Section 4 - Words of a Sentence Flashcards
What is the minimum and maximum number of words a جملة (sentence) can contain?
The minimum is two words.
There is not a limit to the excess of words.
If a جملة (sentence) must be composed of a minimum of two words then why is فعل أمر (imperative) such as إضرب ([you one male] strike!) classed as a جملة إنشائية (non-beneficial sentence) despite being one word?
This example does consist of two words, however BOTH are NOT pronounced.
One is pronounced (لفظ), namely إضرب. Whereas, the second is implied (مقدر), namely أنت, which is hidden in إضرب.
How many and which words must be distinguished from one another in a sentence?
Three kinds of words must be distinguished from one another and these are إسم, فعل, and حرف
Which three things must نظر (contemplation) be carried out over in order to know the meaning of a sentence with certainty?
1) Whether as word is معرب (declinable) or مبنى (indeclinable)
2) Whether a word is an عامل (syntactic operator) or معمول (operated-upon)
3) The نسبة (relationship) of words with one another
After نظر (contemplation) has been carried out on words, which two things become clear in a جملة (sentence)?
The two things that become clear are مسند (that which is ascribed to something) and مسند إليه (that to which something is ascribed)