Semester 1 Final Flashcards
What are the 5 themes of geography?
Location, place, region, human/environment interaction Movement
What is the most accurate representation of the earth?
The study of the world and all its human and physical characteristics.
Globe. Hemisphere. Geography
Lines circling the earth parallel to the equator, measures distance north and south.
Latitude. Longitude. Scale bar
Lines that circle the earth from pole to pole, measures distance east and west.
Latitude. Longitude. Scale bar
People who make maps
The 4 primary directions N, S, E, W
Longitude. Cardinal directions. Intermediate directions
Cardinal directions
NE, NW, SE, SW are called
Key. Cardinal directions. Intermediate directions
Intermediate directions
Lists and explains symbols, colors and lines used on a map
Key or legend
What kind of map Shows the topography, or shape, of the earth’s physical features?
Physical map
Map that shows the boundaries of counties, states, cities, roads and highways
Political map. Physical map. Qualitative map
Political map
Maps that emphasize a single idea or particular kind of information about an area
Flow-line map. Thematic map. Qualitative map
Thematic map
Computer software programs that take data from different sources and arranges it to help cartographers make maps.
Natural resources. Global information system (GIS). Topography
Global information system (GIS)
One of the halves of the earth is divided into
Prime meridian. Equator. Hemisphere
What hemisphere do you live in?
Northern hemisphere
Setting up plants to make products and service industries in other countries because it is cheaper
Monopoly. Market economy. Outsourcing
The process where a body of water becomes rich with nutrients and encourages overgrowth of algae
Arable. Eutrophication. Commodity
An economy that gives people the freedoms m to make choices and buy their own things.
Global economy. Market economy. Command economy
Market economy
Spending more money on imports than what is earned on exports
Global economy. Trade deficit. Trade surplus.
Trade deficit
The percentage of people who can read and write.
Literacy rate. Bilingual. Urban sprawl
Literacy rate
Birth rate minus death rate = ?
Population density. Population growth. Developing country
Population growth
Large and small cities that make that make a great city together
Megalopolis. Bilingual. Immigration
Countries that have certain traits in common such as government, religion or social groups.
Cultural hearth. Culture region. Ethnic group
Culture region
Early centers of civilization whose ideas and practices spread to surrounding areas.
Cultural hearth. Culture region. Social group
Cultural hearth
The number of births per thousand of population each year
Birth rate
The average number of people in a square mile
Population density. Population growth. Birth rate
Population density
Satellite stem of government where the queen or king has the supreme power
Autocracy. Monarchy. Democracy
Any system is of government where the power to eule belongs to one individual
Autocracy. Monarchy. Oligarchy
Any system of government in which the leaders rule with the consent of the citizens
Oligopoly. Autocracy. Democracy
Any system of government in which a small group holds power
Democracy. Monarchy. Oligarchy
A country in the process of becoming industrialized
Developing country. Traditional country. Impoverished country
Developing country
A governments strategy in dealing with other nations or countries
Foreign policy
Resources that can be replaced or grown again. They are never used up. Wind, sun, forests, water
Renewable resources
The movement of people from rural areas to cities.
Suburb. Urbanization. Immigration
What is GDP per capita?
Measure of total output of a country
Gross domestic product divided by number of people in the country
Electric energy generated from moving water
Tierra caliente. Canopy. Hydroelectric power
Hydroelectric power
The loss or destruction of forests
What is a resource formed in the earth by plant and animal remains? For example coal, petroleum or natural gas.
Fossil fuels
business that provides a service instead of making goods
Shantytown. Service industry. Structure
Service industry
What does contiguous mean?
Sharing a common border or next to
The 48 contiguous United States are all the states that touch each other
What is a partially self-governing country with close ties to another country?
Monarchy. Dominion. Democracy
The total value of goods and services produced in a country for the year
Gross domestic product (GDP)
To leave or withdraw from something. Quebec would like to __________ from Canada.
Secede. Shift. Subduction
People of Native American and European descent
Indigenous. Mestizo. Viceroy
What does NAFTA stand for and what is it?
North American Free Trade Agreement
No tariffs on trade between US, Canada and Mexico
What is the approximate WORLD population for 2015?
7 billion people
What is the approximate US population for 2015?
320 million
What is the highest point in North America?
Denali/ Mt. McKinley
What is the lowest point in North America?
Death Valley
What two major landforms stretch across the US and Canada?
Rocky Mountains and Great Plains
What does s the largest lake in North America?
Lake Superior
Wh were the first inhabitants of Canada and the US?
Native Americans
Canada is the ________ largest country in the world.
The US is the __________ largest country in the world
What is the approximate population of Canada family r 2015?
36 million
What do you call the leader you of the Canadian government?
Prime Minister
What is the capital of Canada?
What mountain range is on Mexicos east coast?
Sierra Madre Oriental
What is the religion f most people from n Latin America?
Where are s the volcano nicknamed “El Popo” located?
What did Spanish conquistadors bring to the new world?
Who lead the conquistador Canada conquest of the Aztecs?
Herman Cortes
Which Native group worshipped a god of war and practiced human sacrifice?
Native civilization that developed math and the calendar
What Caribbean island is communist?
What Caribbean islands are US territories?
Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico