Section 5 - Separate Chemistry 1 Flashcards
What are transition metals?
A group of elements on the periodic table, they sit int the middle of the table.
What are the properties of transition metals?
Hard, strong, shiny, malleable, high melting and boiling points, high densities and high conductivity.
What is a catalyst?
Something that speeds up the rate of reaction, without being changed or used up itself.
What do transition metal compounds look like?
Colourful, though colours vary depending on the metal ions.
What are alloys?
A metal with other elements added to it, either metals or non-metals.
What are the advantages of alloys? Why?
They are stronger than regular metals, because the different sized atoms interfere with the metal’s regular arrangement, can be corrosion-resistant.
What is corrosion?
A process where something is slowly damaged or destroyed by a chemical process.
What is the name for the corrosion of iron? What causes it?
Rust. Rust is caused by air and water reacting with the iron.
How can rusting be prevented? List some examples.
By adding a barrier.
Sacrificial protection
What is the painting method of rust protection?
A layer of paint coats the object, so no air or water can penetrate and react with exposed iron.
What is the oiling method of rust protection?
A layer of oil coats the object, so no air or water can penetrate and react with exposed iron, this is good for moving parts.
What is the sacrificial protection method of rust protection?
A layer of more reactive metal coats the object so the air and water react with it instead of the object.
What is electroplating?
Applying a metal coating to an object by electrolysis.
What is titration?
A method to find out exactly how much acid is required to neutralise a given quantity of alkali.
What is the formula for concentration?
c = Concentration n = Number of moles V= = Volume
What is percentage yield?
A comparison between how much product should be produced in a reaction compared to what is actually produced.
How can percentage yield be calculated?
%Y = Percentage yield AY = Actual yield TY = Theoretical yield
What is atom economy?
A comparison between how many desired products were produced and how much product was produced in total.
What is the calculation for atom economy?
AE = Atom economy MD = Total Mᵣ of desired products MP = Total Mᵣ of all products
What are the benefits of higher atom economies?
Better for profit and the environment.
What is the haber process?
A method of producing ammonia using nitrogen and hydrogen.
What is the formula for the haber process?
What are the essential elements in fertilisers?
Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.
What is molar volume?
The volume occupied by one mole of gas.
What is the equation for molar volume?
MV = Molar volume GV = Gas volume n = Number of moles
What is Avagadro’s law of molar volumes?
That one mole of any gas always occupies 24dm³ at room temperature and pressure.
What is a fuel cell?
An electrical cell that’s supplied with fuel and oxygen and uses energy from the reaction to produce electrical energy efficiently.
What reaction takes place in a hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell?
What are the advantages of hydrogen-oxygen fuel cells?
They are much more efficient than power stations or batteries (up to 80%+) and less polluting.