Semana 13: Progressive forms Flashcards
Ir + participle: to focus on progress toward a goal
Vamos avanzando en la construcción de la casa.
We are making progress in the construction of the house.
Salir: futuro
duranteEl teléfono sonó sin parar durante dos horas.
denota duración, for (preposition)The phone didn't stop ringing for two hours.
Por qué está haciendo cola todo el mundo en la calle
Why is everyone getting in line in the street
En mi familia normalmente desayunamos a las siete en la mañana pero ultimamemnte: TODO
adjective vs adverb
An adverb is a word used to modify a verb, adjective, or another adverb. An adverb usually modifies by telling how, when, where, why, under what conditions, or to what degree.
An adjective is a word that modifies a noun or a pronoun. In general, the purpose of an adjective is to describe a noun or pronoun and provide more information about it. Adjectives provide answers to questions such as “What kind?” “Which one?” and “Whose is it?”
últimamente vs reciente
últimamente is an adverb and reciente is an adjective
últimamente: recently, lately, as of late
reciente: lately
Últimamente casi no nos hemos visto.
El reciente suceso ha desbaratado los planes de la familia.
before, previouslyWe have commented on those topics before
anteriormenteEsos puntos ya los hemos comentado anteriormente.
cada vez más/menos
increasingly / decreasingly
sin que nos demos cuenta
without us noticing
cómo vuela el tiempo
how time flies
haciendo algo útil
doing something useful
que llega por correo electrónico
that arrive by email
getting dressed (gerundio)
to fall
to kick