Section 5 - Adrenal Glands Flashcards
Location of adrenal glands?
located in the retroperitoneal cavity above each kidney. Right gland is shaped like a pyramid whereas the left is semilunar in shape and larger of the two. Glands are surrounded by fat and enclosed in the renal fascia
adrenal cortex
outer layer of adrenal galnds. There are three zones, and this makes up 80% while the medulla only makes up 20%
adrenal medulla
inner layer of the adrenal gland. secretes catecholamines and contains only chromaffin cells
adrenal capsule
outer layer of the adrenal glands
three zones of adrenal glands?
zona glomerulosa, zona fasiculata and zona reticularis
zona glomerulosa
mineralcorticoids (aldosterone is the specific one) which helps decrease potassium, increase sodium, and increase blood volume and pressure
zona fasiculata
secretes glucocorticoids but cortisol is the most important one
zona reticularis
secretes androgens (specifically DHEA and androstenedione)
chromaffin cells
secretes epinephrine and norepinephrine
adrenocorticotropin hormone
chemistry of hormone of ACTH?
peptide hormone
stimulation of ACTH?
- decreased blood cortisol
- sleep-wake transition
- stress
- psychiatric disturbances
- alpha-adrenergic agonists
- beta-adrenergic antagonists, serotonin
inhibition of ACTH?
- opioids
- increased blood cortisol levels
- somatostatin
when and where and how is ACTH synthesized?
synthesized and secreted by corticotrophs in anterior pituitary
physiological effects of ACTH?
stimulates release of glucocorticoids in adrenal glands
what is the chemistry of the hormone, glucocorticoids or corticosteroids (namely cortisol)?
steroid hormone
what stimulates glucocorticoids or corticosteroids (namely cortisol)?
it is stimulated by ACTH, from the anterior pituitary
when, where and how is glucocorticoids or corticosteroids (namely cortisol) synthesized?
secreted throughout the day in pulsatile manner. is synthesized in zona fasciculata
what are the physiological effects of glucocorticoids or corticosteroids (namely cortisol)?
- increased glucose production by liver
- increased protein breakdown
- increase fat breakdown
- suppression of immune responses
- inhibits bone formation
- maintains/promotes increases in GFR, anti-inflammatory effect by inhibiting production of many inflammatory mediators
what is the chemistry of hormone of mineralcorticoids? (namely aldosterone)
steroid hormone
stimulation and inhibition of secretion of hormone:
drop in blood volume