chapter 5 vocab Flashcards
the lifting up of one’s mind and heart to God in praise, petition, thanksgiving, and intercession; communication with God in a relationship of love
a prayer asking God to care fore a particular person, place, or activity. a simple one is usually made with the sign of the cross
the prayerful acknowledgement that God is God and creator of all that it
a prayer form in which one asks God for help and forgiveness
a prayer on behalf or another person or group
a prayer of gratitude for the gift of life and the gifts of life. it characterizes the prayer of the church, which, in celebrating the Eucharist, offers perfect thanks to the Father through with, and in Christ, in the unity of the Holy Spirit
a prayer of acknowledgement that God is god, giving God glory not for what he does, but simply because he is
the Christian prayers of praise that are usually directed to the Trinity
a prayer that is spoken aloud or silently, such as the Lord’s Prayer
vocal prayer
a form of prayer involving a variety of methods and techniques, in which one engages the mind, imagination, and emotions to focus on a particular truth, biblical theme, or other spiritual matter
a form of wordless prayer in which one is fully focused on the presence of God; sometimes defined as “resting in God”
an intense experience of the presence and power of God, resulting in a deeper sense of union with God; those who regularly experience such union are called mystics
the values, actions, attitudes, and behaviors that characterize a person’s relationship with God and others. it refers to different schools of Christian prayer and action