Section 3: Data representation Flashcards
Chapter 13: Number system
I______ number - Any number ______ is n_______ or p______.
N_____ number - Any _____ wh____ number.
R_____ number - Any number that can be ex_____ as a ____.
I______ number - A number that ____ be _______ as ______.
Chapter 13: Number system
integer number - Any number whether is negative or positive.
Natural number - Any positive whole number.
Rational number - Any number that can be expressed as a ratio.
Irrational number - A number that cant be represent as fraction.
Chapter 13: Number system
D_____/D____ - A _____ system that ____ the numbers from _ to _, has a ___ of __.
B____ - ______ system that ___ _’s and _’s, has a ____ of _.
Hex________ - A _____ and _____ system that ____ _ to _ and _ to _, has a ____ of __.
- the number base can be written as a sub_____ to the ______ the value in the correct number system.
- the ______ values that can be _________ using ‘n’ bits is ^ - _.
Chapter 13: Number system
Decimal/Denary - A number system that uses the numbers from 0 to 9, has a base of 10.
Binary - Number system that uses 0’s and 1’s, has a base of 2.
Hexadecimal - A number and letter system that uses 0 to 9 and A to F, has a base of 16.
- the number base can be written as a subscript to the denote the value in the correct number system.
- the maximum values that can be represented using ‘n’ bits is 2^n - 1.
Chapter 13: Number system
- to convert a denary value to a binary value, use the binary table,
|| 2 || _4 || __ || __|| 8 || _ || _ || 1 ||, a 1 is placed ____ the corr_______ numbers that when _____ together it gives the _____ value and a 0 ____ the numbers that are not needed.
Chapter 13: Number system
- to convert a denary value to a binary value, use the binary table,
|| 128 || 64 || 32 || 16 || 8 || 4 || 2 || 1 ||, a 1 is placed under the corresponding numbers that when added together it gives the denary value and a 0 under the numbers that are not needed.
convert the denary value 122 to binary.
|| 128 || 64 || 32 || 16 || 8 || 4 || 2 || 1 ||
|| 0 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 1 || 0 || 1 || 0 || = 0111010
Chapter 13: Number system
- to convert a bi___ value to hex_______, the 8 bit digit is ____into two _ bit digits using the binary table of, || 8 || 4 || 2 || 1 || on bo___ binary digits, then convert to de______ value, if its greater than __ use the _____ A to _.
Chapter 13: Number system
- to convert a binary value to hexadecimal, the 8 bit digit is split into two 4 bit digits using the binary table of, || 8 || 4 || 2 || 1 || on both binary digits, then convert to denary value, if its greater than 10 use the letters A to F.
convert 00111010 to hex.
|| 8 || 4 || 2 || 1 || || 8 || 4 || 2 || 1 ||
|| 0 || 0 || 1 || 1 || = 3 || 1 || 0 || 1 || 0 || = 10 == A
00111010 = 3A.
Chapter 13: Number system
- hexadecimal numbers are used as a ________ version of a ____ value, because it is ______ to _______ than 1’s and 0’s.
- it is also used to ______ the ___ values for representing _____.
Chapter 13: Number system
- hexadecimal numbers are used as a shorthand version of a binary value, because it is easier to remember than 1’s and 0’s.
- it is also used to represent the RGB values for representing color.
Chapter 14: Bits Bytes and Binary
- The bit is the ______ unit of ________, it can take the ____ of 1 or 0, use to _____ __ or ___.
- A ni____ is a set of _ bits and a by_____ is a set of _ bits. ‘n’ bits can represent 2^n values.
Chapter 14: Bits Bytes and Binary
- The bit is the fundamental unit of information, it can take the form of 1 or 0, use to represent on or off.
- A nibble is a set of 4 bits and a byte is a set of 8 bits. ‘n’ bits can represent 2^n values.
