Section 4: Hardware and Software Flashcards
chapter 19: Hardware and Software
- ha______; a term used to ______ the _____ _____ of a _____.
- so_______; this ______ of the _______ that are ______ to _____ the _____ function.
chapter 19: Hardware and Software
- hardware; a tern used to describe the physical parts of a computer.
- software; this comprises of the programs that are written to make the computer function.
chapter 19: Hardware and Software
classification of software;
- Sys______ S_____- this is the _____ ____ to __ the ______ _______ and ______ programs.
- App_____ S_______- this _____ of _______ that ______ ____ ____-_____ task.
chapter 19: Hardware and Software
classification of software;
- System Software - this is the software needed to run the computer’s hardware and application programs.
- Application Software - this consists of programs that perform specific user-oriented task.
chapter 19: Hardware and Software
classification of software; System Software
- Op_____ S______- a set of _______- that ______ the _____ of the _____, it acts as a ____ _____ the ______ software an the _______ hardware.
chapter 19: Hardware and Software
classification of software; System Software
- Operating System - a set of programs that manages the operation of the computer, it acts as a bridge between the application software an the computers hardware.
chapter 19: Hardware and Software
classification of software; System Software
- U_____ P______ - a _____ ______ designed to ______ the ______ of the computer, performs tasks such _____ up ____, _____ _____ files, ______ and ______.
- D___ De______ - a program that will ________ a ___ _____ so that ___ that have ____ split up will be _______ and ______ _____ to each other.
chapter 19: Hardware and Software
classification of software; System Software
- Utility Programs - a system software designed to optimised the performance of the computer, performs tasks such backing up files, restoring corrupted files, compression and decompression.
- Disk Defragmenter - a program than will reorganise a hard disk so that files that have been split up will be recombined and stored next to each other.
chapter 19: Hardware and Software
classification of software; System Software
- Li______ - ___-______ _____ which can be __ when ____.
- Tr_______ - a program that _____ _____ ___ into ______ ____ which can be __ by the _______.
chapter 19: Hardware and Software
classification of software; System Software
- Libraries - ready-compiled programs which can be run when needed.
- Translators - a program that translates program code into machine code which can be run by the computer.
chapter 19: Hardware and Software
Operating Systems; function
- Me________ Ma________ - this _______ _____ _____ of ______ to ______ applications, and _______ the _______ of _____ the ____ that is being used uses.
- Vi_____ _____ is used as an _______ of ______ for when the ____ may not have _____ space.
chapter 19: Hardware and Software
Operating Systems; function
- Memory Management - this allocates specific areas of memory to different applications, and manages the amount of spaces the app that is being used uses.
- Virtual memory is used as an extension of memory for when the RAM may not have enough space.
chapter 19: Hardware and Software
Operating Systems; function
- Pr_______ Sc______ - this _______ ______ ____ to each _________ that are ____ used by the ____, _________ ______ from ________ ______ are queued up, ____ the _______ of ______ out several task __________.
chapter 19: Hardware and Software
Operating Systems; function
- Processor Scheduling - this allocates processor time to each application that are being used by the user, different process from different applications are queued up, giving the appearance of carrying out several task simultaneously.
chapter 19: Hardware and Software
Operating Systems; function
- Ba_____ store ma_______ - use to keep a ______ of where _____ are _____ so that they can be ______ ______, and also _____ which _____ of ____ are _____.
- allows the user to _____ and ______ _____ and _____ them form ________ access.
chapter 19: Hardware and Software
Operating Systems; function
- Backing store management - use to keep a directory of where files are stored so that they can be quickly accessed, and also knows which areas of storage are free.
- allows the user to move and delete files and protect them form unauthorised access.
chapter 19: Hardware and Software
Operating Systems; function
- Pe______ Ma_______ - this keeps _____ of all the ________ ____ and _____ ______ that are ______ for the user to ___ with the application, also _____ that ________ are _______ to _______ without causing _____.
chapter 19: Hardware and Software
Operating Systems; function
- Peripheral Management - this keeps track of all the different input and output devices that are available for the user to use with the application, also ensuring that peripherals are allocated to processes without causing conflict.
chapter 19: Hardware and Software
Application Software;
- Ge______-______ so_______- software that can be ___ for ___ ____ ____, such as a _____ ____, _____.
- Sp____-______ so_____ - software that ______ a ____ ____ ___ or set of ___, such as _____ ______, hotel ____ _____.
- of_-___-____ so_____- software that has _____ _____ ____ which can be _______ ___ when run.
- Bes____ so_____- this a software that has been ______ _______ to _____ particular _______.
chapter 19: Hardware and Software
Application Software;
- General-purpose software - software that can be used for many different purposes, such as graphic package, spreadsheets.
- Special-purpose software - software that performs a single specific task or set of tasks, such as accounts package, hotel booking system.
- Off-the-shelf Software - software that has already been coded which can be immediately used when run.
- Bespoke software - this a software that has been specially written to satisfy particular requirements.
chapter 21: programming language classification
- Ma____ co__ - the ________ ____ that _______ can _____, this ____ 1’s and 0’s.
