Sections 14, 7, 8 Flashcards
Warrantless entry power to place or vehicle to prevent offences, injury to persons or damage to property.
You may enter without warrant and
Take Any Action you have reasonable grounds to believe will prevent the offending or avert the emergency
Warrantless entry power to place or vehicle to arrest person unlawfully at large
If you have RGTS a person is unlawfully at large and believe they are in that place or vehicle
May enter and search to arrest
WTA, Escapees etc
Warrantless entry power to place or vehicle to avoid loss of offender or evidential material
RGTS a person has committed an imprisonable offence
And believe that person is in that place or vehicle
And believe if you don’t enter
The person will leave to avoid arrest
Evidence relating to the offence for which to the person is being arrested will be CADD
May enter and search to arrest
Concealed, altered, damaged, destroyed