Chapter 14: Bits Bytes and Binary Unit nomenclature; bit - 1 or 0 nibble - 4 bits byte - 8 bits/2 nibbles kilobyte - 1000 bytes kibibyte - 1024 bytes megabyte - 1000 kilobytes mebibytes - 1024 kilobytes
Chapter 14: Bits Bytes and Binary Unit nomenclature; bit - 1 or 0 nibble - 4 bits byte - 8 bits/2 nibbles kilobyte - 1000 bytes kibibyte - 1024 bytes megabyte - 1000 kilobytes mebibytes - 1024 kilobytes
Chapter 14: Bits Bytes and Binary
The ASCII table;
- A_______ S________ C___ for I________ I_________.
uses 7 bits which can form ___ bit combination, enough to ________ all characters on an _______ alphabet.
- ___0 0000, 8 bit code indicates u____ case using (___) and then the deanery placement on the alphabet.
- __0 0000, 8 bit code indicates ____ case using (___) and then the deanery placement on the alphabet.
Chapter 14: Bits Bytes and Binary
The ASCII table;
- American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
uses 7 bits which can form 128 bit combination, enough to represent all characters on an English alphabet.
- 0100 0000, 8 bit code indicates upper case using (010) and then the deanery placement on the alphabet.
- 0110 0000, 8 bit code indicates lower case using (011) and tenth deanery placement on the alphabet.
Chapter 14: Bits Bytes and Binary
- U__ - __.
- uses 1_ bits to encode up to 6_,3 different characters.
- allows for _________ with _______ in different ________.
- however this _______ the file __ and therefore the ________ time.
Chapter 14: Bits Bytes and Binary
- UTF - 16.
- uses 16 bits to encode up to 65,536 different characters.
- allows for compatibility with codes in different languages.
- how ever this increases the file size and therefore the transmission time.
Chapter 14: Bits Bytes and Binary
Error checking; parity bit
- an ________ bit used to ____ that the other _____ transmitted are ____ to be ____.
- computers use either ____ or _____ parity bit, to make sure that the ___ number of _’s in each byte is equal to an ____ or ____ number.
- the parity bit is ____ to the ___ _____ ____, the ____ bit on the ___.
Chapter 14: Bits Bytes and Binary
Error checking; parity bit
- an additional bit used to check that the other bits transmitted are likely to be correct.
- computers use either odd or even parity bit, to make sure that the total number of 1’s in each byte is equal to an odd or even number.
- the parity bit is assigned to the most significant bit, the first bit on the left.
Chapter 14: Bits Bytes and Binary
Error checking; majority voting
- a system that _____ each ___ to be _____ _____ times.
- if ___ of the ____ bits send is _____ then the computer assumes that the _____ bit is the bit that is _____ twice.
- E.g. real bits 1001 -> trasmitted as 111000000111 -> received as 110010100111 -> repeated bits 1001.
Chapter 14: Bits Bytes and Binary
Error checking; majority voting
- a system that requires each bit to be send three times.
- if one of the three bits send is flipped then the computer assumes that the correct bit is the bit that is repeated twice.
- E.g. real bits 1001 -> trasmitted as 111000000111 -> received as 110010100111 -> repeated bits 1001.
Chapter 14: Bits Bytes and Binary
Error checking; Check digit
- uses a __ digit number with the _____ _____ being the _____ digit from ____ to ___.
- the 13 digit number can be found in IS__ (International Standard book Number) or E__ (European Article Number) and ______.
- the check digit is calculated using the _____ 10.
- the 12 digits are _____ there on ______ ‘_____’ going 1,3,1,3 to the last digit.
- the ‘______’ is them ______ by their corresponding _____.
- the results are then ____.
- then the _______ is ______ when divided by __.
- then the _____ is _______ from __, this is the check digit.
Chapter 14: Bits Bytes and Binary
Error checking; Check digit
- uses a 13 digit number with the check digit being the last digit from left to right.
- the 13 digit number can be found in ISBN (International Standard book Number) or EAN (European Article Number) and barcodes.
- the check digit is calculated using the modulo 10.
- the 12 digits are given there on individual ‘weight’ going 1,3,1,3 to the last digit.
- the ‘weight’ is them times by their corresponding digits.
- the results are then added.
- then the remainder is found when divided by 10.
- then the result is subtracted from 10, this is the check digit.
