Section 1 - R3 - Capital Markets Expectations Flashcards
Subject of the CME Topic (Explain)
Discuss the impact of expectations in building a portfolio
CME Framework (List)
- Specify the set of expectations needed (time horizon, historical records)
- Search the historical record
- Specify methods to be used
- Determine the best sources of information
- Interpretation of current investment environment
- Monitor outcomes and compare with the expectations
Describe good forecasts
They are (i) consistent, (ii) unbiased, (iii) objective, (iv) well supported, (iv) minimum forecast errors
Forecasts Limitations (List)
- Eco data limitations
- Data measurement error and biases (transcription, survivorship bias, smoothed data)
- Limitations of Historical Estimates (past is a starting point but does not dictate future)
- Risk Ex-Post =/= Risk Ex-Ante
- Analyst Bias (data mining, time period bias)
- Failure to account for conditioning information
- Misinterpretate correlation
Psychological Traps (List)
- Anchoring Trap
- Status Quo Trap
- Confirming Evidence Trap
- Overconfidence
- Prudence
- Availability
- Model Uncertainty
Exogenous Shocks (List of Impacts)
- Positive or negative
- New Products and Technology (iPhone)
- Geopolitics (Ucrânia)
- Natural Disasters (Terremoto)
- Financial crises
Economic Growth Factors (List)
- Labor Inputs: ↑ Size and ↑ Participation
- Labor Productivity: ↑ Capital and ↑ TFP
Market Value of Equity (Formula)
Vet = GDPt * Skt * PEt, where
Vet = Value of Equities in t
GDPt = Nominal GDP in t
Skt = Share % of Profits in Economy
PEt = Pricing Adjustment
Economic Forecast Types (List)
- Econometric Modelling
- Economic Indicators (leading, lagging)
- Checklist items (Moody’s Country Report)
Business Cycle (List of Moments)
- Initial Recovery: Govt YTM at bottom, stocks rally, riskier assets outperform
- Early Upswing: ↑ Confidence, ↑ Momentum, no π, ↓ Unemployment
- Late Upswing: Output gap closes, π ↑, Unemployment @ bottom, ↑ Wages
- Slowdown: ↓ Confidence, Bonds rally, π strong
Inflation Impacts per Asset Class
- Cash: zero duration, π protected
- Bonds: hurt with ↑ rates because ↓ prices fall
- Stocks: π in line with expectations already priced in. Little effect.
- Real Estate: π already in expectations. Increasing inflation benefits asset class.
Taylor Rule (Formula)
Rtarget = Rneutral + π expected + 0.5(GDPe - GDPtrend) + 0.5(πe - π target)
International Interactions in Economics (List of Channels)
- Trade
- Foreign Direct Investment
- Capital Flows
- Interest Rate / FX Linkages
Fixed Income Returns
IH < MacDur: Price (Capital Gain) dominates Reinvestment
IH > MacDur: Reinvestment dominates Price
Asset Return: Building Blocks Approach (Formula & Concept)
Return = Rf + Term Premium + Credit Premium + Liquidity Premium
Emerging Markets Risks
- Economic: Ability to pay
- Dependancy: on few industries
- Trade Restrictions
- Poor fiscal controls
- Political risks: regime change
- Legal risks: weak laws, enforcement of contracts
Forecast of Equities (List of Methods)
- Historical Statistics Approach: samples imprecise
- DCFs: Sensible to rates, CFs uncertain, terminal value
- Risk Premium Approach:
3.a. Risk Premium Approach
3.b. Equilibrium Approach
DCF Model: Grinold-Kroner (Formula)
E(Rp) = (D/P - Δ%S) + %E + %ΔP/E, onde
Δ%S: Shares in the Mkt (IPO = negative)
Δ%P/E: Ajuste de Preço
%ΔE: Earnings
Equilibrium Approach Formula
a. Global Markets: RPi GM = ρi,GM * σi*Sharpe GM
b. Segregated: RPi = σi*Sharpe market
c. Attribute weights
Forecast of Real Estate (List of Issues)
- Physical asset
- Heterogeneous
- Imóvel
- Trade infrequently
Boom-Bust Cycle in Real Estate (Describe)
- Perceptions of Rising
- Development of New Property
- Overbuild
- Takes years for market to absorb excess
Real Estate Valuation (Formulas)
Formula 1: k = NOI / P
Formula 2: E(Re) = NOI / P + g - Δ%(NOI / P)
Forecast of FX rates (Formulas)
- Trade Flows Impacts: explains little
- Relative PPP: only holds in LT ΔSf/d = πf - πd
- Competitiveness & Sustainability of the Current Account
FX Impact of Portfolio Balance (Concept)
Countries with trade deficits finance their trades with increased borrowing
FX Impact of Portfolio Composition given Time Horizon
Short Term: ~Fixed
Long Term: May change (CNY v. USD)
Forecast Volatility Estimators (List of Methods and Formulas)
- Sample Statistics:
- Use VCV matrix
- For small samples, can not estimate VCV (estimation errors)
- Many inputs - VCV Matrix from Factors
- Many assets, few risk factors
- Less estimation error
- Improve cross-sectional consistency
- May handle large # of assets
- May be biased and unconsistent - Shrinkage Estimation of VCV Matrix
VCV = (wSample) +[ (1-w)Target] - Unsmooth Returns:
var (R) = [(1+λ)/(1-λ) *var(R)] > original - Time-Varying Volatility: ARCH models (dependent of last output)