Chapter 14 Flashcards
Social Psych
study of how people think about, influence, and relate to one another
Attribution Theory
we explain someone’s behavior by crediting either the person’s stable traits (dispositional attribution) or because of the situation (situation attribution)
Fundamental Attribution Error
you believe that your behavior changes with the situation but not others’.
feelings, often influenced by our beliefs, that predispose us to respond in a particular way to objects, people, and events.
Central Route to Persuasion
people focus on the arguments
Peripheral Route to Persuasion
people are influenced by incidental cues such as the speaker’s attractiveness.
Foot-in-the-Door Phenomenon
tendency for people who have first agreed to something small to comply later to a larger request.
Role Playing
given a higher position, then act accordingly
prison experiment; some guards, some prisoners; showed hoe perceived role could affect behavior
Cognitive Dissonance
when attitudes and actions don’t match, we try to change attitudes to match
Chameleon Effect
unconsciously mimic others
Mood Linkage
sharing up and down moods in order to empathize
conformity; confederates answered wrong, volunteer did too bc others did
adjusting behaviors or thinking to coincide with a group standard
Normative Social Influence
conform to avoid rejection or gain social approval
Informational Social Influence
conform to be accurate; ex) in a groups, agree with others bc two heads better than one
studied obedience; shock tests; tell volunteer to shock when other answers wrong, obeyed
highest when:
1-the person giving orders seemed like a legitimate authority figure
2- victim was depersonalized/ in another room
3- no role models for defiance
Milgram Controversy
unethical bc stressed and decieved volunteers
Milgram Lessons
average person can harm others
Social Facilitation
stronger responses on simple or well learned tasks in the presence of others
Social Loafing
diminished effort when in a group
loss of self awareness and self restraint occurring in group situations that foster arousal and aonymity
Group Polarization
beliefs and attitudes we bring to a group grow stronger as we discuss them with like minded others
mode of thinking that occurs when the desire for harmony in a decision making group overrides a realistic appraisal of alternatives
unjustifiable negative BELIEF towards a group and its members
Explicit Associations
?? conscious relation of two items
Implicit Associations
?? unconscious relation of two items
Gender Prejudice
people believe men are smarter than women
Just-World Phenomenon
belief that the world is fair and people therefore get what they deserve; karma
unjustifiable negative ATTITUDE towards a group and its members.
-combo of stereotyped beliefs, negative feelings,and a predisposition to discriminatory actions
an overgeneralized belief about a group of people (example)
Ingroup Bias
tendency to favor our own group
Other-Race Effect
recall faces of one’s own races more accurrately than faces of other races
Blame-the-Victim Phenomenon
place blame on the vivtim; “she was asking for it because of what she was wearing”
any physical or verbal behavior meant to hurt or destroy