Sedimentary rock classification Flashcards
What is a sedimentary rock made of?
+/- Components +/- Matrix + Cement
There is always cement but it’s not always possible to see with the eye
Name 8 types of sedimentary rocks
- Siliciclastics
- Pyroclastics
- Carbonates
- Siliceous
- Coal
- Evaporites
- Ore stones
- Phosphates
First the rock is classified on the grain size.
Name the 3 sizes
Siliciclastic rocks
Pelites (silt/mud)
Arenites (sand, 1/16 mm -2 mm )
Rudites (gravel, > 2mm)
How are Arenites named?
Siliciclastic, sand sized grains
- Arenite (0-15% matrix)
- Wacke (15-75% matrix)
- Mudstone (>75% matrix)
Amount of matrix vs. grains
How are Rudites named?
Siliciclastic, grain size > 2mm = gravel
- rounded = Conglomerate
- sharp edges = Breccia
Types of grains:
- 1 type = monomict
- 2-3 types = oligomict
- Many types = polymict
The type af matrix
Matrix supported vs. grain supported
Why is it important to analyse the amount of sorting of the grains?
Tells you about the energy when it was deposited
What is the Carbonate ion?
CO3 (2-)
Name 2 types of carbonate rocks
Limestone CaCO3
Dolomite CaMg(CO3)2
Only limestone reacts with HCL
What is a carbonate rock made of?
+/- Components +/- matrix +cement
There is always cement
Name 4 types of possible components (allochems) in carbonate rock
Ooids (nucleus)
Peloids (no nucleus, smaller)
Intraclasts (Fragments of carbonate rock)
Name types of bioclasts
- Crinoids (sølilje)
- Bivalves
- Brachiopods
- Gasteropods (snegle)
- Foraminifers ( fx. orbitolina, nummulites)
- Green algea
- Corals
What is carbonate cement?
Formed by percipitation of calcite by carbonate rich liquids
Visible with the handlens is called Sparite
Sparite shines,
What is carbonate mud?
Looks like yogurt
Matrix can be made of micrite
What is the Dunham classification based on?
Carbonate rocks
Amount of matrix vs. grains
Name the 4 types of rocks in Dunham classification
Mudstone (Mud s. < 10% grain)
Wackestone (Mud s. > 10% grain)
Packstone (Grain s., +Micrite)
Grainstone (Grain s. - Micrite)
Name 3 organisms that make biogenic silica
Radiolara (Radiolarite)
Diatoms (Diatomite)
Sponges (rare Spiculite)
Silica (SiO2) from these form chert (flint)
Name 5 stages of coal
Named after % of carbon
Peat (< 50 % C)
Bituminous coal
Graphite (100% C)
Formed from organic matter on land
Name 4 evaporites
Evaporites named after the mineral
Calcite (CaCO3)
Gypsum (CaSO4 * 2H2O)
Halite (NaCl)
K and Mg salts
Pyroclastic rocks:
Name 4 types of tephra
Named after grain size
Fine ash –>Fine grained tuff
Coarse ash –> coarse grained tuff
Lapillus –> Lappilituff
Blocks/Bombs –> Pyroclastic breccia
Tephra is unconsolidated fragments
How are terriginous rocks classified
Grainsize (Pelites, Arenites, Rudites)
Amount of matrix (Arenites =Trekant)
Roundnes of grains (Rudites)
Sorting of grains
What is an allochem?
Grains in a corbonate rocks
- Bioclasts
- intraclasts
- Ooids
- Peloids
What is the difference between a peloid and an Ooid?
Peloid = No nucleus
Ooid = Spherical, with nucleus