Self Authorisation Questions Flashcards
What is the minimum quantity of oxygen before take off for a flight that is planned to reach altitudes in excess of 10,000ft?
Max speed for canopy open in flight?
Ejections seat limits (speed, height and rate of descent)?
0, 90kts
height min 1/10th of rate of descent
Action if ejection seat fails on first pull of handle
- Pull again
- Pull other handle
- Manually bail out
350kts / M 0.7 > 15,000 ft
Max positive g
Max negative g
At what speed does the negative g limit reduce? What to?
300kts, -1.5g
What are the rolling g limits? (Max deflection of ailerons up to which g)
4, -1.5
What is max aileron deflection above rolling g limits?
Max time inverted at 100% RPM below 10,000ft?
18 seconds
Max time / min value for oil pressure to recover after negative g?
5 seconds, 5 psi
Max cross wind
30 kts dry runway
25 kts wet runway
What is the poor visibility configuration?
120 kts, take off flaps
Best range glide speed?
120 kts
Fuel limitations for spinning?
- Tip tanks empty
- Max 1,300 lbs
- Max difference 100 lbs
What indication is there that braking is available after hyd failure?
Main needle of triple gauge showing 1,500 psi
Fire warning light, immediate actions?
Speed…………….reduce (climbing turn if possible)
Symptoms of hot gas leak and actions?
FWL goes out after initial actions
Declare mayday, land asap with min power
Actions if definite sign of fire?
HP cock……………………….closed
LP cock………………………
Starter master……………….off
Extinguisher………………….operate (ideally < 200 kts)
After 30 seconds:
FWL out: homing checks, mayday, land asap
FWL on: eject
Flame out - immediate actions?
Close throttle, press relight button for max 30 sec
Flame out, failure to relight actions?
Homing checks
Cold relight drill
Min time interval between relight attempts?
1 min
Above which altitude is relight unlikely?
15,000 ft
12,000 ft with failed booster pump
Engine mechanical failure immediate actions
HP cock……………closed
LP cock…………….off
Starting master….off
Engine icing indication
- Loss of power
- Higher JPT
- Lower max attainable RPM
- Severe icing: surge and flame out
Max RPM in icing conditions
Max RPM and time during de-icing
70% for 5min
Compressor stall (symptoms)
- 10-15% lower RPM
- 100-200 degrees higher JPT
- Possible banging
Compressor stall, immediate actions
- Close throttle
- Establish stable intake conditions
- increase speed > 200kts
What does the illumination of the HYD caption indicate?
Hydraulic pressure < 300 psi
If you suspect hypoxia, what are your actions?
Noxious fumes drill
Normal oxygen………………emergency on
D and C levers……………….off
Canopy………………………….open, 180 kts, look for fire
Land asap
In the event of double inverter failure, which instruments and services would become unavailable?
Inverter magnetic indicator white?
Normal inverter failure
If MI is white, how will you know if standby inverter is working?
No red flags in gyro instruments
What does GEN caption indicate?
Generator failure, power supplied to main busbar < 5amps
Will essential services still work? What are they?
What effect does connecting external supply have on the SWS system?
A relay operates to isolate all SWS warning lights except fire
If FTAP reads zero during flight, what would you consider?
- Avoid negative g
- Land asap
- No fuel transfer from tip tanks
- Max RPM reduced
- Fuel gauge may overread
What should be the min oil level when cold before flight?
6 cold, 7 warm min. 9 cold, 10 warm max
What nitrogen pressure should be hydraulic accumulators?
800 psi
Speed limit for using airbrakes?
Ice detection fitted in Mk52?
G limits with luggage paniers?
+2 / -1, no aerobatics
How long does emergency oxygen set last?
In flight routine checks?
1,000lbs fuel, safe distance to nearest airfield?
100nm (1000 - 400)/18 = 33 mins flight time @ 180kts
Descent checks?
Pre landing checks
- Speed 140kts
- Airbrakes in
- Gear lower, three greens
- Flaps t/o and indicating
- Fuel, sufficient, threshold speed
- Harness tight and locked
- Brakes check