Exogenic processes Flashcards
where do aeolian processes occur?
Places where sediment supply is a lot greater than vegetation, and evaporation exceeds precipitation.
Where are arid areas located?
Latitudinal belts: 30 ° N and 30 ° S, and 60 ° N and 60 ° S
Where does rain shadows occur?
Mountainous areas expericing reduced rainfaill. Found on the side facing away from the prevailling winds.
What deposit is always related to storms?
Hummocky Cross Stratification
What characterises hummocky cross stratification
- Upward curvature of laminations
- Low-angle, curved lamina intersections
- Very long wavelengths, low heighs: Lamina dips normally less than 10 degrees.
How is the curve of at storms energy?
stiger stærkt
1. erosion
falder lidt langsomer
2. deposition (rudites, arenites, pelites)
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What are tempestites?
Individual storm deposits.
1. sharp possibly erosive base
2. overlain by structureless coarse sediment
3. hummocky cross-stratification (finer sand)
4. horizontal and wave-ripple lamination
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What characterises hummocky cross stratification
- Upward curvature of laminations
- Low-angle, curved lamina intersections
- Very long wavelengths, low heighs: Lamina dips normally less than 10 degrees.
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what is the tidal force
a force that occurs when the gravity pulling on one side of an object is larger than that on the other side, causing the object to stretch.
The difference between acceleration exerted by a body on another, and the centrifugal acceleration.
how often do neap tides occur
twice a month, at first and third quarter moon. When the moon is perpendicular to the sun.
how often do spring tides occur
twice a month, at full and new moon. When the moon is aligned with the sun.
Earth’s tidal bulges are caused by?
the differential gravitational pull by both the moon and the sun. Earths rotation offsets the bulge, which slows earth’s rotation.
Slack water
State of a tidal current when its velocity is near zero; occurs when the tidal current changes direction.
On which plan are tides
horizontal event
Off shore
diurnal inequality
The difference in height between successive high or low tides. Can be seen in sediments.
The days has been shorter than they are today. Why is that?
The moon was closer to the earth.
Tidal deposits
Flaser-, wavy-, and lenticular lamination, herring bone cross stratification and Sigmoidal cross bedding