Section 9: Project Resource Management Flashcards
Emotional Intelligence
inbound EI: self-management and self-awareness
outbound EI: relationship management
emotionally competent teams are more effective
EI leads to reduction in staff turnover
Self-Organizing Team
used in AGILE
- means that the PM is not central, command and control mentality
- team works together to decide how to get work done
- PM provides the environment and support the teams need
- sometimes described as teams with Generalized Specialists
*embrace constructive feedback in Retrospectives
Virtual/Distributed Teams
- non-collocated team
- means team is not all in the same physical space
- rely on technology to communicate effectively
- ** emails, video conference, web-based meetings
- PROS - leverage international team, provide more flexibility for work-from home
- CONS - challenges with communication
Roles & Responsibilities & Authorities & Competency
Role = generic project team name Authority = decision-making ability Responsibility = actions, expectations to complete work Competency = skill set to get things done (apply knowledge, skills and experience)
Resource Matrix Charts
Matrix chart showing resource assignments
e. g. RACI Chart (responsible, accountable, consulted and informed) *only 1 person can be accountable for any given activity
e. g. RAM = Responsibility Assignment Matrix = technically a RACI is a RAM but you could make up the legend
e. g. Roles and Responsibilities = generic roles intersected with the responsibilities
Human Resource Theories
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
- humans have 5 levels of needs and you can’t satisfy the need above until the needs below have been satisfied
Herzberg’s Theory of Motivation
- two types of agents at play: hygiene and motivating
hygiene = pay, benefits, safe working environment - maintain employer-employee relationship
motivating = rewards, bonus pay, rewards/recognition - promote performance and employer-employee relationship
**demotivators happen when the hygiene agents are present or are lacking
McGregor’s Theory of X and Y
- management perspective of employees. X people are lazy, no trust, avoid work. Y are self-led, motivated, capable
- Most managers have X and Y attributes
McClelland’s Theory of Needs
- acquired needs theory or 3 needs theories
- Achievement, Affiliation and Power
- needs are shaped by one’s life
- Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
Ouchi’s Theory Z
- AKA Japanese Management Style
- lifelong employment, familial environment
Vroom’s Expectancy Theory
-people behave based on what they believe their behaviour will bring them
Halo Effect
-one positive attribute influences a decision based solely on perception
Resource Management Plan
- plan for physical and human resources
- how will resources be required
- how will resources be released when they’re no longer needed
- define timetables and align for when resources are available
- provide resource calendar
- define training needs
- remove/reduce worries about employment
- define reward/recognition system
- complying with employment government regulations
- how will physical resources be procured
- create Team Charter
Project & Resource CAlendars
project calendar - defines when work will take place (working hours, etc.)
resource calendar - when will resources be available to the project
Team Charter
- team values, communication guidelines, decision-making and conflict resolution process
- ground-rules, team agreements
- everyone on the team is responsible for enforcing the ground rules
Activity Resource Needs
Effort-driven activities - potential to put more resources on an activity to reduce duration
Fixed-duration activities - activity cannot be changed by adding more resources
Effort can affect completion date
Law of diminishing returns
Tuckman Team Development Model
Forming - team comes together - high-level formation
Storming - start to challenge ideas, possible conflict
Norming - project begins to get to work, normalizing
Performing - team is excelling and this is the goal
Problem Solving Approaches
Collaborative/Problem solving - work together
Forcing/Directing - person with the authority makes the decision - WIN-LOSE
Compromising/Reconcile - situation - both parties have to give up something - LOSE-LOSE
Withdrawal/Avoiding - one party withdraws from the argument - YIELD-LOSE
Smoothing/Accommodating - differences are downplayed, commonalities are up-played - sometimes patronizing - sometimes conceding one’s position
Management Styles
Autocratic - PM makes all the decisions
Democratic - team is involved in decisions
Laisse Faire - PM allows the team to lead and make decisions - sometimes a negative if the PM isn’t stepping up to make a decision
Exceptional - PM is managing by exception and is reactive (rewards top performers, punish bottom performers)
Problem Solving
6 steps
1- identify- specify 2-define- break into parts 3-investigate- gather data 4-analyze - root-cause analysis? 5-solve - choose a solution 6-check solution