Semester 1 Flashcards
which lymphocytes migrate to the thymus?
T cells
which lymphocytes stay in the bone marrow?
B cells
Primary lymphoid organs
bone marrow
secondary lymphoid organs
spleen tonsils lymph nodes peyer's patches GALT BALT MALT
What name is given to milky lymph from the small intestine?
Lymphatic ducts
lumbar trunks
cisterna chyli
thoracic duct
right and left lymphatic ducts
Does the thoracic duct drain to the left or right lymphatic duct?
Which structures drain to the right lymphatic duct?
right side of head and neck
right upper limb
upper right side of thorax
Where does the thoracic duct lie in the body?
between aorta and azygous vein
which bones make up the pectoral girdle?
which ribs are true ribs?
articulate with sternum by own costal cartilage
which ribs are false ribs?
articulate indirectly with the sternum
which ribs are floating ribs?
11 and 12
no connection with sternum
name the parts of a typical rib (ribs 3-9)
name the parts of the head of the rib
superior facet
inferior facet
where does the articular part of the tubercle of the rib articulate?
transverse process
what ligament attaches to the non-articular part of the tubercle of the rib?
costotransverse ligament
what name is given to the most curved part of a rib?
costal angle
What is the function of the costal groove?
to protect NVB
Why does the first rib only have one facet on its head?
only articulates with T1
which vessels run in the grooves on rib 1?
subclavian vessels
What feature makes 2nd rib atypical?
rough area on upper surface forming tuberosity for the attachment of serratus anterior.
which typical features are ribs 11 and 12 missing?
neck and tubercle
what sort of joint is formed between rib 1 and the sternum?
primary cartilaginous
what sort of joint is formed between ribs 2-7 and the sternum?
synovial plane joint
What is the pulmonary ligament?
sleeve of pleura hanging down below the lung root
Name the different parts of the parietal pleura
What is the endothoracic fascia?
layer of connective tissue attaching the costal parietal pleura to the thoracic wall.
What is the name given to the space between visceral and parietal pleura?
pleural cavity
which vein arches over the hilum of the right lung?
azygous vein
which structure is most superior in the hilum of the right lung?
pulmonary artery
which structure is most inferior in the hilum of the right lung?
pulmonary vein
which structure is most posterior in the hilum of the right lung?
Which fissure separated the lobes of the left lung?
oblique fissure
what name is given to the thin anterior flap of tissue in the left lung?
which vessel arches over the hilum of the left lung?
which structure is most superior in the hilum of the left lung?
pulmonary artery
which structure is most inferior in the hilum of the lung?
pulmonary vein
which structure is most posterior in the hilum of the left lung?
how many pulmonary veins are present in the hilum of each lung?
where does the phrenic nerve run in relation to the hilum?
where does the vagus nerve run in relation to the hilum?
how many lobar bronchi are there on the left?
how many lobar bronchi are there on the right?
describe the path lymph takes from the lungs
pulmonary nodes > bronchopulmonary nodes> inferior treacheobronchial nodes > superior tracheobronchial nodes > paratracheal nodes
which imaginary line extends from the sternal angle to the IV disc between T4/5?
transverse thoracic plane
which area of the mediastinum contains the heart?
middle mediastinum
Where does the fibrous pericardium attach inferiorly?
central tendon of the diaphragm
which nerve is closely associated with the right atrium?
right phrenic nerve
What is the ligamentum arteriosum?
ligament running between aorta and pulmonary trunk
embryological remnant
Name the branches of the right coronary artery
SA nodal
right marginal
posterior interventricular
AV nodal
Name the branches of the left coronary artery
Anterior interventricular- LAD,Diagonal branch
circumflex- left marginal, SA nodal, posterior IV
Where do the anterior cardiac veins drain?
