Section 4- Krushchev Flashcards
who initially succeeded Stalin as Prime Minister and Party Secretary
Malenkov- only lasted a week
who was apart of the 5 man collective?
Malenkov (Prime Minister), Beria (Minister of the Interior and Head of the Secret Police), Molotov (Foreign Minister), Voroshilov (Head of State), and Khrushchev (First Party Secretary)
who originally was the frontrunner to take over after stalin?
what liberal actions did Beria do after Stalin’s death
implemented a programme of liberal reform, releasing 1 million prisoners, proposed dismantling the gulags, and reversed Russification policies in west Ukraine and the Baltic states
what enabled krushchev to remove beria?
uprising in east berlin
what was Beria accused of?
At a Presidium meeting on 26 June, Beria was accused of numerous crimes, including being a British agent and being responsible for the worst excesses of Stalinism
what was Malenkov’s new course?
output of consumer goods would overtake heavy industry; halving of agricultural taxes; increase in produce prices and size of private plots
what was Malenkov blamed for?
the poor harvest of 1953, and for suppressing defence spending as he wanted to avoid war
when was the virgin lands campaign implemented?
when was the secret speech
when were stalin’s purges
who were some key figures killed in the purges
zinoviev, Kamenev, Bukharin, Krylenko, Yagoda, Yezhov, Kirov
Khrushchev in 1937
Khruschev outperformed on his quota for Moscow, responsible for the arrests of 41305/35000 and the shooting of 8500/5000, and only 10 of 146 Party Secretaries in the Moscow region survived
what happened to political prisoners between 1953-1956
7000 political prisoners were rehabilitated; in the ten months after the secret speech 617000 were rehabilitated
when was the Hungarian revolution?
what did the 4th five year plan entail? 1946-50
by 1950, gross industrial output increased by 73%, fixed assets of production by 24%, national income by 64%, and capital investments in national economy were worth 48 billion rubles
6200 large state industrial enterprises were built and rebuilt
100 million sq.m. urban homes and 2.7 million rural homes were restored and constructed
Rationing for consumer goods cancelled in 1947
Compulsory 7 year education introduced everywhere
Real household consumption only one tenth higher than in 1928
what did the 5th five year plan entail? 1951-55
continued focus on heavy industry until death of Stalin, when focus changed to living standards
National income increased by 71%, funds in economy by 62%, industrial products by 85%, agricultural products by 21%, capital investments by 90%, and labour productivity by 49%
3200 large state industrial enterprises were built
First nuclear plant built in Obninsk in 1954
Leningrad metro commissioned
Real wages of workers increased by 39%, and income of peasants by 1.5
what was Khruschev’s main focus?
how many moscow ministries were abolished
how many economic regions was the ussr divided into?
what did the sixth 5 year plan entail? 1956-57
cut short due to being over-ambitious
Substantial development of nuclear power plants and construction of atomic engines
National income increased by 54%, gross industrial output by 64%, agriculture by 32%, volume of capital investments by 87%, labour productivity by 37%, volume of retail turnover by 57%
Creation of new industries including radio engineering and production of household goods (refrigerators and washing machines)
2690 large state industrial enterprises commissioned
what did the seventh 5 year plan entail?
National income increased by 58%, gross industrial production by 84%, producer goods by 96%, consumer goods by 60%
Capital investments were 281 billion rubles
5470 large state industrial enterprises built
Kiev metro commissioned
Wage taxes were cancelled or reduced, and pensions introduced, and working day and working week shortened
Real incomes of workers increased by 33% and of collective farmers by 49%
Universal compulsory 8 year education introduced in 1959
under Krushchev, how much did grain prices rise by?
25 cents between 1953 and 1956 and so the state paid more for procurements, in addition to lowering the quotas
social change under Khruschev
Increase in minimum wage and expansion of pension scheme in 1956
Seven-hour working day and holiday pay introduced in 1960
Cover extended to collective farmers in 1964
Labour laws against absenteeism and changing jobs repealed
Annual rate of housing construction almost doubled and about 108 million people moved into new apartments (Krushchevyokas) between 1956 and 1965
what was the easing of relations between the usa and soviet union known as?
when did Krushchev visit the USA
what were the cosmonauts used for
they were idolised
increased patriotism
when was the committee of the peaceful uses of outer space created
1959- by the UN
what did the circulation of space journals increase by
1957- 150000
1965- 1.75 million
what was the youth group called under krushchev
how much machinery was moved inn the virgin lands campaign?
in 1954, 20000 then 200000
what were the yields like in the virgin lands campiagn
1954- positive, 65% increase
1955- negative- 35% decrease
1956- positive, largest yield ever 50% higher
1957- negative
1958/59- positive
early 1960s- negative
when was the cuban missile crisis
what happened at the 1959 china meeting
krushchev went to china to discuss a joint naval
mao accused krushchev of trying to take over chinese coastlines
1962 sino-indian war
soviet union supported india- provided weapons
how many churches did krushchev close
state pensions doubled
what did wages increase by?
between 1958 and 1965 increased from 78 to 96 rubles