Single blind procedure
Participants are not told the true aim of the experiment at the beginning of a study. Other details may also be kept from them such as which condition they are in and whether there is another condition at all. It is used to try and prevent demand characteristics.
- Protect against confounding variables
Double blind procedure
Neither the participants nor the researcher who conduct the study, is aware of the aims or hypotheses of the investigation. The person conducting the study is therefore less likely to produce cues about what he/she/them/they expects from the participant. This procedure protects against both demand characteristics and experimenter bias.
- Protect against confounding variables
An imitation pill / injection / patch, which is harmless to the human body and acts as the control condition.
- Usually, single or double blind procedures make use of a placebo
Placebo effect
Participants sometimes believe the placebo treatment is the active ingredient and think they experience changes in their health/well-being