Section 6 movement examples Flashcards
-Battle of the sexes - the females runs and jumps into the male’s arms and dives into them horizontally, does a full revolution in a horizontal position, then gets lifted in the air in 1/2 revolution and then is caught in a seated position and carry her towards SL - pool of light condensed in centre of stage - lifted when she is thrown in the air - she has more power
-Enigma - The female closes into fifth, puts the heels of her hands together making a cup shape, lifts them up towards the ceiling and rotates the wrist around themselves and drops down into parallel - in her own world - lost in thought
-Free spirited - fast turn sequence - chaine arms out to side and head back and turns to face the males US and circles her leg at the knee and then circles her whole body and head round - circular movement - development of twisting with her hair - self - obsessed - no acknowledgement of the male
-She resumes a ballroom hold (at end of of contact work) with one of the males, spins her then lets go and she resumes spinning back to CS and shuts her feet in 5th and repeats the heel of hands in a cup shape above the head, twists the wrists and drops down - distinguished flower - she looks up into the light then down as the light dims - in the silence she swipes her hair away and walks off twiddling her hair towards SL passing the female with the boa coming from SL - acknowledging one another - wealth - boa
Physical setting
-The female does a small circle of the leg behind the body - she almost glues the knees together and goes into a deep plie and leans out towards the side and retracts the movement on stretch of celo - skirt of dress flowing behind her - emphasises the movement
-The female does an attitude holding the male’s hand like a counter balance and he promenades her while keeping one foot on the floor while he runs round her and her hair and skirt flows behind her - she’s wild and free
Aural and structure
-Use of the lyrics and rondo like structure
-On line ‘There’s no time to lose, I heard her say’ - she turns round and does a very slow plie in second, opening the arms out in a horizontal plane and contracts pulling the arms in, turning the body to face the side, hands into her heart - reflective of pain - live life in the moment - 60s attitudes
-On line ‘Don’t question why she needs to be so free’ - the female dancer is towards DSL and she’s in a crouched position with her fingers pinched together and she picks up an imaginary rose with her hand, looks directly out to the audience and she turns to face the back and steps into arabesque facing SR, scooping the hand up and looks up following the hand - locked in own thoughts - pensive moment - thinking about the future (character)
-Repetition of the chorus - part of this is a travelling sequence which is performed towards DSR - she does 2 balances, step, hop, hop (with a low centre of gravity), she skims the floor with the gesture leg in attitude at the front arms in an angular fifth above the head (flat), body twisted towards the audience, turn into grande jete with arms in a parallel curve above head an head thrown back
-Overall space is dynamic and varied
-Use of levels - the female lies on the floor with her hands on her heart on the line ‘Goodbye Ruby Tuesday’ while the 4 males walk on from SR and place their hand on the shoulder in front and look at her - funeral march - walking slowly and sedately
-Use of a varies floor pattern - big travelling sequence around the stage including a hop in attitude with the arms above the head, a circular spring, a step ball change and a low grande jete with her hands on her shoulders and runs round in a small circle opening her arms out to second - Vietnam war - reckless antics - living life in the moment
-The female runs and jumps into the arms of the males horizontally and performs a full revolution in a horizontal position as she gets lifted in the air, she gets lifted again and performs a half revolution and then thrown and caught in a seated position then they carry her towards SL - female empowerment - use of levels - lifting her higher
Choreographic devices
-Change of stage, face and place - slow, somber pace of group of males - they step side to side and click their fingers, then is use of inversion and change sides of the clicking then change stage face and face the front
-On line ‘No one knows’ - female - instrumentation and augmentation of the arms and body and she circles the arms above her head with the torso arching back, head released - 1 1/2 turn to fall back - enigma - self-obsessed (character)
-Highlight - The female runs and jumps into the arms of the males horizontally and performs a full revolution in a horizontal position as she gets lifted in the air, she gets lifted again and performs a half revolution and then thrown and caught in a seated position then they carry her towards SL - female empowerment - use of levels - lifting her higher
Bruce influences
-Use of ballet and contemporary (Graham and Tetley) - fullness of torso - she swishes her leg through first in an extension, just off the floor then brings it through pase, steps behind, leg up with hand in parallel and turns towards the front as her hand brushes down underneath her face then contracts - no opinion - enigma
-Free use of torso - the female dancer does two low steps swishing forward in attitude, twisting the torso opposite leg with arms above her head in a heart shape, then walks forwards twiddling her hair
-The female does a jump in first (a sissone), step to side in high kick arms in curve and across into elongated arabesque (twisted) - style of chickette - Italian ballet - Rambert trained in this style of dance - eclectic use of dance style
Use of dancers
-Female - tall and athletic - long hair - create a pensive free spirited character - for example - the augmentation of the arms and the body - she circles the arms above her head which is back on the line ‘no one knows’, torso arching back and does a one and a half turn - development of twisting hair - living life in the moment
-Male dancers - all similar height - backing dancers - all in black - mourning Ruby Tuesday - the males step and tap to the side, clicking their fingers, they then do the same facing the side (inversion) then the front (change of stage face and place) - somber