SECTIONS 29-36 (VIRTUS) Flashcards
quid est quisaquam aut illo dignum aut vobis novum aut cuiquam inauditum possit adferre?
What is there which anyone could bring forward which is either worthy of him, new to you, or something which no one has heard before?
Iam vero virtuti Cn. Pompei quae potest oratio par inveniri?
Moreover, what speech can be found equal to the merit of Pompeius?
neque enim illae sunt solae vitutes imperatoriae, quae vulgo existimantur,
For those which are commonly considered to be the good qualities of a general are not the only ones,
labor in negotiis, fortitudo in periculis, industria in agendo, celeritas in conficiendo, consilium in providendo,
energy in conducting affairs, bravery in dangers, hard work in action, speed in completing a matter, forethought in forward planning,
quae tanta sunt in hoc uno, quanta in omnibus reliquis imperatoribus,
all of which are greater in this one man as ever existed in all the remaining generals
quos aut videmus aut audivimus, non fuerunt.
whom we have either seen or heard of.
Testis est Italia, quam ille ipse victor L. Sulla huius virtute et subsidio confessus est libertam;
Italy is a witness to these qualities, which the famous conqueror himself, Lucius Sulla, acknowledged was set free by Pompey’s valour and assistance.
testis est Sicilia, quam multis undique cinctam periculis non terrore belli sed consilii celeritate explicavit:
Sicily is a witness, which, surrounded by great dangers on all sides, Pompey freed from danger, not by threat of war, but by speed of plan:
testis est Africa, quae magnis oppressa hostium copiis eorum ipsorum sanguine redundavit:
Africa is a witness, which, overwhelmed by great enemy forces, ovflowed with those same enemies’ own blood:
testis est Gallia, per quam legionibus nostris iter in Hispaniam Gallorum internicione patefactum est:
Gaul is a witness, through which the road to Spain was opened up for our legions by the slaughter of the Gauls:
testis est Hispania, quae saepissime plurimos hostes ab hoc superatos prostratosque conspexit:
Spain is a witness, which very frequently saw its many foes overcome and laid low by this man:
testis est iterum et saepius Italia, quae cum servili bello taetro periculosoque premeretur, ab hoc auxilium absente expetivit,
Italy again, and more frequently, is witness, which sought help from Pompey in his absence, when it was hard pressed by the foul and dangerous slave-war,
quod bellum exspectatione eius attenuatum atque imminutum est, adventu sublatum ac sepultum.
a war whose danger was diminished and lessened by the mere expectation of his coming, and removed and buried by his arrival.
Testis nunc vero iam omnes orae atque exterae gentes ac nationes,
Now moreover, all the shores are witness, as are all foreign tribes and nations,
denique maria omnia, cum universa,
finally, all the seas, both collectively,
tum in singulis oris omnes sinus atque portus.
and all the bays and harbours on each shore.
quis enim tot mari locus per hos annos aut firmum habuit praesidium,
For over the whole sea, what place during these years either had such strong protection
ut tutus esset,
that it was safe,
aut tam fuit abditus, ut lateret?
or was so secluded that it escaped notice?
quis navigavit, qui non se aut mortis aut servitutis periculo committeret,
Who sailed who did not commit himself to the danger of either death or slavery,
cum aut hieme aut referto praedonum mari navigaret?
since he was sailing either in winter or on a sea packed with pirates?
hoc tantum bellum, tam turpe, tam vetus,
Who would ever think that this war, so important, so disgraceful,
tam late divisum atque dispersum quis umquam arbitraretur aut ab omnibus imperatoribus uno anno aut omnibus annis ab uno imperatore confici posse?
so long standing and scattered, could be brought to an end either by all the generals in one year, or in all the years by one general?
quam provinciam tenuistis a praedonibus liberam per hosce annos?
What province did you hold which was free from pirates during these years?
quod vectigal vobis tutum fuit?
What tribute was secure for you?
quem socium defendistis?
What ally did you defend?
cui praesidio classibus vestris fuistis?
Whom did you protect with your fleets?
quam multas existimatis insulas esse desertas,
How many islands do you think were deserted,
quam multas aut metu relictas aut a praedonibus captas urbis esse sociorum?
how many allied cities abandoned because of fear, or captured by the pirates?