Semester 1 Final Flashcards
The process of passing on the gospel message
What animates a living thing. Our spiritual principle; what makes us most like God
Belief in no god
The devil who tempted Adam and Eve
Belief in only 1 god
Ex nihilo
Latin for “God created the world out of nothing”
Original justice
the state of complete harmony of our first parents with themselves, each other, and all of creation
A personal and immortal creature with intelligence and free will who constantly glorifies God
Original sin
Sin that occurred at the origin of human race. Everyone is now born with it, because of Adam and Eve’s choices
The tendency of all human beings toward sin, as a result of original sin
Belief in many gods
The fallen angel or spirit of evil who is the enemy of God and a continuing instigator of temptation and sin
The 2nd coming of Christ at the end of time, fully realizing God’s plan
Literal sense
Form of biblical interpretation that considers the explicit meaning of the text
Spiritual sense
Goes beyond the literal sense to consider what the realities and events of the scriptures signify for our salvation
Killing of ones brother (Cain and Abel)
The period of the Israelite captivity in Babylon after the destruction of Jerusalem in 587 BC
Paschal mystery
The work of salvation accomplished by Jesus Christ mainly through his life, passion, death, resurrection, and ascension
The act of removing the foreskin of the penis. It’s been a sign of God’s covenant relationship with the Jews
The father/leader of a tribe, clan, or tradition
God’s breaking into the human dimension so an individual’s understanding of God is deepened
Hebrew word meaning “law” referring to the first 5 books of the Old Testament
Ark of the covenant
A sacred chest that housed the tablets of the 10 commandments
An alliance of tribes or nations with no central authority
A government/state headed by a single person. Refers to the period of time when the Israelites existed as an independent nation
10 Hail Mary’s of the rosary. Each meditates on an individual mystery
The assumption
When Mary is taken up (body and soul) to heaven
Where Jesus was born. “House of bread”
Sorrowful mysteries
Focus on the last 15 hours of Jesus’ life. 1. agony in the garden 2. scourging at the pillar 3. crowning with thorns 4. way of the cross 5. crucifixion and death
A short summary of important points/events
Pope pius V
Made the praying of the rosary
The resurrection
Jesus arises from the dead
When the Holy Spirit descends upon the disciples
The month of the rosary
The ascension
Jesus ascends to the glory of his father in heaven
Pope John Paul II
He added the luminous mysteries of the rosary
Via Crucis
Latin for “the way of the cross”
Symbolizes Jesus’ humanity
Good Friday
Recalls Jesus’ passion and death which brought us our salvation
Midnight mass on Christmas Eve
Ends the advent season
Symbolizes Jesus’ divinity
Feast of Pentecost
Ends the Easter season
Sign of someone doing penance
Prayer, fasting, and almsgiving
First word of opening prayer. Latin for “rejoice”
Symbolizes jesus’ kingship
Ordinary time
All other days outside of the 4 other seasons
Advent season
First Sunday of advent begins a new liturgical year
Power to choose
Blessed Virgin Mary
Mother of Jesus Christ who perfectly submitted her will to God’s will
Latin for “flesh”
Hebrew for “anointed one”
Latin for “anointed one”
Jesus’ conception
When Jesus took on a human nature; the incarnation
St. Joseph
Jesus christ’s stepfather
Anno domini
Latin for “year of the lord”
Latin for “born”
Power to think
Immaterial, 2nd person of the most holy trinity who took on flesh; God made man
To bring something into being out of nothing
Any person, place, or thing which might cause someone to sin
Sin of disobedience
A sin rooted in pride (Adam and eve)
Forbidden fruit
Serpent told Adam and Eve if they ate the fruit, they’d be just like gods they disobeyed god and ate the forbidden fruit
God promises Noah that he will never destroy the earth by a flood
Tower of Babel
How human pride leads to disaster. Tries to explain the diversity of languages found among the ancient people
The first gospel
God promises him 3 things: 1. A great nation 2. “Promised land” 3. Blessing for all nations
A sacred contract; binding agreement between God and humans
1 of 4 sets in the rosary
The Fall
Biblical revelation about origins of sin and evil in the
Luminous mysteries
Focus on Jesus’ life from 30-33 years old. 1. baptism 2. wedding at cana 3. proclamation 4. transfiguration 5. holy eucharist
Joyful mysteries
Focus on Jesus’ life from conception to 12 years old. 1. annunciation 2. visitation 3. nativity 4. presentation 5. finding in the temple
Glorious mysteries
Focus on Jesus’ life after his death 1. resurrection 2. ascension 3. descent of the Holy Spirit 4. assumption 5. coronation
wedding at cana; Jesus’ first miracle
October 7th
feast of the most holy rosary
resting in God (involves the soul)
4 conditions for answered prayers
- ask in Jesus’ name 2. good for our salvation 3. pray with perseverance, devotion, humility, and confidence 4. pray “in the state of grace”
parable of the pharisee and the publican
to be humble in your prayer
parable of the night visitor
to be persevering in your prayer
an expression of what we need or want
colors of the liturgical seasons
advent is violet, christmas is white and gold, lent is violet, and easter is white
feast of christ the king
last sunday of ordinary time. begins advent
feast of the baptism of the lord
sunday after feast of the epiphany. ending of christmas season
sacred triduum
the last 3 days of lent. 1. holy thursday 2. good friday 3. holy saturday
making up or repairing the damage done because of our sinfulness
recalls the 40 days Jesus was in the desert; lent is a penitential season