Section 1: BASIC TERMANOLOGY Flashcards
Hindsight Bias
- aka. ‘I knew it all along’ phenomenon
- This is the tendency for people, after learning about an outcome, to state that they would have foreseen this, or that they are not surprised the conclusion
When tested, participants’ confidence levels in their responses are typically extremely high, but often they are actually incorrect.
Confirmation Bias
Our tendency to cherry-pick information that confirms our existing beliefs or ideas. Confirming bias is when someone someone forms an opinion and then will accept only information that agrees with it, discounting or ignoring everything else.
A testable prediction of what relationship exists between the IV and DV.
…of a hypothesis is an indicator or its scientific strength
- Can the hypothesis be proven false?
Independent Variable (IV)
The variable that has an impact on the DV. Depending on the research method, this can be manipulated directly or it already exists in the natural environment.
Dependent Variable (DV)
Is the variable that is being measured.
When research is conducted in the same manner
The IV and DV makes sure that reseachers are clear as to what they were studying, so that future research can be conducted in the same manner and findings can be compared accurately
Experimental group
The conditional group in which the IV is being used
E.g. Alcohol
Control Group
The conditional group where there is no IV and this is used as a comparison or baseline.
- Useful to check whether there is an effect from the IV