Section A: Unpaid Claims for Layers Flashcards
Siewert: What are the benefits of high deductible programs?
- Price flexibility with the additional risk passed to larger insureds
- Improved the residual market charges and premium taxes in some states
- Cash flow advantages similar to those of paid loss retro policies
- Provides insureds a way to control losses while protecting against random large losses
- Allows for easier “self-insurance” for insureds
Siewert: How do you estimate the overall reserve while reflecting the different the mix of deductibles and limits?
After selecting appropriate development factors, apply them at the account level using each account’s deductible and limits.
Then you can aggregate the estimated ultimate over all accounts.
Siewert: In absence of credibility development histories, a common approach for determining liabilities is using loss ratios. How do you select a loss ratio for the Loss Ratio Method?
- Use the company experience by state and calculate the full-coverage loss ratio using an individual account’s premium distribution by state
- We might blend that experience with industry experience using credibility
Note: Loss experience should be developed to ultimate, brought on level and trended to the appropriate exposure period for calculating loss ratios.
Siewert: Loss Ratio Method
Estimate of per-occurrence Excess Losses
Deductible Loss Charge = Prem • ELR • 𝛘
𝛘 = per occurrence charge (excess ratio)
Siewert: Loss Ratio Method
Estimating the Aggregate Loss Charge
Aggregate Loss Charge = Prem • ELR • (1-𝛘) • ø
𝛘 = per occurrence charge (excess ratio)
ø = per-aggregate charge (aggregate ratio)
Siewert: Loss Ratio Method
What are the advantages? Disadvantages?
- Useful when no data is available or data is very immature
- Loss ratio estimates can be consistently tied to pricing, at least in the beginning they can be
- Relies on a more credible pool of company and/or industry experience
- Ignores emerging experience
- not very useful after several years of development
- May not properly reflect account characteristics and losses may develop differently due to the type of exposures written
Siewert: What is the Implied Development Method?
Determine excess development implicitly by:
- Develop full coverage losses to ultimate
- Then, develop deductible losses to ultimate by applying development factors with inflation indexed limits
- Take the difference between the full coverage ultimate and the limited ultimate losses to derive the excess ultimate losses
Ultxs = Ultunlimited - Ultlimited
Resvxs = Ultxs - (Lossunlimited - Losslimited)
- Unlimited loss tail factor should be consistent (higher)with limited tail
- Limited LDFs must be calculated to reflect inflation-indexed limits at different accident years
Siewert: Implied Development Method
To calculate limited LDFs for deductible loss, the limits need to be indexed for inflation.
What are 2 ways to determine the index?
To calculate limited LDFs for deductible loss, index limits for inflation:
- This keeps the proportion of deductible/excess losses constant around the limit from year to year
- Otherwise, a constant deductible implies increasing excess losses
Possible ways to determine the index:
- Fit a line to average severities over the long-term history
- Use an index that reflects the change in annual severity
Siewert: What are the advantages of Implied Development?
What are the disadvantages?
- Provides an estimate for excess losses at early maturities, even when excess losses haven’t emerged
- LDFs for limited losses are more stable than LDFs for excess losses
- Misplaced focus, because we would like to explicitly recognize excess loss development
Siewert: What is the Direct Development Method?
This approach explicitly focuses on excess development.
- Given the limited and full coverage LDFs, there are XSLDFs that balance limited and excess development with full covreage development
Ultexcess = Lossexcess • XSLDF
Siewert: What are the disadvantages of directly determining excess development factors and applying them to excess losses?
- XSLDFs can be quite leveraged and volatile so they can be difficult to select
- If there is no excess loss emergence then we can’t estimate the ultimate
Siewert: Formulas for the Credibility-Weighted method for determining excess liabilities.
Deductible Loss Charge = Prem • ELR • 𝛘
Ultexcess = Z x (Loss • XSLDF) + (1 - Z) x E[Loss]
Ult = Cred•UltDirect Development + (1-Cred)•UltLoss Ratio Method
Siewert: What are the advantages & disadvantages of the credibility-weighted method for determining excess liabilities?
- Ties with pricing estimates for immature years where excess losses have not emerged
- Estimates are more stable over time compared to direct development
- Ignores actual experience for the complement of credibility
- Might use alternative credibility-weights that are more responsive to actual experience if desired
Siewert: What is Limited Severity Relativity?
Limited Relativity Severity
- Ratio between limited and unlimited severity
RtL = Severity Limited to limit L at age t / Unlimited Severity at age t
RL = Severity Limited to limit L at Ultimate / Unlimited Severity at Ultimate
Siewert: What is the relationship between the limited LDF, unlimited LDF and severity relativities?
Siewert: What is the relationship between XSLDF, unlimited LDF and severity relativities?
Siewert: What is the relationship between the limited excess and unlimited LDFs?
LDFt = RtL • LDFtL + (1-RtL) • XSLDFtL
Siewert: Describe the relationship between limited severity relativities over time in words and using a graph.
Severity relativity should decrease as age increases
- more losses are capped at the per-occurrence limit as age increases
Severity relativity should be higher for higher limits and should decrease more slowly than you would see for lower limits
- A higher limit means less of the loss is capped so the relativity is higher
Siewert: One option for estimating reserves for an excess layer is to use a distributional model.
How does this model work?
- A distributional model works by modeling the development process by determining the distribution of parameters that vary over time.
- Once the parameters are determined, we can calculate severity relativities.
- Comparing these relativities over time results in development factors.
Siewert: One option for estimating reserves for an excess layer is to use a distributional model.
Identify 3 methods for estimating the parameters of a distributional model.
- Method of Moments
- Maximum Liklihood
- Siewert’s Approach - minimize the chi-square between the actual and expected severity relativities around a particular deductible size
Siewert: One option for estimating reserves for an excess layer is to use a distributional model.
What are two advantages of using a distributional model?
- Provides consistent LDFs
- Allows for interpolation among limits and years
Siewert: What formula does Siewert derive that shows the expected development partitioned around the deductible limit?
Siewert: What does the following graph show?
(Based upon Weibull Distribution)
The graph shows that as development age increases, an increasing proportion of development is the excess the deductible limit.
Siewert: What is the aggregate loss limit?
Aggregate Loss Limit
Limits the total losses below the deductible that are paid by the insured
- similar to maximum premium
Siewert: How does Siewert suggest coming up with LDF’s for aggregate limits?
Collective Risk Model
- Model frequency & severity separately
- Siewert uses Weibull for severity and Poisson for claim counts
- Combine frequency & severity into a collective risk model
- Sample from collective risk model to calculate development factors
- Might improve by including parameter risk in the model
- Use BF method with LDFs from model to estimate losses excess the aggregate limit
Siewert: What observations did Siewert make regarding the development of losses excess of aggregate limits?
- Development for losses excess aggregate limits decreases more rapidly over time with smaller deductibles than larger ones
- This is because most later development is in layers of loss above the deductible limit and not subject to the aggregate limit
- Development is more leveraged for larger aggregate limits
- Takes longer for losses to breach the aggregate limit
Siewert: What method does Siewert suggest to use to smooth out indications of ultimate liability for aggregate limits?
- Use the Bornhuetter-Ferguson method to smooth out indications of ultimate liability
Siewert: Siewert mentions revenue item that should be reflected on the asset side of the balance sheet from a higher deductible program.
What is this item?
Service Revenue
Revenue for an insurer to service claims under a high deductible program