Section A: Estimating Parameters Flashcards
Clark: What are the primary objectives of Clark’s paper? What are the two key elements from those objectives?
Objective 1:
- to provide a tool that describes the loss emergence
Objective 2:
- to provide a way of estimating a range of possible outcomes around the expected reserve
The 2 key elements:
- the expected amount of loss to emerge in some time period
- the distribution of actual emergence around the expected value (stochastic reserving)
Clark: Expected Loss Emergence
- generally provide small tail factor than Loglogistic
- if given Wiebull on the exam, you shouldn’t need to truncate the data or need a tail factor
- Loglogistic you will require to truncate as it has a heavier tail
- note that ‘x’ is cumulative time average so from accident year to valuation point and then half of the last valuation point (so 120 months then ‘x’ is 114)

Clark: Expected Loss Emergence
Loglogistic (Inverse Power)

Clark: What are the advantages of using parameterized curves to determine the expected emergence pattern?
- simple method as we only need to estimate 2 parameters
- can use triangles with partial periods
- indicated pattern is a smooth pattern and will not have random movement seen in the historical age-to-age factors
Clark: What is the benefit of using the Loglogistic and the Weibull curves to derive the reporting pattern?
- Smoothly move from 0% to 100%
- these two models will work when some actual points show decreasing losses; however, if there is real expected negative development then a different model should be used
- e.g. significant salvage recoveries you may see on physical damage
- these two models will work when some actual points show decreasing losses; however, if there is real expected negative development then a different model should be used
- Closely match empirical data
- First and second derivatives are calculable
- Can be used on partial periods
Clark: Estimating Ultimate Losses
LDF Method
µAY;x,y = ULTAY * [G(y|w,ø) - G(x|w,ø)]
Clark: Estimating Ultimate Losses
Cape Cod Method
Explain why CC is better than LDF method?
µAY;x,y = PremiumAY * ELR * [G(y|w,ø) - G(x|w,ø)]
- Cape Cod method has a smaller parameter variance
- Process variance can be higher or lower than the LDF method
- In general, Cape Cod is preferred to LDF method since:
- LDF method is overparameterized due to less data points as we are using annual triangle
- CC has lower total variance driven by
- reduced number of parameters
- using more information (premium/exposure base)
Clark: The distribution of actual loss emergence process variance is given by the following:
σ2 = ?
- assume that c follows an over-dispersed Poisson distribution with scaling factor σ2
- this is the same thing as the Chi-Square error term which is then scaled by n-p

Clark: What are the advantages of using the over-dispersed Poisson distribution?
- scaling factors allow us to match the first and second moments of any distribution which offers a high degree of flexibility
- MLE produces the LDF and CC estimates of ultimate losses so can be presented in format familiar to reserving actuaries
Clark: Should we be concerned about estimating ultimate reserves using a discrete (Poisson) distribution?
- the scale factor, σ2, is genearlly small compared to the mean so little precision is lost
- allows for probability mass function (p.m.f.) at zero which mean there can be cases where no change in loss is seen
Clark: What is the liklihood estimator of the Poisson distribution?
MLE = Σci * ln(ui) - ui
Clark: What is the formula for the Cape Cod Ulitmate?
ELR = ?

Clark: What is the formula for the LDF ULTi?

Clark: What is an advantage of the maximum loglikelihood function?
- it works in the presence of negative or zero incremental losses
- since its based on expected incremental development and not actual
Clark: What is the total variance of the reserves?
Total Variance = ?
- Total variance is the sum of the process variance and the parameter variance
- Due to the complexity of the parameter variance, it should be given to us on the exam
Process Variance of R = σ2ΣµAY;x,y
Clark: What are the key assumptions of the stochastic reserving model?
1. Incremental losses are independent and iid
In context of reserving:
- independent means one period does not affect surrounding period
- could see positive correlation if all periods are equally impacted by change in loss inflation
- could see negative correlation if large settlement in one period replaces a stream of payments in later periods
- identically distributed assumes the emergence pattern is the same for all accident years (over simplified assumption as mix of business changes would impact this)
2. The variance/mean scale parameter, σ2, is fixed and known
- simplifies the calculations
3. Variance estimates are based on an approximation to the Rao-Cramer lower bound.
- do not know the true parameters so this is an approx.
Clark: Set up the table needed to solve for the reserves.
LDF Method

