Heuristic and cognitive biases Flashcards
What part does cognitive biases play in fire evacuation design?
Fire evacuation -> cognitive biases -> the negative consequences
-> include the impact of those biases in the evac design to conquer the negative consequences.
What is Heuristic and cognitive biases?
Simple, efficient rules used to form judgements and make decisions . mental shortcuts, automatic, intuitive judgements
What is Availability heuristic?
Easier to recall events with greater consequence
What is Normalcy bias?
A psychological state of denial people enter in the event of a disaster
What is Illusion of control?
The tendency to believe a person can control or at least influence outcomes that they clearly cannot
What is Default effect?
The tendency to follow a default option
What is Focusing effect?
Prediction bias occurring when people place too much importance on one aspect of an event, causes error in accurately predicting the utility of a future outcome
What is Confirmation bias?
The tendency to search for or interpret information on a way that confirms ones preconception or desires
What is Anchoring bias?
The tendency to rely too heavely, or “anchor” on a past reference
What is Framing effect?
People can react to a particular choice on different ways depending on how information is presented
What is Optimism bias?
The tendency to underestimate personal risk over general risk