Section 6 - Coordination & Response Flashcards
What do receptors do?
Detect external stimuli
(eyes, nose, tongue)
What are effectors?
Bring a response to the stimuli
(muscle cells + cells found in glands)
Receptors and effectors
- They comunicate via the nervouse system or the hormonal system, sometimes both
- The route taken of this information is called reflex arc.
What is the CNS?
- Consits of the brain and spinal cord
- It coordinates the response to stimuli
- Three main type: sensory, relay and motor.
- Transmit information using high speed electrical impulses
- connection between two neurones
- Nerve signals transferred by neurotransmiters which diffuse.
Relfex arc
- When stimulus is detected by receptors a sensory neuroneis sent to the CNS
- In the CNS the sensory neurone passes the message along to the relay neurone
- Relay neurons relay the message to motor neurone
- Motor neurone then travels to the effector
Simplified relfex arc
- Stimulus
- Receptor
- Sensory neurone
- Relay neurone
- Motor neurone
- Effector
- Response
Parts of the eye
- Sclera
- Cornea
- Iris
- Lens
- Optic nerves
- Fovea
- Pupil
- Conjunctiva
- Ciliary muscle
- Suspensory ligaments
tough layer that protects the eye
control diameter of pupil
refracts light into the eye
focus light into the retina
Optic nerves
carries impulses to brain
accommodation def
eye focuses light on the retina by changing the shape of lens
Look distance
- Ciliary muscles relax allows suspensory ligaments to pull tight
- Makes lens go thin
- Refracts light by smaller amount
Look near
- Ciliary muslce contract, allows suspensory ligaments slacken
- Lens become fat
- Increases the amount by which refracts light
- Adrenaline
- Insulin
- Testosterone
- Progesterone
- Oestrogen
- Source: Adrenal glands
- Role: Prepares body for action
- Effect: Increases heart rate, blood flow + blood sugar level
- Source: Pancreas
- Role: Helps control blood sugar level
- Effect: Stimulates liver to convert glucose into glycogen
- Source: Testes
- Role: Main male sex hormone
- Effect: Promotes male secondary sexual characteristics
- Source: Ovaries
- Role: Supports pregnancy
- Effect: Maintains lining of the uterus
- Source: Ovaries
- Role: Main female sex hormone
- Effect: Controls menstrual cycle + promotes female secondary sexual characteristics
Homeostasis def
balancing body functions to maintain a ‘constant internal enviroment’
What happens when its cold?
- little sweat is produced
- Blood vessels near the surface of the skin constrict (vasocontriction). Less blood flows near surface
- Shivering increases rate of respiration which transfers more energy
- Hair stand up to create a insulating layer of air
What happens when your hot?
- Sweat produced that when evaporated transfers energy to enviroment cooling you down
- Blood vessels close to the surface of skin dilate (vasodilation). Transfers more energy into surroundings
- Hair lie’s flat