Clark: Set up the table needed to solve for the reserves.
Cape Cod Method
- MAKE sure to calculate the ELR PRIOR to truncation!
- have to do it this way as per Clark to get the right answer
- parameters will be different since on-level premium is needed so lag factors differ from LDF method
- add a column for OLP

Clark: How do you determine the process variance of the total reserve?
Just multiply the reserve by the scale factor, σ2
rAY;x,y =
What are you looking for when examining the residual plots?
- We want the residuals to be randomly scattered around the zero line
- Can plot the residuals against a number of things to test the model assumptions such as:
- Increment Age (i.e. AY age)
- Expected loss increment - good for testing the variance/mean ratio is constant
- Accident Year
- Calendar Year - to test diagonal effects

Clark: Once the MLE calculations have been completed, there are other uses for the statistics besides the variance of the overall reserve. What are 3 uses?
1. Variance of the Prospective Loss
- Must use Cape Cod for this as we already have the MLE of the ELR
- Can use this to estimate the expected loss if we already have future premium (from budget)
2. Calendar Year Development
- This is AvE as we can estimate the development for the next CY beyond the latest diagonal.
- Good reason for this is that the 12-month development is testable within a short timeframe. One year later we can compare it to actual development and see if its in the forecast range.
3. Variability in the Discounted Reserves
- lower CV as the tail has the greatest process variance but it also gets the deepest discount
Clark: Variance of the Discounted Reserves
Rd = ?
Var(Rd) = ?

Clark: How do you calculate the estimated reserves for partial periods on an AY basis?
- must multiply the Expos(t) by G(x)
- e.g. if its September then the current year will have Expos(t) = 0.75 and G(4.5) and then you would multiply this together to get the adjusted G(x)
- for years not in the first 12 months, the Expos(t) factor is 1
Mack (1994): Mack Chain Ladder Assumption 1
Mack Assumption 1
Expected losses in the next development period are proportional to losses-to-date
E[Ci,k+1 | Ci,1,…,Ci,k] = Ci,k * LDF
- The chain ladder method uses the same LDF for each accident year (volume weighted average)
- Uses most recent losses-to-date to project losses, ignoring losses as of earlier develoment periods
Mack (1994): Mack Chain Ladder Assumption 2
Mack Chain Ladder Assumption 2
Losses are independent between accident years
{Ci,1,…,Ci,I} and {Cj,1,…,Cj,I} between different accident years i≠j are independent.
- a good estimator (fhatk) is unbiased and is as long as we can assume that accident year are independent
- cannot make this assumption for triangles impacted by calendar year effects such as changes to claim handling practices or case reserving which affect several accident years similarly
Mack (1994): Mack Chain Ladder Assumption 3
Mack Chain Ladder Assumption 3
Variance of losses in the next development period is proportional to losses-to-date with proportionality constant, ⍺2k, that varies by age.
Var[Ci,k+1 | Ci,1,…Ci,k] = Ci,k * ⍺2k
- stems from the fact that using a volume weighted average has a smaller variance than using a simple average for the LDFs
Mack (1994): Summary of Mack Assumptions
- E[Ci,k+1| Ci,1,…,Ci,k] = Ci,k* LDF
- Losses are independent between accident years
- Var[Ci,k+1 | Ci,1,…Ci,k] = Ci,k * ⍺2k
Mack (1994): What is a major consequence of Assumption 1 where we assume that prior information has no impact on future development?
If Assumption 1 holds, subsequent development factors are uncorrelated because the expected value of fk (the LDF) is not dependent on prior loss development.
Impact: If the book of business typically shows a smaller-than-average increase, Lossk+1 / Lossk < LDFk, after a larger-than-average increase, Lossk / Lossk-1, then the chain ladder method would not be appropriate.
- you would need to make adjustments to the triangle before analysis can be done
Mack (1994): MSE of an accident year’s ultimate loss estimate formula
- remember to take the square root to get the standard error
- s.e.(Rhati) = s.e.(ChatiI)

Mack (1994):
⍺2 = ?

