Section 4 - R23 - Risk Management Individuals (Eco Capital, Retirement) Flashcards
Human Capital (Definition)
PV of future earnings and wages. Often dominang in a household economic balance sheet
Human Capital (Formula)
HC = [p(st)w(t-1)(1+gt)] / (1+rf+y)^t
p(st) = prob survival @ t
w(t-1) = wage
gt = growth of wt
rf = risk free
y = adjustment for income volatility
Financial Capital (Definition)
a. Personal: auto, cloths, furniture for consumption
b. Mixed: residence, artwork, collectibles
c. Investment: stocks, bonds etc
Net Worth v. Net Wealth
Net Worth = Assets - Liabilities
Net Wealth = (HC + Investment + PV pension) - (Liabilities + PV Consumption Needs)
Financial Stages of Life (List)
- Education Phase
- Early Career
- Career Development
- Peak Accumulation
- Pre-Retirement
- Early Retirement
- Late Retirement
Individual Risk Exposures (List)
- Earnings Risk
- Premature Death (Mortality) Risk
- Longevity Risk
- Property Risk
- Liability Risk
- Health Risk
Insurance Role in Individual Risk Mgmt (Describe)
- Hedge against risk of premature death of an earner
- Provide liquidity to a beneficiary without the delay of probate
- Tax-shelted savings instrument
Life Insurance Types (List)
Temporary: Cost is lower. No cash value. Premiums fixed or may increase
Permanent: Lifetime coverage, as long as premiums are paid.
Permanent Life Insurance Types (List)
- Whole Life
- Universal
Whole Life Insurance (Describe)
- Fixed Premiums
- Cash Value may be accessed
- Non-cancelable by insurance company
- Participating or not (value grows or not)
Universal Life Insurance (Describe)
- More Flexible
- Policyholder can pay higher or lower premium
- Insurance stays in force as long as premiums are paid
Insurance Riders (Definition)
Apólices Adicionais
Common Riders (List)
- Accidental death
- Accelerated Death (diagnosed terminal)
- Guaranteed Insurability (right to purchase additional coverage)
- Waiver of Premium (if becomes disabled)
Key Considerations in Life Insurance
- Mortality Table
- Discount rate
- Valuation = Discount the FV of benefit by % of survival rate and discount rate
Loading in Insurance (Definition)
Load = Other Expenses + Profit of Insurance Company
Both add to gross premium
Life Insurance Needs Calculation Methods (List)
- Human Life Value Method: Replace net contribution of the individual to family
- Needs analysis method: meet financial needs of survivors
Disability Income Insurance (Definitions)
- Inability to perfor one’s regular occupation (Analista de IFs)
- Inability to perform any regular occupation for which is suited (Bancário)
- Inability to perform any occupation
Disability Income Insurance (Characteristics)
- Premium is fixed
- Available individually and through employer
- Typically have provisions for partial (muito) and residual (pouco) disability
- Ceiling (up to a limit)
Property Insurance Types (List)
- Homeowner (fire, management costs)
- Auto Insurance (collision v. comprehensive
Both have deductibles (franquia)
Health Insurance Items (List)
- Deductibles
- Coinsurance
- Copayments
- Maximum out of pocket
- Maximum Yearly Benefit
- Pre-existing conditions
Liability Insurance (Definition)
Personal Umbrella Liability
Annuities Parties (List)
- Insurer
- Annuitant (receives benefit)
- Contract owner (purchases)
- Beneficiary
Income Yield Rationale in Annuity (Explain)
↑ Life Expectancy = ↓ Income Yields
↓ Bond Yields = ↓ Income Yields
Advanced Life Deferred Annuities (Explain)
- Hybrid between deferred and immediate
- Pure Longevity Insurance
- Buy now, payments begin late in life (80-85)
Annuities Payment Methods (List)
- Life: Payments cease @ death
- Period-certain: 12 meses específicos
- Life with period-certain: Mínimo estabelecido, inclusive se o beneficiário morrer
- Life With Refund: Minimum = (PMT Inicial - Fees)
- Joint Life: Pagamentos continuam enquanto alguém do casal for vivo
Annuities Benefits (List)
- Tax Deferred Growth:
- Mortality Credits (earlier deaths provide return to the rest of the pool of annuitants)
When to allocate investments to annuities? (Explain)
- If you expect longer than avg life expectancy (Terror do INSS)
- Greater pereference for lifetime income over other sources
Insurance Program Options (List)
- Risk avoid: Do not
- Loss Prevention: Cameras
- Loss Reduction: Sprinkler for Fire
- Risk Transfer: Insurance
- Risk Retention: No Insurance