Section 4: Forest Management Initiatives Flashcards
What is the intent of EBM?
To maintain ecological integrity and achieve a high level of human wellbeing.
Clarify what is meant by “high level of human wellbeing” and “ecological integrity”.
A high level of wellbeing is defined as: the quality of life in communities is equal to or better than the Canadian average.
Ecological Integrity: maintained when adverse effects to ecological values and processes are minimal and unlikely to occur.
List 4 main policy objectives that support EBM
- Protecting old growth, wildlife habitat, cultural values and biodiversity in conservancies, and biodiversity, mining and tourism areas.
- Establishing EBM operating areas and LUO orders that protect important first nations cuiltural values, aquatic habitat and wildlife habitat
- support human well being through policy and initiatives designed to achieve social and economy,ic benefits for FN and residents that depend upon the area, ensuring safety and maintaining a viable forest industry
- applying an adaptive management approach to forest management.
Where does current EBM policy stem from?
The Coast Land Use Decision (CLUD) in 2006
A result of 2 overlapping LRMP’s that recommended and EBM system for their plan areas. Following completion of the LRMP’s G2G discussions finally resulted in the Coast Land Use Decision
The CLUD provided land use zoning for:
protected conservancies: 1.2 million ha added to the existing 600,000. these conservancies are reserved from industrial activities.
biodiversity areas: aka Biodiversity, mining and tourism areas, resrved another 300,000 ha from commercial timber development and hydro power development.
EBM operating areas: include the working land base which provides land base certainty for forest licensees operating in those areas
In order to implement EBM, LUO’s were established for the purposes of FRPA and forest professionals working within the context of EBM, who must:
- provide results and strategies in FSPs that are consistent with the legal land use objectives described in the LUO’s.
- Work within a new policy that engages FN at multiple levels of planning
- Apply adaptive management practices in forest development and operations where variance from legal objectives are required.
Conservancies are designated under which act?
Park Act
conservancies amended into the act in 2006
Differentiate parks vs. conservancies
conservancies maintain access for traditional FN use, allowing a wide range of low impact activities compatible with the primary objectives (cultural, recreation, biodiversity)
parks are dedicated to preservation of their natural environments for the inspiration, use and enjoyment of the public.
explain BMTA’s
Biodiversity, mining and tourism areas established for the central and north coast areas in 2009 under the environment and land use act for the purpose of maintaining biological diversity and FN uses.
BMTA’s allow some industry use such as mining and non commercial hydro power but do not allow commercial forestry.
Name the 3 EBM operating areas
- South Central Coast Order (SCCO) established in Aug 2007
- The Central and North Coast Order (CNCO) established Jan 2008
- The Haida Gwaii Land Use Objectives Order (HGLUOO) established in Dec 2010
What is the purpose of Land Use Orders?
LUOs provide additional management direction to forest licensees and FSP preparers that has not otherwise been provided under another order or enactment.
In the SCCO and CNCO, are there any exemptions for agreement holders that are not bound by the legal objectives set out in those LUO’s?
WLL’s, CFA’s, TFL 43 and a handful of small non replaceable FL’s
The SCCO and CNCO include objectives for the following cultural resources:
traditional forest resources
traditional heritage features
cultural modified trees
monumental cedar
western red cedar and yellow cedar retention
The HGLUOO includes all of the same objectives as the SCCO and CNCO along with these additional cultural objectives:
cedar stewardship areas
cultural feature identification
traditional forest features
western yew retention
What ecosystem type are minimum old forest retention targets applied to?
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