Mack (1994): How do you calculate ⍺2I-1 for the final development period?

Mack (1994): Confidence Interval for the Reserve Estimate
C.I. = ?
- σ is a parameter for lognormal and is not the sd of the reserve - don’t mix these up (same for µ)

Mack (1994): Why are reserve estimates by accident year dependent?
- The estimators Rhati are all influenced by same age-to-age factors, fhatk, resulting in positive correlation between accident year estimates.
Mack (1994): Weights for LDF calculation using different variance assumptions
fk0 → assumes that the variance of Cj,k+1 is proportional to 1
- C2ik weighted average of the individual development factors
- violates the third assumption of chain ladder as this assumes variance is proportional to C2ik
- C2ik weighted average of the individual development factors
fk1 → assumes the variance of Cj,k+1 is proportional to Cjk
- Cik weighted average of individual development factors
- the usual chain-ladder age-to-age factor fk
- Cik weighted average of individual development factors
fk2 → assumes that the variance of Cj,k+1 is proportional to C2jk
- unweighted average or simple average of individual development factors
- proportional to 1 and violates the third assumption of the chain ladder method
- unweighted average or simple average of individual development factors

Mack (1994): Mack Regression Plot
Testing Assumption 1

Mack (1994): Mack Residual Plot
Testing Assumption 3

Mack (1994): Mack Weighted Residual Formulas by Variance Assumption

Mack (1994): Spearman’s test of correlation of adjacent development factors formulas
- Calculate the CI for T
- Reject the null hypothesis that development factors are uncorrelated if T lies outside the CI

Mack (1994): Calendar Year Effects Test Formulas
- First calculate the LDFs
- Convert age to age factors in each column to ranks
- Convert table ranks to S’s, L’s and *’s
- Count the number of S’s and L’s for each diagonal starting top left except ignore the first one as there is only 1 element
- Using formulas, calculate the CI
- Reject the null hypothesis that there are not calendar year effects if Z lies outside the CI

Mack (1994): When determining the C.I., when should you use Normal versus Lognormal distribution?
Use lognormal when the distribution is skewed or the confidence interval can’t be negative.
- Normal distribution will allow the CI to have negative lower limits even if a negative reserve is not possible
Mack (1994): Assuming lognormal distribution:
Rhati = ?
s.e.(Rhati)2 = ?
Rhati = exp[µi + σ2i/2]
s.e.(Rhati)2 = (exp[2µi + σ2i]) * (exp[σ2i] - 1)
*Solve for µ & σ which are needed for the C.I.
Mack (1994): Mack establishes a CI for the overall reserve. What are 2 things to keep in mind when determing the overall reserve?
- The square of the standard error of R-hat is not the sum of each of the (s.e. (Rhati))2 since each estimator of R-hat is influenced by the same age-to-age factors.
* not independent - you would need a covariance term - To get the CI by accident year, allocate the upper and lower limit of the CI to each accident year in such a way that each accident year has the same confidence level
* e.g. might be that 65% CI for each AY results in 80% CI of overall reserve

