Secularisation Flashcards
What 5 Changes to religion in the UK does WILSON give?
- since 1851
1- A decline in the proportion of population going to Church or belonging to one
2- An increase in the average age of churchgoers
3- Fewer baptisms and church weddings
4- Decline in traditional Christian beliefs
5- Greater diversity, including more non-Christian religions
What is the definition of secularisation?
The process whereby religious belief practises and institutions lose social significance
How does Church attendance today show that a Britain has become a secular society?
‘Bogus baptisms’, infants Bs decline, older increase as they use it as an entry ticket to high performing schools, rather than a sign of Christian commitment
- declined 1.6million to 0.8 million
How does Religious affiliation today show that a Britain has become a secular society?
Continuing decline in the number of people affiliated with a religion
- those identifying as Christian fell by 1/3
- rise in non-Christian religion (Islam)
- immigration and high birth rate
How does religious belief today show that a Britain has become a secular society?
Declining- along with church attendance and membership
- surveys show a decline in belief in personal God, Jesus as the son of God
- Christian teachings about the afterlife and the Bible
How do religious institutions today show that a Britain has become a secular society?
Declining- less social influence, the state provides education, not the Church, replaces its function
- Catholic priests fell by 1/3
Bruce- ‘steady and unremitting decline’
- clergy are an aging workforce
How can we criticise the claim that Britain is becoming a more secular society?
Rise in NRMs/NAMs
Explanations of secularisation
How has modernisation affected religious belief?
Been replaced with rational and scientific ways which undermines religion
Explanations of secularisation
What is the effect of industrialisation on small communities?
Break them up
- were held together by common religious belief
Explanations of secularisation
What is the impact of religious diversity on religious institutions and religious beliefs?
The growth of diversity both undermines the authority of religious institutions and the credibility of religious belief
WEBER: Rationalisation
What is rationalisation?
Refers to the process where rational ways of thinking and acting come to replace religious ones
WEBER: Rationalisation
What was the medieval Catholic world view?
Saw the world as an enchanted garden, God and other spiritual beings/forces could change the course f events
WEBER: Rationalisation
How did the Protestant world view differ from that of Catholicism?
They believed that God did not intervene as he existed above and beyond or outside the world
- as a transcendant
WEBER: Rationalisation
What does Weber mean by the ‘disenchantment of the world’?
It squeezes out magical and religious way of thinking
- dominance of rational thought
WEBER: Rationalisation
How did the Protestant Reformation lead to the ‘disenchantenment’ of the world?
Undermined by scientific knowledge, no evidence of intervention
- technological advancements give humans more power and control
WEBER: Rationalisation
What does Bruce mean by the technological world view?
Scientific knowledge does not challenge religion directly but results in people taking it less seriously