sem 1 final Flashcards
what was the Italian Renaissance? why was it significant?
The rebirth of antiquity in Italy marking a new age. Art about important figures and the perfect man. Sig bc Flourishing of art, literature, and intellectual persuits. it was a time of great cultural and artistic achievements.
what was the Northern Renaissance? why was it significant?
cultural and artistic movement took place in Northern Europe during the 15th and 16th century. revival of interest in classical learning, humanism, and the arts. sig bc expanded humanism, challenged traditional authority of the church and paved way for the protestant reformation.
who was John Calvin? why was he significant?
French theologan and pastor, known for influencial work in the reformed church. stood close to Luther. sig bc he popularized calvinism, had a lasting impact on protestant christianity.
what was the Catholic Reformation? why was it significant?
A period of religious reform within the catholic church in response to the protestant reformation. sig bc it revived the best features of medieval catholicism, and adjusted to meet new conditions.
who was Henry VIII? why was he significant?
King of England in the early 1500’s. was king during the reformation. broke away from the catholic church and created the church of england. sig bc he had a lasting impact on the religious landscape of England. he strengthened the authority of the crown.
what were conquistadors? why were they significant?
Spanish explorers and soldiers who ventured into the americas in the 16th century. sig bc important to Spanish colonizations of America. they sought wealth, power and to spread christianity.
what was encomienda? why was it significant?
system established by the spanish during the colonization of americas. sig bc the spanish got land and extract labor if they spread christianity. led to the mistreatement of indigenous people.
what was the middle passage? why was it significant?
enslaved africans were transported to america. it aas a brutal voyage, very unsanitary and had few survivors. sig bc it supplied a consistent flow of slaves to the US and Europe. this labor force was crucial to their economic success.
what was the columbian exchange?why was it significant?
the widespread exchange of plants, animals, and ideas between the new and old world. sig bc it facilitated the exchange of goods, resources and knowledge between different areas and religions.
who was cardinal richelieu? why was he significant?
chief minister to kind louis VIII and played crucial role in consolidating royal power and centralizing the french state. sig bc implimented policies that centralized power and established a strong monarchy in france.
what was the Treaty of Westphalia? why was it significant?
series of treaties signed that ended Europes 30 years war. brought new system of international relations. sig bc helped establish principles of state sovereignty and non interference in the international affairs of other states.
what was the glorious revolution? why was it significant?
events that took place in 1688. King James II was overthrown and replaced with William II and Mary II. sig bc Established constitutional monarchy and limited the power of the monarchy. affirmed the rights and liberties of the people.
who was John Locke? why was he significant?
Had opposite view than Thomas Hobbes; argued against the absolute rule of 1 man. sig bc he advocated for natural rights, life, liberty and property. his ideas influenced the developement of modern democracy.
what was the scientific revolution? why was it significant?
the transition from the medieval worldview to a largely secular, rational and materialistic perspective that began in the 17th century but was popularized in the 18th. sig bc major shift in how people saw the world. transformations in basically everything people did.
what was the copernican hypothesis? why was it significant?
theory that believed the earth revolved around the sun rather than the other way around. contrasted the geocentric model. sig bc revolutionized our understanding of the universe and paved the way for future astronomers.