Straight to right atrium
what name is given to the small ridges of muscle in the right atrium?
pectinate muscles
which line marks the boundary between the smooth (sinus venarum) and rough (musculi pectinati) surfaces of the right atrium?
crista terminalis
What name is given to the smooth wall of the right atrium?
sinus venarum
Where is the SA node located?
within the crista terminalis
which valve lies between the right atrium and right ventricle?
tricuspid valve
which structure is unique to the right ventricle?
moderator band
What name is given to the muscular ridges in the wall of the right ventricle?
trabeculae carneae
When are semilunar valves closed?
low pressure
when are cuspid valves closed?
high pressure
which valve lies between the left atrium and left ventricle?
mitral valve
which valves are open during diastole?
cuspid valves ( ventricle filling)
which valves are open during systole?
semilunar valves (ventricle emptying)
Describe filling of the coronary arteries
During diastole the aortic valve shuts. Backflow of blood is directed along the right and left coronary arteries
what is the function of the fibrous skeleton of the heart?
support for valves
electrical insulation between the atria and ventricles
Describe nervous supply to the SA node
Autonomics from the cardiac plexus
which structures are only found in the superior mediastinum?
brachiocephalic veins
arch of the aorta
where does the recurrent laryngeal nerve loop under on the right side?
right subclavian artery
at what level does the trachea begin?
What is the level of the carina?
At what level does the oesophagus begin?
On what side of the body is the azygous vein?
Which veins drain into the azygous vein?
posterior intercostal veins 2-11 and subcostal
On what side of the body is the hemiazygous and accessory hemiazygous vein?
which veins drain into the accessory hemiazygous vein?
posterior intercostal veins 5-8
which veins drain into the hemiazygous vein?
posterior intercostal veins 9-1 and subcostal
What structures lay on either side of the thoracic duct?
azygous vein and aorta
At what spinal levels would you find rami communicans?
What are the roots of the greater splanchnic nerve?
What are the roots of the lesser splanchnic nerve?
What are the roots of the least splanchnic nerve?
What is the function of the splanchnic nerves?
sympathetic innervation to the abdominal viscera.
Which structures pass through the diaphragm at T12?
Aorta, thoracic duct and azygous vein via aortic hiatus
Greater and lesser Splanchnic nerves via openings in the crura
Least splanchnic nerve and sympathetic trunk behind the medial arcuate ligament
where does the transversalis fascia lie?
deep to transversus abdominus
What names are given to the two layers of superficial fascia below the umbilicus?
Camper’s fascia
Scarpa’s fascia
What are the attachments and insertions of the external oblique?
ribs 5-12
iliac crest and linea alba
which spinal nerves supply external oblique?
what are the attachments and insertions of internal oblique?
thoracolumbar fascia, inguinal ligament and iliac crest
ribs 9-12
which spinal nerves supply internal oblique?
T7-T12 and L1
Which nerves pierce the back of internal oblique?
iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves
Describe the attachments and insertions of rectus abdominus
pubic tubercle, crest and symphysis
xiphoid process and costal cartilages of ribs 5-7
which spinal nerves supply rectus abdominus?
What small triangular muscle running from pubis to linea alba is often absent?
which tissue layers make up the posterior layer of the rectus sheath above the umbilicus?
1/2 aponeurosis internal oblique and transversus abdominis
which tissue layers make up the posterior layer of the rectus sheath below the umbilicus?
What name is given to the border that marks where rectus abdominis lies directly on transversalis fascia?
arcuate line
What names are given to the three folds found on the posterior surface of the anterior abdominal wall?
median umbilical ligament
medial umbilical ligament
lateral umbilical fold
which artery runs posterior to rectus abdominus in the pubic region?
inferior epigastric artery
In what layer of the anterior abdominal wall would you find the superficial inguinal ring?
aponeurosis of external oblique
In what layer of the anterior abdominal wall would you find the deep inguinal ring?
transversalis fascia
Which vessels lie medial to the deep inguinal ring?
inferior epigastric vessels
Which structures are more lateral as they pass through the deep inguinal ring in a male?
testicular vessels
Which structures are more medial as they pass through the deep inguinal ring in a male?
vas deferens and genital branch of genitofemoral
What structure forms the anterior wall of the inguinal canal?
aponeurosis of external oblique plus internal oblique in lateral third
What structure forms the floor of the inguinal canal?
