Sedimentary structures Flashcards
The a layer of the bouma sequence
Poorly sorted, structureless sand, gravel and pebbles with grading upwards
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The b layer of the bouma sequence
Laminated plane bed of sand. Upper flow regime
The c layer of the bouma sequence
Ripples, cross laminated sand, HCS + SCS
The d layer of the bouma sequence
Laminated plane bed of silt. Lower flow regime
The e layer of the bouma sequence
Hemipelagic mud (+clay)
Which deposits are found after storm events?
Tempestites, Bouma Sequence, HCS, SCS
What is the two main types of ripples?
Symmetrical and asymmetrical
What happens to ripples wavelength, when the sea level rises
There is less energy in the ocean, which means less energy to create ripples, which makes the wavelength shorter
Define Ladder ripples
where current or wave ripples are modified by a second set of ripples with different orientation, common in tidal flats.
Define Antidunes
Stream bed-form in which the dune migrates in the opposite direction of stream flow
Define wave ripples
Wave ripples are formed in shallow water by oscillatory motion caused by passage of waves. They are symmetrical ripples
What is herringbone cross stratification
bipolar cross-stratification produced by alternating directions of ripple migration
Define low angle cross bedding
sedimentary layers whose contacts with each other intersect at a gentle angle (typically less than 10)
Define Flute cast
sand-filled, spoon-shaped hollow in a mud layer scooped out by a turbidity current; a sedimentary bottom structure visible at the base of the overlying bed
Load casts and flame structures
Sedimentary features that form as the result of an upper sedimentary layer pushing downward and deforming a lower sedimentary layer. Typically the features are softball to basketball in size.
Define slump
Sedimentary folding affecting several beds
What is the difference between stromatolites and thrombolites
Stromatolites has lamination. Thrombolites doesn’t
Laminar flow
Laminar flow: At all points in the flow all molecules are moving downstream. Molecules move parallel to each other.
Turbulent flow
Turbulent flow: At any point in the flow, a molecule may be moving in any direction, but the net flow is downstream.
Convolute lamination
Disrupted layering by liquefication during or after deposition
Mention the symmetrical ripple forms
Wave ripple, Rolling grain ripple, Vortex
Mention the asymmetrical ripple forms
Current ripple
Define planar cross-lamination
A perfectly straight ripple will generate cross-laminae that all dip in the same direction and lay in the same plane.
Define planar cross bedding
Are created at low flow velocities. Sand on the lee slope is not reworked