Chapter 15: Binary arithmetic and fractions Binary addition; 1. 0 + 0 = _ 2. 0 + 1 = _ 3. 1 + 0 = _ 4, 1 + 1 + = _, carry the _. 5. 1 + 1 + 1 + = _, carry the _.
Chapter 15: Binary arithmetic and fractions Binary addition; 1. 0 + 0 = 0 2. 0 + 1 = 1 3. 1 + 0 = 1 4, 1 + 1 + = 0, carry the 1. 5. 1 + 1 + 1 + = 1, carry the 1.
Chapter 15: Binary arithmetic and fractions
- when in a _____ add___ the _____ ____ is _____ than 2__, causing to have have a _ bit binary value instead of _.
Chapter 15: Binary arithmetic and fractions
- when in a binary addition the result value is greater than 255, causing to have have a 9 bit binary value instead of 8.
Chapter 15: Binary arithmetic and fractions
Binary Multiplication;
- can be ______ exactly like a ___ _______.
- 1 * 0 = = and 1 * 1 = 1.
- when the _____ is more than _ bit, a _____ is ___ when _____ with the ____ digit,
Chapter 15: Binary arithmetic and fractions
Binary Multiplication;
- can be performed exactly like a long multiplication.
- 1 * 0 = = and 1 * 1 = 1.
- when the multiplier is more than 1 bit, a space is left when starting with the next digit,
Chapter 15: Binary arithmetic and fractions
Signed and Unsigned binary;
- UN____ binary numbers can ____ represent _____ number.
- S____ binary numbers can _____ ____ ______ and _______ numbers.
- the ____ ___ bit is used as a ___ ___ to indicated whether a number is ____ _or ______ , if its a _ then the number is ______.
Chapter 15: Binary arithmetic and fractions
Signed and Unsigned binary;
- Unsigned binary numbers can only represent positive number.
- Signed binary numbers can represent both negative and positive numbers.
- the left most bit is used as a sign bit to indicated whether a number is negative or positive, if its a 1 then the number is negative.
Chapter 15: Binary arithmetic and fractions
Signed and Unsigned binary; Two’s complement
- decimal to binary, find the _____ ______ value then ____ the ___ and __ 1.
denary (-9) to signed binary number.
(+9) == 00001001
flip bits == 11110110
add 1 == 11110110 + 1
signed binary == 11110111
Chapter 15: Binary arithmetic and fractions
Signed and Unsigned binary; Two’s complement
- decimal to binary, find the positive binary value then flip the bits and add 1.
denary (-9) to signed binary number.
(+9) == 00001001
flip bits == 11110110
add 1 == 11110110 + 1
signed binary == 11110111
Chapter 15: Binary arithmetic and fractions
Signed and Unsigned binary; Two’s complement
- binary signed number to decimal, __ the ___ and __ _, result is the negative decimal number.
binary signed (11100101) to decimal.
11100101 flip -> 00011010
add 1 00011010 + 1 = 00011011
answer = (-27)
Chapter 15: Binary arithmetic and fractions
Signed and Unsigned binary; Two’s complement
- binary signed number to decimal, flip the digits and add 1, result is the negative decimal number.
binary signed (11100101) to decimal.
11100101 flip -> 00011010
add 1 00011010 + 1 = 00011011
answer = (-27)
Chapter 15: Binary arithmetic and fractions
fixed point binary;
- this is a way of _______ a ______ number using ____ .
- uses the ____ ___ but with, .|| 1/||__|| 1/ || etc, to the ____ of the ____ ____ bit.
- || _ || _ || _ || . || 1/_ || 1/_ || 1/_ ||.
Chapter 15: Binary arithmetic and fractions
fixed point binary;
- this is a way of representing a decimal number using binary.
- uses the binary table but with, .|| 1/2 || 1/4 || 1/8 || etc, to the left of the least significant bit.
- || 4 || 2 || 1 || . || 1/2 || 1/4 || 1/8 ||.
Chapter 16: image and sound representation
bitmap image;
- this is an ____ containing a ____ number of _____.
- a ___ is the ___ unit of ______ _____.
