Selecting occupant behavioural scenarios Flashcards
Which are the first 6 steps in selecting fire scenarios?
Identify the specific fire safety challenges
Locations of fire
Type of fire
Potential complicating hazards leading to other fire scenarios Systems and features impacting fire
Occupant actions impacting fire
What is an alternate way to select fire scenarios?
Risk matrices can be used to identify worst credible cases
What should be considered when selecting occupant behaviour scenarios?
Based on the type of building, identify uses of the building
Identify potential users of the building
What fires would be of concern
What structural issues might be of concern
What types of occupants would be of concern
Describe the procedure to select occupant behvioural scenarios
Fire scenario selection process
Selecting representative occupant groupings
The occupant variables are then quantified
A sensitivity analysis should then look at the effect of varying magnitude of the characteristics