Self and life after death Flashcards
What is dualism?
Those who accept a dualist approach claim that the soul exists independently of and is superior to the body.
How is Plato’s dualist approach depicted?
Plato’s allegory of the cave:
There are two worlds:
-The world in which we live, which is the world of appearances.
-The world of the Forms, which is the real world, eternal, perfect and changeless.
What does Plato believe about the soul?
The soul is superior to and separate from the body and belongs to the world of the Forms.
It is therefore eternal and does not die, unlike the body.
It comes to earth and is imprisoned within a body.
-After death, it escapes the body and returns to the world of the Forms, after which it is either born again into another body or remains to contemplate the Form of the Good
What is Plato’s charioteer analogy?
Shows that the soul is divided into three parts:
-The rational part which is immortal, searches for the truth, and keeps the other two aspects of the soul under control.
-The spirited part (thumos) which includes emotions and character traits.
-The appetitive part which dies with the body and is concerned with the basic human drives for sex, food and drink.
Plato’s charioteer analogy sets out the relationship between the parts. The charioteer keeps the parts in check and balance.
Evaluation of Plato’s idea of the soul.
-The sense of the soul’s true home being elsewhere is found in the New Testament and is the view of many Christians.
-The idea of the soul as seeking escape from the body is an uncommon view but for many this idea fits with the feeling on looking at a corpse that something has left it.
-BUT there is no good evidence for the metaphysical world of the Forms.
What is substance dualism?
The belief that the mind and the body are distinct substances with different essential properties.
What is Descartes argument for the existence of the soul?
Descartes produced 3 proofs for the existence of the soul.
He began from a standpoint of absolute scepticism about reality, believing that sense experience could be deceptive and intellect-based ideas could be mistaken.
What is Descartes Argument from Doubt?
“I think, therefore I am” - Descartes.
-He could doubt the existence of his body.
-This ability to doubt meant he could not doubt his existence as a thinking being.
-Therefore, as a thinking being, he was not identical with his body.
What is Descartes Argument from Divisibility and Non-divisibility?
“As much as the body is by its very nature always divisible, while the mind is utterly indivisible” - Descartes
-All bodies take up space and so are divisible.
-Mental states, however, do not and so are not divisible.
-This means that minds are radically different from bodies.
What is Descartes Argument from Clear and Distinct Perception?
-He attributed his perception of two different things to God having created two different things.
-So he had a clear and distinct perception of himself as a thinking being and of his body as a non-thinking being.
-So he was distinct from his body.
-As the mind/soul was no located in space and had no parts to decay, it was immortal.
Views in support of Descartes argument.
Same as Plato
Views against Descartes argument.
First proof:
-Most philosophers view consciousness/the mind as a product of the brain, which is a part of the physical body.
Second proof:
-Neuroscience shows a close correlation between the mind and the brain.
Third proof:
-Viewed by many as a circular argument.
There is also a view of many philosopher that the self is just an illusion. There is thinking, but there is no ‘I’ that thinks.
Hume’s challenge of Descartes
-The claim that consciousness comes from a non-material subject is a circular argument.
-Thought may have a material explanation; this is also the most common view of the mind in modern thinking.
-Since souls are not located in space, how do we know that there is only one soul?
What is materialism?
-Aristotle’s argument
What did Aristotle think about the soul?
-Based on deductions from the world and sense experience.
-The soul is mortal.
-The soul is what gives something its essential nature.
-It shapes and gives life to the body.
-Through reason, humans are able to make moral and intellectual development: the soul develops a persons skills and character.
-It is the ‘principle of life’.
What is Aristotle’s Hierarchy of Souls?
-Not all living things have the same faculties.
-Only the human soul has the capacity for rational thought.
Arguments against Aristotle.
-Many Christians disagree because they believe that at death the soul leaves the body to return to its true home.
-BUT at the same time many people, including Christians, think that the mind/soul is distinct from but at the same time inseparable from the body.
What are Plato’s views on the body-soul relationship?
-The physical body is subject to corruption and change; it imprisons the soul and attempts to distract it with fears and desires.
-The soul is separate from the body and eternal.
-At death the body perishes but the soul leaves it to return to the world of Forms.
-In most cases the soul is then reborn into another body.
Essentially, the soul is separate from the body but gives it life and directs it.