Section 8 Flashcards
When taking over watch, what should the controllers familiarise them self’s with?
1- ensure that they are fully conversant with the latest promulgated orders, instructions, notices and signals. And when appropriate to the service abilities of the aerodrome and it’s facilities
2- obtain full information regarding weather situation and tendencies for the period of their watch.
3- familiarise themselves with the serviceability of all equipment under their charge and liable to be used during the period of their watch
4- ensure that they have a full understanding of the prevailing traffic situation, with particular reference to separation standards
Who does the responsibility of the accuracy of the hand over lie with?
With the person vacating an operational position
In what order should information be passed for a handover between controllers?
1- general information, including any variations from routine operations
2- other supplementary information relating to the position
3- the detailed traffic situation
What should the ATC log contain?
1- changes to the serviceability of radio and surveillance systems
2- essential aerodrome information and changes to runway in use
3- result of routine equipment checks conducted by controllers
4- details of reportable events such as aircraft accidents, incidents and AIRPROXs
5- any unusual occurrences
6- hand over of responsibility for providing ATC services and, at units not operating throughout 24 hour period, times of opening and closing watch