Section 2: Wildland Fire Flashcards
According to the open burning and air quality regulation, what must the ventilation index be rated at?
Must be rated “Good” on the day of initiation, and “good” or “fair” for the second day of smoke release.
After a burn has started, What if weather conditions change so that: VI becomes poorer, local winds fail to disperse smoke, or inversion forms to trap smoke near the surface
More debris must not be added to the open burning
Sec 4 of OBSCR gives director authority to….
prohibit further open burning by up to a month in a given area if in his/her opinion, the burning is causing pollution as defined in EMA.
Role of the forest professional in wildland fire management?
Operating at a time and manner that does not contribute to the start or the spread of a fire. (sec 6 of wildfire act)
Planning and scheduling harvest and silviculture activities to mitigate threat of wildfire on adjacent areas and the timber supply.
Assessing and abating fire hazards created during industrial or high risk activities (Sec 7 WA, secs 11, 12, 12.1, 12.2 Wildfire Regulation)
Having adequate emergency response plan
Overall goal of landscape fire management
create a more fire resilient landscape through coordinated planning and implementation of treatments to mitigate fire impacts on priority values.
What does fuel management refer to?
Mechanical biomass removal and site prep of forest stands in order to modify potential fire behavior.
Long term goal of the wildland fire management strategy (WFMS)
balance social, ecological and economic interests with the need to restore ecosystem resiliency in areas with a recurring fire disturbance regime.
5 steps that support WFMS strategy
- Reduce fire hazards and risks (particularly around communities and high value areas)
- Carefully use controlled burning where the benefits are clearly defined and the risks can be cost effectively managed.
- Monitor and manage rather than suppress fires of minimal risk to communities or resource values
- Implement land, natural resource and community planning that incorporates management of wildland fires at all appropriate scales.
- Develop a high level of public awareness and support for WFM.
Describe some potential benefits of fire in our ecosystems
Assists in rejuvenation of some tree and animal species,
reduces the risk of insects and disease,
removes dangerous accumulations of vegetation
In 2004, the Canadian council of forest ministers (CCFM) agreed that a new risk management based approach to WFM. What key elements compose the new approach?
Public education
national firesmart program
fuel management through strategic fire use
investment in training infrastructure and technology
What is the key objective of the wildfire act?
clearly define the specific responsibilities of all users of forest and grass lands with respect to WFM, including fire use, prevention, control operations and rehabilitation.
What is the purpose of the wildfire regulation?
Provides interpretation, prescribes fire prevention and control responsibilities, provides direction for use of fire. Also includes exemptions and prescribed criteria for cost recovery and remedies.
WA and regulation applies to:
Crown land including provincial parks and protected areas
private lands that are not regulated by local government bylaws with respect to use of open fire
All industrial ops including forestry, utility transmission, mining and railway ops.
WR secs 16 and 17 define requirement for both industry and gov tp REHABILITATE areas affected by wildfire control activities. Define rehabilitate as its intended by the WR
Requirement to conduct a fire hazard assessment, prepare a site rehabilitation plan and implement the measure identified in the plan.
Rehabilitation also applies to temporary access roads, fuel/fire breaks and the associated structures, land disturbance and forest harvesting required to accommodate these activities. When these tool are utilized it is a requirement that the affected areas be rehab’d in order to:
stabilize and revegetate soil disturbed or exposed by heavy equipment
stabilize stream channels and stream beds at crossings
stabilize sump and dam locations for the purposes of fire control to prevent long term environmental impacts the the affected areas or areas downslope of fire.