- machine code is a ___-____ ________ language, because the ___ ______ how the ______ _____ carries out the _______.
- the _____ code consists of an ______ for the first _ binary digits and the ______ for the last 4.
- opc____ - this is the ______ ____, the _____ ______ to the _____.
- opr______ - the ______ _______ to be _______ on or the ______ where the _____ is ____.
chapter 21: programming language classification
- Machine code - the fundamental code that computers can understand, this binary 1’s and 0’s.
- machine code is a low-level programming language, because the code reflects how the computer actually carries out the instructions.
- the machine code consists of an opcode for the fists 4 binary digits and the operand for the last 4.
- opcode - this is the operation code, the action performed to the operand.
- operand - the actual data to be operated on or the address where the data is held.
chapter 21: programming language classification
- Ass________ ______ - this an ________ of _______ _____, allowing the _______ to be able to ______ the ___ more _____.
- the ______ was replaced by ______, giving a ______ clue of what is _____ _______ to the data.
- the _____ was replaced by a ______ number, dir_____ addressing (uses a ‘_’ to indicate that the ______ value is the _______ of the data in -______, or imm_______ addressing (the ______ number it ____ _______ that this is the ______ used).
chapter 21: programming language classification
- assembly language - this an improvement of machine code, allowing the programers to be able to understand the code more easily.
- the opcode was replaced by mnemonic, giving a good clue of what is actually happening to the data.
- the operand was replaced by a deanery number, direct addressing (uses a ‘#’ to indicate that the deanery value is the address of the data in memory, or immediate addressing (the deanery number it self indicating that this is the value used).
chapter 22: translators
- Ass______ - this _______ the ______ _______ to the ____________ ______ code, this _____ code ______ on the ______ ________.
- ______ _______ have ________ ________ set.
- the _______ for the assembler is called the _______ ___ (assembly language) the ______ of the assembler is the _____ ___ (machine code).
chapter 22: translators
- Assembler - this translates the assembly language to the corresponding machine code, this machine code depends on the computers hardware.
- different processors have different instruction set.
- the input for the assembler is called the source code (assembly language) the output of the assembler is the object code (machine code).
chapter 22: translators
- Com_______ - this ______ ___-___ _________ into _______ _____, the
_____ ____ is ____ as ___, the compiler _____ the code ______ different _____ and ____ up _____ of _______ to ______ the final _____ _____.
- ______ computers will require _______ ________, as the ______ _____ _____ will be _______-_______, meaning that the source code on a windows laptop will not work on a MacBook.
chapter 22: translators
- Compiler - this translates high-level language into machine code, the source code is input as data, the compiler scans the code performing different checks and building up tables of information to produce the final object code.
- different computers will require different compilers, as the resulting object code will be hardware-specific, meaning that the source code on a windows laptop will not work on a MacBook.
chapter 22: translators
- In______ - it ___ ___ translated a ______ ______ to an _____ _____, it instead _____ each ____ of ____ __ by ___ _______ for any ____ and then ______ the command.
- by______ - an _________ ________ which combines _______ and ________, this is then _______ by a ________ _______.
- using bytecode allows _________ _________, this means that in any computer system can ________ the _______ into the ________ ______ ____ of that particular _______.
- the bytecode can also ___ as a _______ layer of _______, as the _____ -_____ is not ____ but the ________.
chapter 22: translators
- Interpreter - it does not translated a source code to an object code, it instead scans each line of code one by one checking for any errors and then executes the command.
- bytecode - an intermediate representation which combines compiling and interpreting, this is then executed by a bytecode interpreter.
- using bytecode allows platform independence, this means that in any computer system can translated the bytecode into the corresponding machine code of that particular computer.
- the bytecode can also act as a second layer of protection, as the actual program is not run but the bytecode.
chapter 22: translators
Advantage of compilers and interpreters and their uses
- compiler;
- the ______ ______ can be ______ on the _____ ___ _____ and ___ when ever _____ _____ need to ______, however if an ____ is ____ the ____ code must be ________ again.
- the _____ _____ _____ ______ than the ________ code.
- the _____ _____ can be ________ ______ having the _____ _____.
– appropriate when the ____ _____ produced by a ______ is to be _____, since the ____ ____ is not ____ and ____ it cannot be _____.
chapter 22: translators
Advantage of compilers and interpreters and their uses
- compiler;
- the object code can be saved on the hard disk drive and run when ever needed without need to recompile, however if an error is found the whole code must be recompiled again.
- the object code executes faster than the interpreted code.
- the object code can be executed without having the compiler present.
– appropriate when the object code produced by a compiler is to be distributed, since the source code is not present and therefore it cannot be amended.
chapter 22: translators
Advantage of compilers and interpreters and their uses
- interpreter;
- useful for ________ _______, as there is no ______ for _______ each time an ____ is ______.
- it is ______ to ______ test and ______ programs,
– appropriate for ______ _______, and used in a _____ _____ to ____ students how to code.
chapter 22: translators
Advantage of compilers and interpreters and their uses
- interpreter;
- useful for programs development, as there is no need for recompiling each time an error is discovered.
- it is easier to partially test and debug programs,
– appropriate for program development, and used in a student environment to teach students how to code.