Mack (1994): How does Mack calculate empirical CI’s?
- Lower empirical limit comes from applying the minimum age-to-age factors for each development period to incurred losses
- Upper empirical limit results from applying the maximum age-to-age factors for each development period to the incurred losses
Mack (1994): Why do we look at global T in the Spearman’s Rank Test?
The purpose of looking at global T is that it allows us to test the entire triangle for correlation. There are two main reasons driving this:
- Some correlation will occur in subsequent LDF purely due to random chance; and
- It is important to know whether correlations prevail globally rather than finding a small part of the triangle with correlations.
Venter: What’s the result if the Mack assumptions hold?
Under the Mack assumptions; the Chain Ladder method gives the minimum variance unbiased linear estimator of future claims emergence.
Venter: Venter slightly revised the assumptions from Mack to focus on predicting incremental losses rather than cumulative. With that in mind; what does this assumption mean?
E[q(w,d+1)|data to w+d] = ?
E[q(w,d+1)|data to w+d] = f(d)*c(w,d)
- expected losses to emerge are proportional to the cumulative losses emerged to date
Venter: Venter slightly revised the assumptions from Mack to focus on predicting incremental losses rather than cumulative. With that in mind; what does this assumption mean?
Accident Years are Independent
This assumption would be violated if there are calendar year effects
- e.g. latest diagonal shows upward shift due to case strenghtening or perhaps a speed up in settlement
Venter: Venter slightly revised the assumptions from Mack to focus on predicting incremental losses rather than cumulative. With that in mind; what does this assumption mean?
Var[q(w,d+1)|data to w+d] = ?
Var[q(w,d+1)|data to w+d] = a[d,c(w,d)]
- variance of the next incremental loss is a function of age and the cumulative losses to date
- ‘a’ does NOT vary by accident year
Venter: What are the 6 testable implications of the Chain Ladder assumptions (Mack Assumptions)?
- Significance of development factors, f(d)
- Superiority of the CL method to alternative emergence patterns
- Linearity of the model
* Review residuals vs. Lossk - Stability of development factors
* Review residuals vs. time - No correlation among columns of development factors
- No particularly high/low diagonals (calendar year effects)
Venter: Under testable implication #1, Significance of Factors, how do you determine if a factor is significant?
A factor is considered significant (so not zero) if the factor, |f(d)|, is at least twice its standard deviation.
|f(d)| ≥ 2σ
- can be tested if distribution is known; can assume normal or if the distribution is positively skewed then use lognormal
- if f(d) predicts cumulative losses rather than incremental then test the significance from 1 instead of zero.
Venter: Under the testable implication #2, briefly describe three alternatives to the standard chain-ladder emergence pattern.
- Linear with a constant:
E[q(w,d+1)|data to w+d] = f(d)*c(w,d)+g(d)
E[IncLossd] = f(d)*Lossk + g(d)
- states that the next period’s expected emerged loss is a linear function of the previous cumulative losses plus a constant
2. Factor times parameter
E[IncLossd] = f(d) * h(w)
- states that the next period’s expected emerged loss is a lag factor times the expected ultimate loss amount for an AY
3. Including calendar year effects
E[IncLossd] = f(d)*h(w)*g(w+d)
- states that the next period’s expected emerged loss is a lag factor times the expected ultimate loss amount for an AY times a CY effect factor
Venter: The sum of the squared error, SSE, should be used to compare different development methods.
Goodness of Fit:
Adjusted SSE
Adjusted SSE = SSE / (n-p)2
p = # of parameters in the model
n = # of incremental loss observations (exlude the first column)! For example, a 4 x 4 triangle would have 6 observations.
Venter: The sum of the squared error, SSE, should be used to compare different development methods.
Goodness of Fit:
Akaike Informatioin Criteria (AIC)
AIC = SSE * e2p/n
- penalizes less heavily than the adjusted SSE and BIC goodness of fit tests
Venter: The sum of the squared error, SSE, should be used to compare different development methods.
Goodness of Fit:
Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC)
BIC = SSE * np/n
Venter: What observations does Venter have about the Linear with Constant alternative emergence pattern?
- Often significant at development age 0 to age 1 especially for highly variable and slowly reporting lines (e.g. excess reinsurance)
- If constant is significant and the factor is not, the additive chain-ladder method may be appropiate
- i.e. if g(d) is significant, then this emergence is more strongly supported than the chain ladder method
Venter: Venter refers to the emergence pattern 2, factor times parameter as the parameterized BF method.
a. How many parameters does this method have?
b. What does it mean if the BF method outperforms the chain-ladder method?
E[IncLossd] = f(d) * h(w)
- number of parameters = 2m-2 where m is the number of AYs
- the “-2” is due to removing the first development period and the first accident year as these are known and don’t need to be estimated
- to see if BF method is better than CL, calculate the SSE test statistic for each method and see which has lower SSE taking number of parameters into account
- if BF is better, then loss emergence is more accurately represented as a proportion to ultimate losses rather than as a percentage of previously emerged losses
Venter: Briefly describe 3 methods for reducing the number of parameters needed to fit the BF model.
- Assume several accident years in a row have the same mean level
- Assume subsequent periods all have the same expected percentage development (as percentage of ultimate)
- Fit a trend line through the ultimate loss parameters
- Group AY’s using apparent jumps in loss levels and fit a single h parameter to each group
- Use a Cape Cod method
Venter: A special case of the BF method is the ____method. It sets ___ = ___ and requires the same number of parameters as the ___ method.
A special case of the BF method is the Cape Cod method. It sets h(w) = h and requires the same number of parameters as the chain-ladder method.
Venter: Explain why the additive chain-ladder model and the Cape Cod model always produce the same results.
Cape Cod says that the next period’s emergence is a lag factor, f(d), times the expected ultimate loss amount, h. Since h does not vary by AY this acts as a constant similar to g(d) in the CL constant model.
When we fit the CC we can set g(d) = f(d)h for the additive chain ladder model or we can fit the additive chain ladder model by defining f(d)h = g(d) for the Cape Cod model.
Venter: Implications 1 & 2 can be quickly tested by looking at graphs. Describe what you would see for:
- A factor only model
- A constant only model
Implications 1 & 2 can be quickly tested by graphing the age d+1 loss against the age d loss
- A factor only model would show a straight line through the origin with a slope equal to the development factor
- A constant only model would show a horizontal line at the height of the constant
Venter: Describe the iterative process needed for fitting a parameterized BF model.
- Get the f(d) using the chain ladder - get the cumulative LDF’s and take reciprocal to get the lags. Then take the difference between the lags to get the incremental lag or f(d).
- Now use the formulas for h(w) and f(d) to iterate the process until convergence occurs.
Venter: h(w) and f(d) formulas with constant variance

