section 4 - respiration and gas exchange Flashcards
what is respiration
the process of transferring energy from glucose, which happens constantly in every living cell
what is ATP
stores the energy needed for many cell processes
what is the equation for aerobic respiration
glucose + oxygen -> carbon dioxide + water
what is produced in anaerobic respiration
lactic acid builds up in muscles because glucose is only partially broken down and leads to cramp
what is the word equation for anaerobic respiration in animals
glucose -> lactic acid
what is the equation for anaerobic respiration in plants
glucose -> ethanol + carbon dioxide
what colour is hydrogen carbonate indicator normally
what colour is hydrogen-carbonator when more carbon dioxide is present
what colour is hydrogen carbonate indicator when there is less carbon dioxide
what apparatus would be used to measure the temperature change by respiration
beans - boiled and soaked, vacuum flask, cotton wall,
how are leaves adapted for photosyntheseis
- broad for large SA for diffusion
- thin for short diffusion distance
- air spaces for gases to move easily between cells
- lower surface full of stomata to let gasses diffuse in and out
- stomata closes in the dark to stop plant drying out due to loss of water
- stomata close when supply of water is bad
- opening and closing of stomata is controlled by guard cells by changing their shape and volume
what happens when breathing in
intercostal muscles and diaphragm contract. thorax volume increases. decreases the pressure and draws air in
what happens when breathing out
intercostal muscles and diaphragm relax. thorax volume decreases. air is forced out
how to investigate the release of carbon dioxide in your breath
2 boiling tubes. the sir is drawn in through noiling tube A and the limewater remains colourless. when break out the air bubbles through the limewater in boiling tube B which contains CO2 so limewater turns cloudy
what are the little air sacs in the lungs called
how do alveoli carry out gas exchange
blood is returning to the lungs from the rest of the body so has lots of co2 and less o2. oxygen diffuses out of the alveolus where there is a high concentration into the blood because there is a low concentration. carbon dioxide diffuses out of the blood where there is a high concentration into the alveolus where there is a low concentration to be breather out
what happens when blood reaches the body cells
oxygen is released from the red blood cells where there is a high concentration into the body cells where the concentration is low and carbon dioxide diffused from the body cells where there is a high concentration to the blood where there is a low concentration and carried back to the lungs
how are alveoli specialised for gas exchanhge
- large SA
- moist lining for gases to dissolve in
- thin walls - one cell thick so short diffusion distance
- great blood supply to maintain high concentration gradient
- permeable walls so gases can diffuse easily
what does smoking do to alveoli
damages the walls, reducing SA for gas exchange and leads to diseases like emphysema
what does the tar in cigarettes do
damages the cilia in lungs and trachea. there hairs and mucus catch dust and bacteria before they reach the lungs and keep the trachea clear by sweeping mucus back towards the mouth. when cilia damaged chest infections are more likely. it also irritates the bronchi and bronchioles, encouraging mucis to be produces which cant be cleared well by damaged cilia causing smokers cough and chronic bronchitis.
what are the problems with carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke
reduces the amount of oxygen the blood can carry, to make up the heart rate increases which increases blood pressure. this damages the artery walls and makes formation of blood clots more likely - increases risk of coronary heard disease
what are carcinogens
chemicals that can lead to cancer - tobacco smoke contains them
what is oxygen debt
to amount of oxygen needed after exercise to brake down the lactic acid
how Ould set up a respirometer to investigate the rate of respiration
syringe, mung beans, soda lime, gauze, capillary tube. dye should move because beans respire the volume of air decreases and air is dawn through the capillary tube
what is the muscle flap that stops you eating and breathing at the the same time
what does the bronchi
where the air branches into each lung
what are the bronchioles
branches to increase SA and lots of alveoli attached