Seismic events Flashcards
Outline how earthquakes are formed?
At all plate boundaries, plates move due to gravitational sliding, slab pull and convection currents. Plates get stuck due to friction and tension and pressure builds up. When plates suddenly jerk past each other or crack forming fault lines, this releases the pressure sending shockwaves through the earth’s crust as earthquakes.
How are seismic events distributed?
Found along plate boundaries
Particularly: destructive and conservative plate boundaries.
The Ring of Fire accounts for 90% of the world’s Earthquakes.
The Alpine-Himalayan belt accounts for 5-6% of the world’s earthquakes.
How does the depth of focus affect nature and magnitude of earthquakes?
Deep focus earthquakes tend to be higher magnitude than shallow focus earthquakes. Deep focus earthquakes generally do less damage than shallow focus earthquakes as shock waves have to travel further to reach the surface reducing their power.
Why are earthquakes higher magnitude at destructive plate boundaries?
High pressure builds up between plates as subduction.
Why are earthquakes lower magnitude at constructive plate boundaries?
Fracturing (as plates move apart), injection of magma and eruption is frequent. So, tensional stresses do not have time to accumulate.
What are the three factors affecting the magnitude of earthquakes?
Type of plate boundary
Depth of focus
Rate of movement
Give three reasons why earthquakes may occur away from plate boundaries?
Reactivation of old fault lines - potentially due to deferred stress release OR…Large dams and reservoirs - pressure on underlying rocks reactivates old faults
Hydraulic fracturing
Subsidence of old deep mines
What is a body wave?
Travel through the earth can be divided into primary (p) waves or secondary (s) waves.
What is a surface wave?
Travel along the Earth’s surface, these cause the most damage, as cause more ground movement and travel more slowly so take longer to pass
What is a primary wave?
alternately compress and expand, so particle motion is parallel to direction of wave movement. Can travel through ALL substances, fastest.
what is a secondary wave?
transverse, movement of particles is perpendicular (90 degrees) from movement of wave (up and down). Cannot travel through air or water, slower but cause more damage (greater amplitude).
What is a Rayleigh wave?
transverse, movement of particles is perpendicular (90 degrees) from movement of wave (up and down). Cannot travel through air or water, slower but cause more damage (greater amplitude).
What are loves waves?
horizontal shear waves, move the ground from side to side at right angles to the direction of the movement. This can damage infrastructure and buildings.
What does the Richter scale measure?
Logarithmic scale measures the magnitude of an earthquake based on the amplitude of secondary waves.
What does the Moment Magnitude Scale measure?
Logarithmic scale measures earthquake magnitude based on the total amount of energy released. Distance a fault has moved x force required to move it.
What does the Mercalli scale measure?
Intensity of an event and its impact - 12 point scale, subjective.
What is the epicentre of an earthquake?
Point on the earth’s surface directly above the focus - where the earthquake is first felt.
What is the focus of an earthquake?
Point in the earth’s crust where the earthquake starts.
What is the relationship between magnitude and frequency of seismic events?
Negative relationship - as magnitude increases frequency decreases.
What are the two primary impacts of seismic events?
Ground rupture (displacement of the earth’s surface along fault lines). Ground shaking
Give three factors affecting the severity of ground shaking from seismic events.
Dependent on magnitude
Depth of focus
Distance from the epicentre
How do earthquakes result in tsunamis?
Earthquakes vertically move the seabed up by several meters. Displacing (moving) the water above. The greater the movement of the sea floor the greater the volume of water displaced and the bigger the wave produced - hence greater intensity at destructive plate boundaries as higher magnitude earthquakes.Large waves radiate outwards across the ocean away from the epicentre of the earthquake. In deep water no energy is lost to frictional drag with the seabed.When it reaches shallow water near the coast, as it approaches the shore, the water becomes shallower and the base is slowed down by friction, forcing the circular wave motion into an elliptical form, which heightens until it can no longer be maintained and breaks. This is called shoaling.A large wave hits the coast, a tsunami.
How does the height of the wave affect the intensity of the impacts of a tsunami?
due to the level of movement of the sea floor - the greater the movement the greater the volume of water displaced and the bigger the wave produced.
How does the distance the wave travel affect the intensity of the impact of a tsunami?
waves lose energy as they travel towards the land, so the closer to the coast the waves start, the less energy they will lose, therefore tsunamis tend to be more powerful when they start closer to the coast.
How does the shape of the coastline affect the intensity of the impact of a tsunami?
Indented coastlines with long, narrow bays concentrate energy on the bay head due to a funneling effect as the wave travels up the bay. Irregular coastlines and offshore islands can set up interference patterns in the waves which, when they coincide perfectly, can accentuate the waveform.
How does the relief of a coastline affect the intensity of a tsunami?
Cliffs present a natural barrier to a tsunami.
How does the presence of natural defences affect the intensity of a tsunami?
Coral and mangroves act as natural defences by dissipating wave energy through their large surface areas.
How does the population density affect the the intensity of a tsunami?
High population density - greater intensity. Also, the young and old are the most vulnerable, and there may be a gender disparity.
What is liquefaction?
Weakening of water saturated sediment during an earthquake causing it to act as a liquid.
What dies liquefaction lead to?
erptions of pressurised water and sand at the surface called sandblow - may result in localised flooding.
What conditions worsen the impacts of liquefaction?
Geology - loose sand and silt within 10m of the earth’s surface.Water table close to the surfaceLack of deep foundations to buildings. (other ways to reduce the risks associated with liquefaction include: stabilising the ground and improving water drainage).