Venter: h(w) and f(d) formulas when using weighted least squares
- on exam could give you picture and you should be able to know what method to use - weighted least-square or basic

Venter: What is the iterative method for Cape Cod?
- Same as the BF method except solving for a single h which is summed over all accident years

Venter: List several ways the fit could be improved for the Cape Cod method.
- Use a loss ratio triangle
- Adjust loss ratios for trend and rate level
Venter: What are the assumptions of future loss emergence for the chain-ladder and BF methods?
Chain Ladder Assumption
Assumes future emergence is proportional to losses emerged to date for a given accident year.
BF Assumption
Assumes expected emergence in each period is a percentage of ultimate loss.
- Regards losses emerged to-date as a random component that doesn’t influence future development.
- If this is the case, using the chain ladder will apply factors to the random component and increase error.
Venter: What is the assumption of the Cape Cod and additive chain ladder methods?
Years with low (or high) losses to-date will have the same expected future dollar development as other accident years.
Venter: Describe Venter’s third implication: Test of Linearity.
What does it mean if the test fails?
- Plot the residuals of incremental losses against the prior cumulative loss.
- Residuals should be random around zero
- If residuals show non-linearity (e.g. positive-negative-positive pattern), the test fails.
- If there is non-linearity this suggests emergence is a non-linear function of losses to-date.
Venter: Test of Linearity - Does the following graph pass the linearity test?
How is this test different from the linearity test presented in the Mack (1994) paper?