inferior rolled edge of external oblique and medially the lacunar ligament
What structure forms the roof of the inguinal canal?
internal oblique and transversus abdominis
What structure forms the posterior wall of the inguinal canal?
transversalis fascia and conjoint tendon
which type of hernia enters the inguinal canal via the deep inguinal ring?
what structures are carried in the spermatic cord?
vas deferens and artery to vas deferens testicular artery and veins cremasteric artery genital branch of genitofemoral lymphatics autonomics
what are the 3 layers covering the spermatic cord and where do they originate from?
internal spermatic fascia (transversalis fascia) cremaster muscle (internal oblique) external spermatic fascia (external oblique aponeurosis)
At what level does the pampiniform plexus form a single vein?
deep inguinal ring
What name is given to the embryological remnant lying within then spermatic fascia?
tunica vaginalis
What name is given to a double fold of peritoneum?
What sort of innervation supplies parietal peritoneum?
somatic sensory
What sort of innervation supplies the visceral peritoneum?
Visceral afferents
Which organs are intraperitoneal?
stomach, 1st part of duodenum, spleen, luver, caecum, transverse and sigmoid colon
Which organs are retroperitoneal?
kidneys and adrenals, most of the small intestine, pancreas, ascending and descending colon and upper 2/3 rectum
How many layers of peritoneum make up the greater omentum?
Which structure attaches the transverse mesocolon to the body wall?
transverse mesocolon
which arteries supplying the stomach are carried in the greater omentum?
right and left gastro-omental arteries
What is another name for the lesser sac?
omental bursa
Where would you find the lesser sac?
posterior to the stomach and lesser omentum
How many layers of peritoneum make up the lesser omentum?
what name is given to the communication between the greater and lesser sac?
omental foramen
where does lymph from the foregut drain to?
coeliac nodes at T12
What three muscle layers make up the stomach?
outer longitudinal
middle circular
inner oblique
what name is given to the folds within the stomach?
Name the three branches of the coeliac trunk
common hepatic
left gastric
What name is given to the folds on the inner surface of the duodenum?
plicae circularis
What structures make up the porta hepatis?
hepatic artery
bile duct
portal vein
The gall bladder lies below the costal cartilage of which rib?
rib 9
which structure folds back on itself to form the left and right triangular ligaments of the liver?
Which embryological structure forms the ligamentum teres?
umbilical vein
what is carried in the ductus venosus?
oxygenated blood to IVC
Where do the right and left hepatic veins drain?
The cystic artery is a branch of which artery?
right hepatic
which artery is the final branch of the IMA?
superior rectal
Which three areas in the abdomen have dual blood supply?
transverse colon
At what level do the renal arteries leave the aorta?
What is the most posterior structure in the renal hilum?
where does lymph from the kidneys drain to?
lateral aortic nodes
Which anterior rami supply quadratus lumborum?
What are the origins and insertions of quadratus lumborum?
Iliac crest to 12th rib and L1-4 transverse processes
Which named nerve supplies iliacus?
what is the function of iliopsoas?
hip flexion
At what level does the aorta bifurcate?
At what level do the common iliac veins unite to form the IVC?
name the nerves of the lumbar plexus
iliohypogastric ilioinguinal genitofemoral lateral femoral cutaneous femoral obturator
from what spinal level do the ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric nerves arise?
from what spinal level does genitofemoral arise?
L1 and L2
from what spinal level does lateral cutaneous arise?
L2 and L3
from what spinal level does the femoral nerve arise?
L2, L3 and L4
from what spinal level does the obturator nerve arise?
L2, L3 and L4
describe C1 vertebra
anterior and posterior arches
superior articular surfaces
anterior tubercle
posterior tubervle
name a special feature of C2 vertebra
odontoid process
Name a feature of the bodies of the cervical vertebrae
uncinate process
describe the spinous process of the cervical vertebrae
bifid spinous process
name the features of the transverse processes in the cervical vertebrae
foramen transversarium
anterior and posterior tubercles
Name a special feature of the thoracic vertebrae
costal facets