Security Flashcards
Q: Why is WordPress security important?
A: To protect your website from hackers, malware, data breaches, and ensure the safety of user information and site functionality.
Q: What is the most common way WordPress sites get hacked?
A: Through outdated plugins, themes, or WordPress core files.
Q: Why are regular updates critical for WordPress security?
A: Updates often patch security vulnerabilities in WordPress core, plugins, and themes.
Q: What is the WordPress security model based on?
A: It’s based on user roles and capabilities to control access and permissions.
Q: What is a strong password, and why is it important?
A: A strong password includes uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. It minimizes the risk of brute-force attacks.
Q: How can you enforce strong passwords in WordPress?
A: Use a plugin like “Force Strong Passwords” to require strong passwords for all users.
Q: What is two-factor authentication (2FA)?
A: A security measure requiring users to verify their identity with a second factor, like a mobile app or email code.
Q: How can you limit login attempts in WordPress?
A: Use a plugin like “Limit Login Attempts Reloaded” to restrict the number of failed login attempts.
Q: Why is it important to use plugins and themes from reputable sources?
A: To avoid installing malicious or poorly coded software that can create security vulnerabilities.
Q: How can you check if a plugin is safe to use?
A: Check its reviews, update history, compatibility with the latest WordPress version, and developer credibility.
Q: Why should you delete unused themes and plugins?
A: Unused themes and plugins can still pose security risks if they contain vulnerabilities.
Q: What are nulled themes or plugins, and why should you avoid them?
A: Nulled themes/plugins are pirated versions that often contain malware or backdoors.
Q: What is the purpose of the wp-config.php file?
A: It contains crucial settings, including database credentials, security keys, and other configuration details.
Q: How can you secure the wp-config.php file?
A: Move it to a non-public directory or restrict its access via .htaccess.
Q: What is the WordPress SALT key, and why is it important?
A: SALT keys encrypt cookies and login data, enhancing security.
Q: What does disabling file editing in WordPress do?
A: Prevents users from editing theme and plugin files directly from the dashboard, reducing risks from compromised accounts.