- No, since there are strings of positive and negative residuals, we can conclude that the age 1 incremental losses are NOT a linear function of the age 0 cumulative losses.
- Mack uses weighted residuals which is different from this test above as these are unweighted. If weighted/normalized, then should see random scattering around zero.
Venter: For Implication 4 - Test of Stability, Venter discusses 3 stability tests.
Describe Stability Test #1.
Residuals over Time
- Plot the incremental residuals against time (accident year)
- If there are strings of positive and negative residuals in a row, then the development factors may not be stable
Venter: What does it mean if the stability tests show stability? What about instability?
If stable:
All AY’s should be used to calculate the development factors to reduce the effects of random fluctuations and minimize variance.
If unstable (factors are changing over time):
Use weighted average of factors with more weight to the recent years.
Could also adjust the triangle for instability such as the Berquist-Sherman method which adjusts the triangle to the latest pattern.
Venter: For Implication 4 - Test of Stability, Venter discusses 3 stability tests.
Describe Stability Test #2.
Moving Average
- Examine the moving average of a specific age-to-age factor
- Does the moving average hover around a fixed level
- If the moving average shows clear shifts over time, then instability exists
- could use weighted average of factors
Venter: For Implication 4 - Test of Stability, Venter discusses 3 stability tests.
Describe Stability Test #3.
State-Space Model
- the state-space model compares the degree of instability of the observations around the current mean to the degree of instability in the mean itself over time
- useful for telling us what years to include such as whether we should include all data or a weighted average that favors recent years
Venter: What test is used for the 5th implication? What are you testing?
Correlation of Development Factors
Calculates the sample correlation coefficients for all pairs of columns in the development triangle, and then counts how many of these are significant to see if correlation exists.

Venter: What is the number of allowable significant correlations if we select 2 standard deviations at the 10% level of significance?
m = n-3C2 = the number of testable pairs
*If there are 3 columns that we tested for the whole triangle then m=3 (e.g. 12/24 & 24/36, 24/36 & 36/48, and 12/24 & 36/48)
p = 0.1
µ + 2σ = m*p + 2 (mpq)
This is Binomial with (m, p).
Venter: Discuss how Venter handles multiplicative and additive diagonal effects under Implication 6: Significantly high or low diagonals.
Multiplicative Diagonal Effect
A diagonal of a loss triangle is w+d and is estimated to be k% higher. Then the adjusted BF estimate of a cell would be:
q(w,d) = (1+k%)*f(d)*h(w) for w+d; and f(d)*h(w) otherwise
Additive Diagonal Effect
Run regression on a loss triangle with sorted into columns with dummy variables.
- Chain Ladder method would have the last few columns as the dummy columns
- Additive Chain Ladder would replace the non dummy columns with dummy columns
Venter: When setting up the dummy variables for the 6th implication test, what do you need to keep in mind?
- Ignore the first column in the triangle as we assume this is given to us and is prior cumulative loss
- the columns then show the prior cumulative loss
- dummy variables ignore the first diagonal as there is only one point (really this is diagonal 2 you are ignoring)
Venter: One way to interpret diagonal effects is as a measure inflation. Describe an emergence model for inflation.
E[q(w,d)|data to w+d-1] = f(d)*g(w+d)
- model assumes we have converted the diagonal effects, g(w+d) from additive to multiplicative using non-linear regression
Venter: Describe an emergence model that includes AY and CY effects and has only four parameters.
E[q(w,d)|data to w+d-1] = h(1+i)d * (1+j)w+d * (1+k)w
CY effect with cumulative inflation → (1+j)w+d = g(w+d)
AY Effect → h(1+k)w = h(w)
Age Parameter → (1+i)d = f(d)
Venter: Demonstrate how an insurer could remove the CY trend from the emergence model for inflation with CY and AY effects and maintain the same prediction.
h(1 + i)d(1 + j)w+d(1 + k)w can be expanded to:
h(1 + i + j + ij)d(1 + k + j + jk)w
The calendar year trend, j, can then be removed since i becomes i+j+ij and k becomes k+j+jk