- _____ is the _____ amount of ____ an image ____ , W * H in pixels, expressed as ____ ___ inch (PPI)
- the ___ the _____ the ____ the _____ of the image but ___ file ___.
- colour ___, the ______ of ____ needed to _____ all the _____ in a ____ image.
- _____, this is ____ about ___, this can be _______ data stored with a ___ such as date created, file type.
Chapter 16: image and sound representation
bitmap image;
- this is an image containing a large number of pixels.
- a pixel is the basic unit of programable colour.
- resolution is the total amount of pixels an image contains, W * H in pixels, expressed as pixel per inch (PPI)
- the larger the resolution the better the quality of the image but larger file size.
- colour depth, the number of bits needed to represent all the colours in a bitmap image.
- metadata, this is data about data, this can be additional data stored with a file such as date created, file type.
Chapter 16: image and sound representation
vector graphics;
- ____ made up of ________ shapes, ____ ______ and _____ such as ___, _____.
- vectors have a _____ ____ ____ than ____, they will ____ _____ whereas bitmap will become _____ and vectors can be _____ and ____ ____.
Chapter 16: image and sound representation
vector graphics;
- images made up of geometric shapes, mathematical equation and objects such as lines curves.
- vectors have a smaller file size than bitmap, they will scale perfectly whereas bitmap will become pixelated and vectors can be transmitted and loaded faster.
Chapter 16: image and sound representation
- ____ rate; the _______ with which you ____ the _____ of a sound ___.
- ____ file ___; ______ ___ * ____ per ____* ____.
Chapter 16: image and sound representation
- sampling rate; the frequency with which you record the amplitude of a sound wave.
- sound file size; sampling rate * bits per sample * time.
Chapter 16: image and sound representation
- ______ signal; a ________ signal which ____ a physical _______ .
- human voice tape recorder.
- ____ signal; ____ time _____ generated by ____ _______.
- computers, CDs, DVDs, digital watch.
Chapter 16: image and sound representation
- analogue signal; a continuous signal which represents a physical measurements.
- human voice tape recorder.
- digital signal; discrete time signals generated by digital modulation.
- computers, CDs, DVDs, digital watch.
Chapter 16: image and sound representation
analogue to digital formation;
- a _______ _____ the ____ energy into _____ energy.
- the analogue converter _____ the ____ data at a given _______, by _______ the _______ of the wave at fix intervals.
- this _____- are then _______ into _____.
Chapter 16: image and sound representation
analogue to digital formation;
- a microphone converts the sound energy into electrical energy.
- the analogue converter samples the analogue data at a given frequency, by measuring the amplitude of the wave at fix intervals.
- this samples are then converted into binary.
Chapter 16: image and sound representation
______’s theorem;
- the _____ ___ must be _____ the _____ _____ in the ___ signal.
Chapter 16: image and sound representation
Nyquist’s theorem;
- the sample rate must be double the highest frequency in the original signal.
Chapter 17:
- lossy compression; when ____ is ___ as a ___ is _____ to ____ the ___ size.
- lossless compression; when __ ___ is ____ when a ___ is _______.
Chapter 17:
- lossy compression; when data is lost as a file is compressed to reduce the file size.
- lossless compression; when no data is lost when a file is compressed.
Chapter 17:
- RLE; __ _____ _____, a __ of ____ data _______ that runs on ______ with the ____ value ______ many _______ times.
Chapter 17:
- RLE; Run Length Encoding, a form of lossless data compression that runs on sequences with the same value occurring many consecutive times.
Chapter 17:
- encryption; is the _______ of ____ from one ____ to another to ____ an _____ _____ _____ to be able to ________ the data.
Chapter 17:
- encryption; is the transformation of data from one form to another to prevent an unauthorized third party to be able to understand the data.
Chapter 17:
- caeser cipher; this is a type of _______ cipher and works by ______ the _____ of the ______ along by a given ______ of ______.
- vernam cipher; __________ of ciphers known as ___ ____ pad cipher, has _____ _____.
Chapter 17:
- caeser cipher; this is a type of substitution cipher and works by shifting the letters of the alphabet along by a given number of characters.
- vernam cipher; implementation of ciphers known as one time pad cipher, has perfect security.