Section 1 - R3 - Capital Markets Expectations Flashcards
Subject of the CME Topic (Explain)
Discuss the impact of expectations in building a portfolio
CME Framework (List)
- Specify the set of expectations needed (time horizon, historical records)
- Search the historical record
- Specify methods to be used
- Determine the best sources of information
- Interpretation of current investment environment
- Monitor outcomes and compare with the expectations
Describe good forecasts
They are (i) consistent, (ii) unbiased, (iii) objective, (iv) well supported, (iv) minimum forecast errors
Forecasts Limitations (List)
- Eco data limitations
- Data measurement error and biases (transcription, survivorship bias, smoothed data)
- Limitations of Historical Estimates (past is a starting point but does not dictate future)
- Risk Ex-Post =/= Risk Ex-Ante
- Analyst Bias (data mining, time period bias)
- Failure to account for conditioning information
- Misinterpretate correlation
Psychological Traps (List)
- Anchoring Trap
- Status Quo Trap
- Confirming Evidence Trap
- Overconfidence
- Prudence
- Availability
- Model Uncertainty
Exogenous Shocks (List of Impacts)
- Positive or negative
- New Products and Technology (iPhone)
- Geopolitics (Ucrânia)
- Natural Disasters (Terremoto)
- Financial crises
Economic Growth Factors (List)
- Labor Inputs: ↑ Size and ↑ Participation
- Labor Productivity: ↑ Capital and ↑ TFP
Market Value of Equity (Formula)
Vet = GDPt * Skt * PEt, where
Vet = Value of Equities in t
GDPt = Nominal GDP in t
Skt = Share % of Profits in Economy
PEt = Pricing Adjustment
Economic Forecast Types (List)
- Econometric Modelling
- Economic Indicators (leading, lagging)
- Checklist items (Moody’s Country Report)
Business Cycle (List of Moments)
- Initial Recovery: Govt YTM at bottom, stocks rally, riskier assets outperform
- Early Upswing: ↑ Confidence, ↑ Momentum, no π, ↓ Unemployment
- Late Upswing: Output gap closes, π ↑, Unemployment @ bottom, ↑ Wages
- Slowdown: ↓ Confidence, Bonds rally, π strong
Inflation Impacts per Asset Class
- Cash: zero duration, π protected
- Bonds: hurt with ↑ rates because ↓ prices fall
- Stocks: π in line with expectations already priced in. Little effect.
- Real Estate: π already in expectations. Increasing inflation benefits asset class.
Taylor Rule (Formula)
Rtarget = Rneutral + π expected + 0.5(GDPe - GDPtrend) + 0.5(πe - π target)
International Interactions in Economics (List of Channels)
- Trade
- Foreign Direct Investment
- Capital Flows
- Interest Rate / FX Linkages
Fixed Income Returns
IH < MacDur: Price (Capital Gain) dominates Reinvestment
IH > MacDur: Reinvestment dominates Price
Asset Return: Building Blocks Approach (Formula & Concept)
Return = Rf + Term Premium + Credit Premium + Liquidity Premium