Sections 125, 131, 110, 169 Flashcards
ID requirements
In we come
Use reasonable force to gain entry
Rules about searching persons
Detain person as long as necessary to complete search
Use reasonable force to complete search
May search any item person is wearing or in control of
May seize anything that is subject of search or may be lawfully seized
Search powers
Power to enter and search place, vehicle or other thing that person is authorized to search
Use any force in respect of any property that is reasonable for the purposes of search or seizure
Seize any property that is subject of search or able to be seized
Reporting warrentless entry power
Fine if you report it on time
If officer exercises a warrentless entry power they must report it as soon as practicable
Not for 85, 88 (rubdown searches), 11 (custody search), powers of entry without search and search by consent