semester 2 exam Flashcards
created in the image and likeness of god
image=exact resemblance
likeness= possess some of the same characteristics of god
* God created a creature that’s is higher then the animals
*a being that possess a special likeness to him
* god developed a being that is capable of developing personal, spiritual relationship with god
a soul
- unlike the plants and animals humans are spiritual beings
- we possess a unique soul
- souls allow us to form a personal relationship with our creator
- from god we seek to make friendships and deepen them
freedom to choose
- capable of comparing the options before us
- like the angels humans possess free will
- freedom to curse god or worship god
- god does try to guide us but doesn’t force us
- god is always reaching out to us but it is us who need to accept the invitation
social feature:
human dignity
- comes from god
- from the human dignity people have the right to have food, water, shelter and a job
- we are capable of knowing and loving god
social feature:
common good
- a being coming to their full pectineal as god intends them to be
- takes responsibility for the environment
- god made earth for us so we need to be stewards of the earth and look after his creation
social feature:
- responsibilities to each other: racial, cultural and economic
- respects and promotes rights
- promotes spiritual and material solidarity with everyone
love and compassion
- animals can love but they don’t possess compassion
* only humans have the ability to possess love and compassion so they can love and worship god
rising sea levels
thermal expansion:
- heat is coming from the sun and heating but the oceans
- when water gets hot it expands which means the ocean is expanding which will cause sea levels to rise
ice glaciers and polar ice caps
- ice usually melts each summer but now because the temperature is increasing the ice caps are melting sooner then usual
- oceans to rise not good for islands and habitats
- droughts in Australia are increasing because there is less rainfall
- Perth’s dams have reduced by 80% because of no rainfall
impact on humans
- asthma
- rising carbon dioxide concentrations are causing early flowering
- people will experiences illness more often
causes of the reformation
- god appointed the reformation to be in the 16th century because he had made sure the church was ready
- the church was corrupt. the priests were business men looking for money
- they taught practises about indulgences and purgatory and made people give money
- martin luther and his theis
results/outcome of the reformation
- denominations
- german bible translated into English
- king henry viii head of church
- the roman catholic church spilt with the church of England and protestant
- Christianity spilt into the roman catholic church to the church of England and protestant and Baptist and Anglican
main features of the reformation
the belief of indulgence
the belief of purgatory
king henry VIII and the divorce
features of the penance:
- the most important act for penitents is contrition
* sin committed can be forgiven with the intention of not sinning again
features of penance:
- confession of sins contrition of those sins
* confessions requires the penitent to open heart to the minister so the sins can be forgiven
features of penance:
act of penance
- true conversion is completed by acts of penance or satisfication of for the sins committed
- restore the order which he disturbed
features of penance
- god grants pardon to the sinner who manifests his change of heart to the minister
- god uses visual signs to give salvation and renew the broken convent
how religion influences a persons life
- a person has grown up in a religious environment follow the examples they have learnt
- moved by certain situations discover in religion a powerful way to understand and respond to life and its challenges
factors that influence how people respond to religion
- how one lives with influence them
- their experiences such as life events
- other people/media
- the persons upbringing
why people follow a religion
- they were born into the religion
* they experienced a life event and a religion has helped them find their meaning and purpose
organisation of a religion, including its leadership.
eg for example schools have a structure that is centered around the principal.
how things are done in a religion, the workings of a particular religious structure. for example the principal of school will have a set process of telling the teachers of upcoming events.
the apostles spoke about god and Jesus so they delegated others to help. now the pope and bishop do the same thing and they also have others to help such as the priests, church leaders and teachers
is the central structure of the church.
Catholics believe that the pope and bishops are the leaders of the church they are referred to the church’s magisterium.
Jesus gave a sacrament to the apostles called the holy orders so the message of god could be passed on