How do seismic events result in landslides (and avalanches)?
The earthquake destabilised a hillside and caused it to fall - e.g. 2008 Wenchuan earthquake caused about 45, 000 separate landslides.
Why are landslides induced by earthquakes a hazard?
Cause debris flows
Debris flows may result in natural dams and resultant flash flooding when dams break.
What are the four secondary hazards of seismic events?
Is prediction effective for seismic events?
No- although regions generally at risk can be identified using plate tectonics it is difficult to know when a hazard will occur.
Give three methods used when attempting to predict seismic events?
Monitoring of groundwater levels
Release of radon gas
Unusual animal behaviour
What is seismic gap theory?
Theory that over the long run all parts of the fault must average about the same level of movement per time. This can either happen through the cumulative efforts of a very large number of very small earthquakes. Therefore, 1 large and long standing ``seismic gap’‘suggests that a significant earthquake should be expected.
Give two methods used to attempt to prevent earthquakes?
Nuclear explosions at depth
Pumping water/oil into a fault line to prevent plates from sticking
Give three methods of creating hazard resistant structures
Concrete weights on the top of buildings to move in the opposite direction ti the force of the earthquake to counteract stress (with computer programme)
Rubber shock absorbers in the foundations
Cross bracing the structure to hold it together better when it shakes
Give two pieces of evidence demonstrating the effectiveness of hazard resistant structures.
The comparison between the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake 6.9MMS and 1988 6.8 MMS Armenia earthquake shows the effects of different types of buildings. The greater earthquake proof buildings in California resulted in only 63 deaths whereas in Armenia over 25,000 people died, many inside buildings that collapsed as a result of soft foundations and no earthquake proofing features. Haiti - substandard building design, shoddy construction and inasquate materials, no building code 7.0 magnitude 12.01.2020 - 230, 000 killed and 3 million affected vs Chile 2010 8.8 MMS 521 people killed.
Give two factors limiting the effectiveness of hazard resistant buildings in reducing risk to a population.
Need to retrofit even if new strict building regulations are put in place the older buildings remain vulnerable to an earthquake - e.g. Kobe 1995 Japan where it was mainly due to the collapse of older wooden buildings that 6,300 people were killed that were the homes of the poorest people.Need to enforce building regulations effectively e.g. 1985 Mexico city where many multi-storey buildings collapsed leading to a total death toll of 30,000 - building regulations had not been enforced
What doesFEMA stand for?
Federal emergency management agency’s (FEMA)
Give the four objectives of FEMA to reduce hazard risk in the USA.
To promote understanding of earthquakes and their effects
To work to better identify earthquake risk
To improve earthquake-resistant design and construction techniques
To encourage the use of earthquake safe policies
How does education minimise the risk of seismic hazards?
minimise loss through use of drills (so the population knows how to respond effectively reducing injury/death - e.g. staying away from buildings where possible and finding strong door frames etc. to shelter under if inside) - Disaster Prevention Day (1st September) Japan. Ensure people have emergency supplies prepared - e.g. The Red Cross issued a list of supplies e.g. food stuff, clothing, first aid kits post 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake.
How does fire prevention minimise the risk of seismic hazards?
smart meters cut off the gas if an earthquake of a sufficient magnitude occurs reducing the risk of death by fire. E.g. In Tokyo the gas company has a network that transmits seismic information to a computer which then informs employees where to switch off major pipelines.
How does emergency planning minimise the risk of seismic hazards?
careful organisation to tackle the impacts of a hazard more efficiently and effectively reducing the intensity of impacts. E.g. heavy lifting gear needs to be available and many people should be given first aid training as it could be some time after an event that trained medical personnel can arrive. Much of the preparation in California involves the establishment of computer programs to identify which areas the emergency services should be sent to first.
How does early warning systems/ tsunami protection minimise the risk of seismic hazards?
while not entirely predictable automated systems can give out warnings if foreshocks or if undersea earthquakes increase tsunami risk so people can take evasive action. E.g. The pacific warning system.
How does sea walls minimise the risk of seismic hazards?
prevention walls along the coast to protect the land behind from oncoming tsunamis - e.g. Japan. N.b. often ineffective as large tsunamis are likely to overwhelm them.
How does insurance minimise the risk of seismic hazards?
people take out insurance to cover their losses and help recover faster.
How does land-use planning minimise the risks of seismic hazards?
Identifies the most hazardous areas and regulates land use - e.g. should not build hospitals etc. and should ensure sufficient open space as this forms a safe area away from fires and aftershock damage to buildings.
What is micronzonation?
mapping out the variability of hazards through urban areas to identify areas that are more or less hazardous with respect to some geological and geophysical characteristics. As these will affect the likelihood/severity of: ground shaking, liquefaction susceptibility, landslides and flooding.
What factors should be considered when land-use planning?
Known fault
Geology - soft sediment layers can amplify wave magnitudes and result in liquefaction (1985 Mexico City)
Topography - e.g. Port Au Prince Haiti 2010 some of the most dramatic damage was associated with amplification by small scale topographical features such as hills and ridges.
Describe the frequency of seismic events
Earthquakes are frequent around the world and occur every day at boundaries. N.b. Negative relationship between magnitude and frequency.
Describe the regularity of seismic events
Earthquakes follow no pattern and are random so there is irregularity between events.
Describe the predictability of seismic events
Earthquakes are almost impossible to predict. Microquakes may give some indication but the magnitude cannot be predicted as how strong they are is random - see above for methods used