What does the CB use monetary rules for
- explicit inflation target as nominal anchor for inflation expectations
- to keep economy close to target
- interest rate as policy instrument (instability of velocity no longer an issue)
whats the quantity theory of money equation
p - price
y - output
m - money in circulation
v - velocity of money
what determines inflation
money supply growth.
money supply targeting can control inflation
what two conditions needed for Money supply targeting:
1) CB able to control monetary aggregate;
2) reliable relationship between inflation and money supply target
whats goodharts law
each observed regularity between monetary aggregate and in- flation disappears as soon as the CB tries to exploit it
why can cb not fully control monetary aggregates
• part of broad money created by private banks via the bank multiplier
-not under the CB control. CB alters the cost at which banks can borrow but cannot be sure a) this change will be passed onto customers, b) loans demand will react to lending rate changes
• instability of money velocity (e.g. effects of plastic money, changes in banking legislation, etc…)
• even under full control of money supply (fixed AD), supply shocks →inflation
how does the central bank keep inflation rate at target
cb adjust interest rates
what happens when beta is more then 1 in the MR equation
more inflation averse CB ⇒flatter MR sharper output reduction after an inflation shock
what happens when alpha which is the responsiveness of inflation to the output gap
α ↑: inflation more responsive to output gap ⇒ steeper PC
any cut in output has greater effect in reducing inflation (easier job for CB, flatter MR)
what happens if the pc is steeper
- steeper PC makes job of CB easier
- more inflation averse (“hard nosed”) CB cuts AD more
what does the sacrifice ratio measure
% rise in unemployment for 1% reduction in inflation
what are more inflation averse cb’s like
→ sharper rise in unemployment, faster fall in inflation, but also more rapid return of unemployment to equilibrium
what are less inflation averse cb’s like
“gradualist” approach
→ smaller rise in unemployment, slower fall in inflation
whats the best response Taylor rule
what’s the Taylor principle
for the CB response to be stabilising, the nominal rate has to be raised enough to push real interest rate up
whats a zero lower bound
describe and graphically . whats entering a deflation trap at period 0 when the economy is hit by a permanent shock IS -> IS’
what does entering a deflation trap look like at period 1 : lower interest rate affects AD
whats entering a deflation trap look like at period 2 when the higher interest rate dampens AD
how to escape deflation trap• if IS shifted right, through point G, CB could achieve output y′1 with r0
• how can this happen?
• spontaneus recovery of autonomous
• generate positive inflation expectations (higher future AD),
Minr ↓, PC↑ (difficult)
• unconventional monetary policies: quantitative easing (we
see this next)
• fiscal policy: MR becomes a more general policy rule (PR)
whats the yield curve
- relationship between nominal interest rate of a bond and its time to maturity - since investors demand a premium to hold long-term bonds ⇒+ve slope
show graphically what happens following a -ve AD shock on yield curve ,
CB lowers short-term i (⇒YC → YC′). But if i already low and
shock very large, i → 0
shock very large, i → 0
- QE: CB buys bonds in secondary market to induce lower long rate⇒ YC′ ↷YC′′
what can QE have stimulus effects by
by liquidity transformation
- “stimulates aggregate demand if households have a higher propensity to consume out of deposits than out of other less liquid forms of wealth, such as mutual fund shares.”