Section 4 Flashcards
3 structures involved in an anterior dislocation ?
Anterior glenoid labrum and anterior capsule
Coracoacromial ligament blocks what motion?
Superior translation
Counterforce braces are worn for ?
Tennis elbow and placed on the wrist extensor muscles bulk which is just distal to the lateral epicondyle
What condition is characterized by retro patellar knee pain and softening of the cartilage on the posterior aspect of the patella
Chondromalacia patellae
What is a metabolic bone disease that is characterized by impaired bone mineralization and manifested by progressive, generalized bone pain and pseudo fractures. It is not specific to the posterior aspect of the patella
What technique should be used for a copd pt with a weak wet cough ?
Huffing helps stabilize collapsible airways present with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Fracture of the wrist caused by fall on outstretched hand with resultant hyperextension of the wrist and classically there is pain in the anatomical snuffbox
Scaphoid fracture
Burning pain between the metatarsals associated with weight bearing pressure is consistent with ?
Morton neuroma
What is ideal ergonomic position of the elbows and monitor?
Elbows bent to 90, top of the screen even with top of the forehead and 16-22 inches away, front edge of chair 2-3 fingers widths from popliteal crease, hip flexed to 90, shoulders relaxed with arms to side
Sciatic nerve distribution
Knee flexion, and all muscles of the lower leg and foot… Including tib anterior
PT observes a leg length discrepancy, which of the following gait deviation is most likely ?
Increase df of long leg at heel off during terminal stance, and increased plantarflexion of short limb during stance (lengthen leg)
Best option for a PT to determine impact of pain of the lifestyle and functioning of a pt with chronic pain?
Administer a standardized disability questionnaire because only pt knows the impact on their life
Pt with a complete t10 spinal cord injury in order to achieve stability while standing with crutches the pt need to ?
Shoulders posterior to hips so that they can hang on the y ligaments
Ankles at 5-10 degrees of df using afo
What is used to manage acute and prophylactic stable angina?
Hypertension medication
Beta blockers, alpha blockers, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, diuretics, vasodilator so, or calcium channel blockers
Oral control could be a factor in respiratory infections in pediatric pts because
Poor feeding is associated with weak suck, poor coordination of swallowing mechanism, and hypo active gag reflex
Which of the following effects of long term use of corticosteroids is most likely to delay wound healing?
Inhibition of inflammatory proteins
What is a metabolic disorder of purine metabolism resulting in an accumulation of the by product, Uric acid.
What causes decreased bp, skin turgor, tachycardia
Better retention is achieved if pt practices tasks in want order ?
What causes tender eruptions in a dermatomal distribution that are not oozing or itching?
Herpes zoster
Push-up plus strengthens the serratus anterior which is innervated by ____ ?
Long thoracic nerve
What is the best indicator of prostate cancer?
High prostate specific antigen level
Principle 7d of the code of ethics states that
PTs shall fully disclose financial interests in products or services recommended to patients
Pt has ac joint arthritis will likely have the greatest amount of discomfort when performing which of the following tasks?
Reaching across the body to scratch the back of the opposite shoulder
Venous insufficiency ulcers frequently are proximal to?
The medial malleolus