Seizure Managment Flashcards
What is a seizure
A sudden, uncontrolled burst of abnormal electrical activity in the brain.
It Causes temporary changes in consciousness, behaviour, movements, or feelings.
What are causes of seizures
Due to illness (fever, CNS infection) and Epilepsy
Types of seizures
Generalised seizures, Grand Mal, Petit Mal and focal
What is a generalised seizure
A seizure that affects both sides of the brain
What is a Grand Mal Seizure ( tonic clonic)
Loss of consciousness, stiffened body, jerking movements, cyanosis, in continence
What is a petit Mal seizure
Staring, unresponsive, lasts a few seconds.
What is a petit Mal seizure
Staring, unresponsive, lasts a few seconds.
What is a focal seizure
Affect one part of the brain.
What are the stages of a seizure
- Prodromal stage 2. Aura 3. Ictal 4 post ictal
What happens in the prodromal stage of a seizure
Days before the seizure; symptoms like depression, disturbed sleep, or urinary/Gl issues.
What happens in the Aura stage of a seizure
Occurs seconds to minutes before the seizure with symptoms such as altered senses (vision, hearing), dejà vu, dizziness, or unusual tastes/smells.
What happens in the Aura stage of a seizure
Occurs seconds to minutes before the seizure with symptoms such as altered senses (vision, hearing), dejà vu, dizziness, or unusual tastes/smells.
What happens in the Ictal phase
The actual seizure
what happens in the Post-Ictal Stage
Recovery phase; patient may feel tired, confused, experience headaches, or have physical injuries.
how to manage a patient during the seizure
Triage and provide basic life support.
Protect from injury (e.g., place a pillow under their head, remove restrictive items).
Time the seizure and note characteristics.
DO NOT restrain or put anything in their mouth.
Turn the patient to their side to maintain airway patency (recovery position).
how do you a manage someone after the Seizure
Check vital signs and ensure the airway is clear.
Perform a neurological assessment.
Assess for injuries.
Keep the environment calm and reassuring.
what are some post seizure observations
Monitor vital signs, airway, and breathing.
Perform a neurological assessment.
Check for any injuries (e.g., tongue, cheek, or body).
Document behaviour and any changes.
what are Seizure Assessment Guidelines
Course and duration of the seizure.
Type of motor activity (e.g., jerking movements, stiffening).
Associated signs: Presence of an aura or loss of consciousness.
Characteristics of the post-ictal phase.
Precipitating factors (e.g., stress, lack of sleep).
Review medications and patient’s coping strategies.