: Competence VS Inferiority; pleasure of applying self to task, or feel inferior.
teen- 20’s: Identity VS Role Confusion; sense of self or confused about who they are
20-40: Intimacy VS Isolation; love or isolated
40-60: Generativity VS Stagnation: contribute to world, or lack of purpose
60&Up- Integrity VS Despair: sense of satisfaction or failure w/ life
Critical Period
optimal period when certain events must take place to develop properly
Kohlberg’s Theory of Morality
Preconventional- avoid punishment
Conventional- follow laws and social standards
Postconventional-basic rights and ethics
Primary Sex Characteristics
reproductive organs
emotional reactivity
rules+ expect obedience; strict
Longitudinal Studies
Who Genetically Determines the Sex of Child?
Location of Sound
can tell by which ear it hits first
Size Constancy
objects have constant size @ different distances